Some interesting potion[NSFW]

Ultimate Background Pony

Rainbow got scared. A sure fire way to get herself free was just about to leave
No, wait! Don’t leave! We’ll do ANYTHING! PLEASE!
Rainbow begged Discord not to leave and to reconsider his offer
Solar's Wrath
Artist -

Boobs/Snake Goddess
Twilight was smelling something fishy but she was incapacitated by the pain. Discord on his side came back and sit on the bed next to them
I also noticed how your ameliorated yourself Rainbow Dash
He said smiling poking her breast as she was sitting while Twilight was down
I could help you out and I will. Since now know fully how our Friendship is important but… Even though I am willing to use my magic to help my friends, It wont be without a compromise.
He might be more willing to be friend with them but he was still Discord so his help with his godlike magic have condition and downside
Ultimate Background Pony

((That’s weird, I posted a reply. Well, my computer must have derped out, let me put it in again))
Rainbow was desperate for freedom
I don’t care what your “conditions” are, Discord, FREE US!
Rainbow was willing to do just about anything for her pussy back
Solar's Wrath
Artist -

Boobs/Snake Goddess
((^^’ must have been derpi who ate it ^^’))
Discord smiled and then snaps his finger. Their shared dick became vagina’s again. Twilight didn’t felt the pain anymore so she straight up sitting in front of Rainbow Dash but suddenly they were pulled together by their breast which merged together to leave only two large breast instead of four between them
Enjoy your little gift my little ponies
He laughed and then disappeared. Twilight became furious and shook her fist
She yelled now that their breast were now one, no more nipples to suck on
Solar's Wrath
Artist -

Boobs/Snake Goddess
Twilight was ok with how they were joined earlier but this was unacceptable. They wouldn’t be able to have sex anymore, no more breast suckling and what can you do with two vagina that can just be a bit pressed against each other. She started to push Rainbow Dash away, trying to separate them manually but it just stretched their breast between them and smack them back together
Uuuugh!!! Discord get back here!!!
She yelled angrily. Their shared breast squished back between them
Ultimate Background Pony

Rainbow was furious. It was absolutely unacceptable for her to share a boob with Twilight. She wanted her own to play with, not 2 to share
Rainbow furiously yelled
Solar's Wrath
Artist -

Boobs/Snake Goddess
Twilight tried to pull their breast apart with her magic and her hands, grabbing each side and pulling but it was just giving pain but suddenly Discord reappeared
Twilight yelled at him but then he said as he’s an happy mood
Twilight, this is no way to talk to a friend!
She said happily with a smile
Ultimate Background Pony

Rainbow knew Discord was a twisted fuck. If she wanted to be free, she had to play his game
Were sorry, Discord Rainbow said with big, sad eyes Can you please fix us? We’ll be eternally grateful!
Said Rainbow, hoping to have finally warmed up to him
Solar's Wrath
Artist -

Boobs/Snake Goddess
Twilight was surprised that Rainbow Dash was the one playing his game since she’s the one that hate him the most. Discord was indeed playing around with them so she lean forward and wrap his body around them and poke their shared breast
Well… here’s the thing… I don’t know what you both did but the way you are joined magically can’t be undone by me. I can change how you two are physically joined but I cannot separate you two. Whatever magic you girls used, Its quite powerful
He explained them, he wasn’t laying. He could really not undo the joinment but like he said he can move it. This started to make Twilight wonder about just how strong this magic was
Ultimate Background Pony

Rainbow thought of something
If you can move it, MOVE IT TO OUR HAIR! We can just cut it off!
Rainbow didn’t care how powerful the magic was, nor did she have an interest in learning about it
Solar's Wrath
Artist -

Boobs/Snake Goddess
Twilight face palmed and then said to Rainbow Dash
Its not that easy. If the magic that join us is strong enough that he can’t undo it, it mean that we can’t cut our hair if its joined. It also mean that we wouldn’t be able to inflict any damage to our breast or even get a surgery to get separated. Basically the magic protect the joinment.
Discord nodded
Yes but like I said I can modify it as much as I want
He snaps his finger and their breast unjoined but now Twilight’s long unicorn tail was joined to Rainbow’s tail. So now they were joined by a 2 meters long tail that only had fur and now mane like hair
So I propose you that you simply ask me how you want to be joined and I’ll do it and then you girls can search for a way to undo that magic
He said giving Rainbow Dash some boobies grope
I must say Rainbow Dash you look much better without your flat pegasus chest. Unicorn chest suit you much better
He giggles. Basically almost every Pegasus mare are as flat as guys for aerodynamic flight while Unicorn have the largest due to mostly lack of exercise since they aren’t really physical kind of ponies and just went on a more maternal path then the three tribes while the Earth ponies are in the middle
Ultimate Background Pony

Rainbow blushed as Discord continued to grope her boobies  
Hey, knock it off! I’ve had enough groping for one day!  
She grabbed his hands and threw them off her boobs
Look, just fuse us in a way for us to be able to go down town and look for some help. Maybe fuse us by our hands or something?
Solar's Wrath
Artist -

Boobs/Snake Goddess
Twilight giggles as Rainbow was being fondled by Discord. His hands were moved off so he just lay next to them and he snapped his finger and now they were joined by the hand, shaking one. Twilight though really didn’t liked this one
Rainbow That way to be joined is worst, I like to have my own hand… The tail joinment was the best I think… Can you join us back by the tail and give us a long enough tail, like 5 meters maybe.
Discord think about it then simply said
2 meters is the further i’ll go.
He said with a smile as his hands sneak on Rainbow to her breast, his head weren’t on his arms anymore and moving on their own
Solar's Wrath
Artist -

Boobs/Snake Goddess
Discord’s hand just goes back to her breast, crawling on her and goes back to groping her. Discord had joined them back by the tail while Twilight just laugh
Oh sorry my hands are a bit inappropriate, those little friends of mine seems to prefer yours.
He giggles as his hands just keep groping her
Solar's Wrath
Artist -

Boobs/Snake Goddess
Discord then simply said getting his hands back
Well now you are joined by the tail so it shouldn’t be really hard, and its long enough to give you girls some free space and also allow you to cloth up. This way to be joined is probably the best way for you two at the moment
He explained them nicely
Trust me on this one Rainbow, I’m not messing with you. Sure I do like to mess with ponies against themselves but… Twilight told me that if I at least after simply fix what I did or make it up then it would be better and both get what they want
He said smiling as he get off the bed. Twilight was proud of him that he learned about this
Thanks for your help Discord
He said smiling and he just disappeared
Solar's Wrath
Artist -

Boobs/Snake Goddess
Rainbow Dash was at the other side of the bed and about to get up when Twilight just grabbed their shared tail and pull it toward her to get Rainbow back to her
Where do you think you are going?
She asked her with a large smile and groping her breast
Ultimate Background Pony

Rainbow was surprised that Twilight was even still in the mood
Uh, to get dressed?
Why, what did you have in mind?
She moaned and twitched when Twilight began groping her tits. Oh, THIS again! OK!
Solar's Wrath
Artist -

Boobs/Snake Goddess
Twilight smiled and let go their tail that started wagging around a bit and so pulling a bit on Rainbow’s. She keep groping her and said
We aren’t on a hurry, we can tell them later.
She said kissing her in her neck as she fondle her breast
Ultimate Background Pony

Rainbow agreed  
Yeah, were already stuck, might as well enjoy it.
Rainbow closed her eyes and moaned when Twilight began kissing her neck. She then grabbed on to one of her breasts to hold on tit for comfort
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