
Gerald turns around to Matias and explains the situation
Gerald: “In my world, a fictitious iteration of the Brotherhood of Nod existed in a video game series known as Command & Conquer. They’re this shadowy organisation that supposedly existed since before 1800 BC. They infiltrated society, induced riots, recruited the downtrodden via manipulated messaging and were an underground superpower for the most part…and then it came, in 1995. A green crystal substance, known as Tiberium, came from a meteor that crash landed in the Tiber River, Italy and was officially named as such. The Brotherhood knew more about this crystal than the rest of the world did and they took a great initial advantage in their first war”
He took a a blank piece of paper and quill from nearby and started making a rough outline of a person
Gerald: “Which of course leads me into my next subject: why are they so dangerous? Well, while the rest of the world wanted Tiberium to be removed, due to it horrifically contaminating the environment, the Brotherhood saw it differently: they put an emphasis on using Tiberium to “improve humans” biologically and technologically as much as possible, whether it is for military or industrial use. The general prevailing belief in the Brotherhood is that Tiberium exists as an extraordinary tool to be utilized, unlike the rest of the world who only saw it as a biohazard and plague to Earth’s ecosystem that threatens all natural life”
He took a breath as he tried to make some details out on the face
Gerald: “During the first war, they held a great advantage in Tiberium based information, using it to start projects that were considered fantasies to the rest of society. One of them included a program to forcibly evolve humans using Tiberium known as Project ReGenesis. Other research programs included access to Laser and Stealth technology, giving them access to tall and terrifying towers of death known as Obelisks of Light, along with invisible mobile vehicles known as Stealth Tanks. They were also under development for a Military Artificial Intelligence known as CABAL; ‘Computer Assisted Biologically Augmented Lifeform’ after reverse engineering it from stolen AI software known as Electronic Video Agents”
He soon had a drawn face of the man who led the Brotherhood and lied it upon a table for Matias, Whistler & Twilight to see
Gerald: “And this is their leader, Kane. His exact origin is unknown but he claimed to have been present on Earth for an exceptionally long period of time, not having aged a day in his appearance. Some even considered him the Biblical Cain, cursed to a life of toil and wandering. He’s rallied people around him, the Brotherhood, to accomplish his goals at the expense of everything and everyone else. He believes that Tiberium would bring humanity ‘ascension’”
Gerald looks to Twilight with a grimacing face
Gerald: “And there’s one thing that makes this man unique…he can never die. No matter how one kills him, he comes back. A day later or several years, he always returns. This man haunted the world for many wars after the first in 1995…and if he’s here, you best be on high alert for him…because if he’s here, your world is in severe danger”

Shelly speaks to Bubbles in an annoyed tone. Not at her but at a certain robot plant hybrid
Shelly: <<Because I didn’t need ‘saving’. Whoever that pegasus was didn’t know or care about my biology, falls like this would not be lethal to an Inkling like me. I was fine when I hit the ground, confused by the whole situation but fine…then I was violently grabbed by him, pulling me all the way back up when I could’ve just walked back to the entrance and come back in to inform either of you>>
She looks to Plant Man
Shelly: <<Better tell him in future that heights are not a danger to me so he can’t just do that again. It frightened and disgusted me!>>
She walks off in a bad mood, wanting to find a dormitory to calm down

Matias: I listened to what Gerald said and was surprised by the huge amount of information “Man, this is a lot to take in. So, this amoral Brotherhood is led by an immortal and amoral being who wants to use this green crystal, that causes an environmental plague to a planet, to ‘ascend’ above the lower beings?” I took a minute to process that info “…and I thought HIM was bad enough…”

Bubbles: “Shelly, wait! Come back!” Watches her walk off before turning to Plant Man “I’m sorry, mister Plant Man, but she seems to be upset at you right now. She felt like she didn’t need saving in this case”
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Shiny Bug
Plant Man frowned. “Well, how was I supposed to know that? I am an expert in plant biology from my own world, and she is a creature of a type I have never encountered in my own or this strange land.” He looked upon the horizon. What other surprise was going to be foisted upon them?

Thunder crackled and shook the sky as rain poured like spilt blood. Most griffons remained indoors, but one was undeterred. The figure, covered by a brown cloak, made their way through Griffonstone. Within their cloak, an item most predacious hidden inside a satchel.
Upon their waistband, hooked a cylindrical object…
The griffon continued towards the docks, and will find her way to Equestria.
Lunar Supporter - Helped forge New Lunar Republic's freedom in the face of the Solar Empire's oppressive tyrannical regime (April Fools 2023).
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Thread Starter - Emergency: Equestria. (potentially NSFW)
The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

