PM me your cute OCs
Someone requested that there be a stickied thread for looking for RP partners and/or discussing ideas for new RPs before starting them. So here you go!
Please note that Derpibooru's staff generally maintains a "hands off" approach to moderating this forum, so I'm not gonna tell you some specific way to use this thread. Ya'll know this stuff better than I do, so just use however you see best.
~(Also, I'm not gonna be paying attention to this thread, so PM me if something needs to be changed)~
~^(Also, if this thread somehow gets to 100 pages, please let me know so I can give myself a badge for it :P)^~
Please note that Derpibooru's staff generally maintains a "hands off" approach to moderating this forum, so I'm not gonna tell you some specific way to use this thread. Ya'll know this stuff better than I do, so just use however you see best.
~(Also, I'm not gonna be paying attention to this thread, so PM me if something needs to be changed)~
~^(Also, if this thread somehow gets to 100 pages, please let me know so I can give myself a badge for it :P)^~