Solar's Wrath 
Boobs/Snake Goddess
Twilight was smelling something fishy but she was incapacitated by the pain. Discord on his side came back and sit on the bed next to them
I also noticed how your ameliorated yourself Rainbow Dash
He said smiling poking her breast as she was sitting while Twilight was down
I could help you out and I will. Since now know fully how our Friendship is important but… Even though I am willing to use my magic to help my friends, It wont be without a compromise.
He might be more willing to be friend with them but he was still Discord so his help with his godlike magic have condition and downside
I also noticed how your ameliorated yourself Rainbow Dash
He said smiling poking her breast as she was sitting while Twilight was down
I could help you out and I will. Since now know fully how our Friendship is important but… Even though I am willing to use my magic to help my friends, It wont be without a compromise.
He might be more willing to be friend with them but he was still Discord so his help with his godlike magic have condition and downside