loves a Demon
WHistler: “the good news would be, that particular green gem is NOT on this world, meaning he will have to settle for old fashioned ways to cause problems… it’s not a lot of good news but it is important.”
he then looks over his research notes.
“I honestly hoped to never put on the officer’s cap again, but this is, over a few corners, my responsibility.”
Twilight: “you are the only one here that knows the details of fighting them, no offense Gerald but if i heard right in your iteration it was but a simulation?”
Lunar Supporter - Helped forge New Lunar Republic's freedom in the face of the Solar Empire's oppressive tyrannical regime (April Fools 2023).
My Little Pony - 1992 Edition
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Thread Starter - Emergency: Equestria. (potentially NSFW)
The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

loves a Demon
Vigil: “you have done nothing wrong at all plant man, Shelly has had a rough day… and i get the distinct impression her kind are… not very mature… not unkind, not judgemental… but certainly more prone to outbursts.”

Gerald: “Not so much a simulation but more of an interactive entertainment package as it were. I know it sounds hard to believe, Twilight, but I recall something Whistler mentioned to me several months back, that ‘fiction’ as we know it is but a window to another reality or something along those lines. So if my iteration existed as an interactive entertainment package, chances are good that it was real somewhere in the multiverse…and now they’re here in your world, which is bad news indeed”
Gerald rolled up the paper containing the drawing of Kane
Gerald: “I know alot about the details cause, as a teenager, I was fascinated about the C&C series, I looked up loads of info on them. Their history, their roles, their technology, etc”
He put the paper over to one side and looked over to Whistler with a grim expression
Gerald: “And never say never, Whistler. Remember, you thought I was crazy with my ‘imaginary’ voice in my head until the details were revealed. We never thought an evil reality warper like HIM would come to this place yet here he was and no doubt that’s alerted every damn faction on this world to the dangers that can come about, including the Brotherhood themselves. Watch the skies…cause if Nod’s here, chances are that ‘green gem’ will come around sooner or later…time will tell as they say”

Shelly walked down several corridors, looking to find a room that was quiet and distant from the others. As she soon as she was out of sight of the others, she made a short rant
Shelly: <<He should’ve known that I’m not a normal pony, that I’m not some helpless little thing that needs to be saved all the time and…>>
She sighed to herself
Shelly: <<I’m not going to think straight like this, I need to find something to calm my nerves>>
???: “You!”
Shelly stopped in her tracks and heard something. It sounded like one of those ponies from earlier but the voice, even untranslated, didn’t sound like the others she encountered. She turned to see an injured pegasus, dressed in some sort of royal armor that’s been cracked in places
???: “You! I need…help. Get me to the Princess…hurry!”
The pony collapsed on the ground. Shelly rushed over to the injured pegasus and checked their pulse. She sighed with relief as they only passed out. She then looked concerned at the state of the pegasus, it looked like they’d been in a fight but with who?
Shelly: <<I’ve got to tell the others>>
She turned around and shouted down the corridors, hoping that someone will hear her cries for assistance

Bubbles: Hears cries for help via super hearing “Vigil, Plant Man, Shelly’s found someone, this way!” Zip “No doubt my sisters would’ve heard that too”

Matias: “Something I don’t quite understand though is how you know about the Brotherhood, Whistler? Didn’t you come from a dimension where Futuretech was the global news?”

Bubbles: Zip “I’m here, Shelly!” Sees unconscious pegasus and gasps “Oh the poor thing!”
Blossom: Zip “I heard a call for help!”
Buttercup: Zip “Another stinking bad guy did this?”
Bubbles: “No idea but we’ll find out. Shelly, what happened here?”
Lunar Supporter - Helped forge New Lunar Republic's freedom in the face of the Solar Empire's oppressive tyrannical regime (April Fools 2023).
My Little Pony - 1992 Edition
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Thread Starter - Emergency: Equestria. (potentially NSFW)
The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

loves a Demon
Whistler: “i recognized that face from old espionage photographies, he was an essential advisor to the soviets back home, no doubt he siphoned off materials and underlings from any government he charmed back then. no clue why he hasn’t made a move back home, but i’m sure he’s just biding his time.”
(point of divergence being that RA1 is in fact canon to the tiberiumverse.)
“Anyways, the alert is going out, if they act this boldly they’ll reveal themselves soon.”

