
Boz: Yeah. Well if even humans can be, I guess we should expect some Equestrian to. Anyway, since Fancypant called I gave a shot as asking where his items could be. I even had the chance to ask a diamond dog(Jak behind the scene) who had very close contact with how stolen stuff are processed in Arlon(closest underground town from Manehattan) but to no results. According to him, the door was shut tight the whole time and nothing could have crossed it. Still you can definitely get yourself a team here if you think you need help.
Boz: Yeah. Well if even humans can be, I guess we should expect some Equestrian to. Anyway, since Fancypant called I gave a shot as asking where his items could be. I even had the chance to ask a diamond dog(Jak behind the scene) who had very close contact with how stolen stuff are processed in Arlon(closest underground town from Manehattan) but to no results. According to him, the door was shut tight the whole time and nothing could have crossed it. Still you can definitely get yourself a team here if you think you need help.