Gerald watches them gallop out of the lab before turning to Matias
Gerald: “And the distress calls continue. COME ON MATIAS!”
He gallops off, following after Whistler and Twilight

Shelly: <<Oh thank goodness you’re here. I was just about to head into a dormitory when this injured pegasus came up to me and asked something in a concerned tone. I don’t know what they actually said cause, well, translation issues but it must be something important>>
She gets up and opens a nearby door
Shelly: <<Help me put her on the bed in this room>>

Matias: I watch them all gallop off “No rest for the heroes it seems…” I followed on after them

Bubbles: “We’ve got to help her put this pony on a bed”
Blossom: “Right. Buttercup, lift them from one side. Bubbles, lift the other. I’ll keep the central part balanced”
Buttercup: “We have super strength, though. Can’t we just lift them in with only one of us?”
Bubbles: “They’ve suffered great injuries, Buttercup! If we don’t keep the body level as we take them in, we might break something inside them internally”
Blossom: “Bubbles is right. We’ve got to take this slowly, no sudden movements”
Buttercup: “Ok” Takes up position
Bubbles: “Ready here”
Blossom: “On my signal, we all lift at once”
Bubbles & Buttercup: Nods
Blossom: “Ready…now” Pegasus is slowly lifted at balanced level “Okay, now lets get them inside the dormitory” Floats past door into room “Lets get them onto the bed”
Bubbles: Gently lowers one end onto bed “Done”
Buttercup: Gently lowers other end “Done here”
Blossom: Lowers central body onto bed “Okay, we’re good”

OOC: Should’ve made it more clear on my end. It’s meant to be one of Twilight’s guards that were with her when they arrived at the old castle in the Everfree.
The Royal Guards landed in the castle courtyard, the entrance-way and the outer perimeter, keeping an eye out for any further intruders
Thunder Force (Scorch): “Looks like that flare did the job”
Night Hunter (Boss): “It was fortunate it didn’t get lost in the red mist…”

Whistler: “what happened before and the nature of HIM would suggest it’s loosely similar to what nightmare moon could do, when at full power. there is precious little we can do without violating the sanctity of his own mind.”
Twilight: “i believe you have gone above and beyond what you were made for today plant man, Whistler will see you back on your own feet shortly. in the meantime, captain Jaspis and her unit will see about placing stronger wards here we all should head back, in fact, please gather around me.”
OOC: This one to be exact

Gerald catches up as Whistler and Twilight say something about a pony on a bed. He decides to get a closer look
Gerald: “No offense you two but are you sure sleep deprivation hasn’t hit you yet? That looks like a royal guard outfit to me”
Shelly speaks up to Vigil
Shelly: <<I saw them coming down that corridor. Even though I couldn’t understand the language, they sounded concerned. They must be trying to speak with someone, most likely the one with high authority>>
Lunar Supporter - Helped forge New Lunar Republic's freedom in the face of the Solar Empire's oppressive tyrannical regime (April Fools 2023).
My Little Pony - 1992 Edition
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Thread Starter - Emergency: Equestria. (potentially NSFW)
The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

loves a Demon
Whistler: “now that you say it, it’s ne of the spectrum suits, so rare to see them actually visible… wait this is one of Jaspis’”
he looks the guard over.
“superficial injuries largely, likely from having to beat a hasty retreat… Twilight if you would?”
her horn begins to glow as the injuries of the guard mend themselves.
Lunar Supporter - Helped forge New Lunar Republic's freedom in the face of the Solar Empire's oppressive tyrannical regime (April Fools 2023).
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Shiny Bug
Not feeling that he would be able to help in this situation, and also not wanting to upset the… Octohorse(?) any further, Plant Man settles with taking a moment to commune with the Castle. He could feel its connection to the Tree of Harmony, and so he gave it a bit of his own energy as an apology for the damage he had caused in his apparently ill-advised rescue.
For now, he simply put his systems back into sleep mode.

Matias: I followed on behind Gerald and heard what he and Whistler said. While Twilight was healing the guard up, I spoke to Whistler “Spectrum suit? I don’t recall them wearing it last time we saw them in the old castle courtyard, they just looked like normal guard outfits…well, unless the ‘joke’ you’re gonna tell me was they were wearing it the whole time and they just had a royal guard disguise switch on their outfits?”

Bubbles: Watches him walk off and looks sad “Poor Plant Man…”
Blossom: “What’s wrong with him?”
Bubbles: “It’s not him, specifically. While you two were patrolling the castle, Shelly got upset at Plant Man and stormed off”
Buttercup: “Over what?! Her life being saved?!”
Bubbles: “That’s the thing, she felt like she didn’t need saving at that point”

Shelly watched Plant Man walk off, feeling slightly guilty about what she did earlier now that her anger had subsided
Shelly: <<I didn’t need his help…but…>>
She sighed and walked out of the dormitory to find another one
Shelly: <<I need some time to think to myself>>

Gerald: “I’m guessing this was around the time I was unconscious? All I remember is that HIM was attacking the tree’s shield and then I fainted before ending up here in Twilight’s castle. Still don’t know what that was about. Stranaii, you knew why I fainted?”
No head twitch occurred
Gerald: “Must be still grieving about his loss inside my head. I’ll have to find out about that later. Right now, lets see what this guard’s got to say?”
As the injuries were healing, the eyes of the unconscious pegasus began to open
???: “What? …I…”
They see that Princess Twilight had healed them and made a salute with their hoof
???: “Crimson Vision reporting for debriefing, your highness”
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