Some interesting potion[NSFW]

Ultimate Background Pony

((If you wan’t an actual story to it, maybe our characters should have dialogue, so they can talk to each other a little bit before going at it again, if not all I can make Rainbow do is try to get Twilight’s attention again))
Solar's Wrath
Artist -

Boobs/Snake Goddess
((There is much more then just trying to get Twi’s attention and you don’t need to have your character being able to talk to have a story… In all good story, character face difficult moment and this one is one of them, that’s all ^^’))
Solar's Wrath
Artist -

Boobs/Snake Goddess
((Well you could introduce a second character, it doesn’t need to be someone else that play that character… Just try something dude, it won’t be solved by out of character post XD))
Ultimate Background Pony

((Alright, let’s introduce someone new))
Rarity uses a magic pair of wings to fly up to Rainbow Dash’s house, as she was expecting Twilight to arrive at her home a while ago to model a new dress. She knew Twilight would be there trying to help whatever was wrong with Rainbow, but it was taking a suspiciously long time
Twilight, darling? How’s Rainbow holding up?
She sees the 2 of them tangled up with each other in bed. She blushes and yells out
Solar's Wrath
Artist -

Boobs/Snake Goddess
((This bring some question. How is Rarity able to do that, how does she know or even think Rainbow have a problem and how does she know that Twilight is even there…))
Ultimate Background Pony

((Simple, she used a levitation power as well as enchanted her feet so she wouldn’t fall through the cloud. Second, before Twilight went over to Rainbow’s house, Rarity called her and asked if she could model a new dress she was working on. Twilight replied by saying sure, but she would have to check up on Rainbow Dash, because she noticed she was acting funny, before going over to her house to model the dress, after a few hours, Rarity began getting worried that Twilight wouldn’t answer her phone, so she thought of checking at her house, but no one was there, so the only other explanation would be to check at rainbows house))
Solar's Wrath
Artist -

Boobs/Snake Goddess
((Rarity isn’t good enough to do the walking cloud spell and also there is no such thing as self levitation. Also that scenario of Twilight checking on RD does seem stretched though but she did went to her house but I don’t accept Rarity being able to be there or else every Unicorn could just be flying in the sky and all along with even taking over Pegasus’s jobs))
Solar's Wrath
Artist -

Boobs/Snake Goddess
((You can do much more then just trying to get her attention as Rainbow Dash but yeah if you want to just goes back to her then do it ^^))
Solar's Wrath
Artist -

Boobs/Snake Goddess
Twilight get slapped a few time but it didn’t do anything, she had passed out at this point, she had no reaction from the butt slapping either but her horn seems to still be active, glowing a bit and still letting our sparks of magic as Rainbow keep masturbating it
((You know Rainbow is strong, she can push Twilight around, RD is also a bit dumb so she can try kind of stupid ideas like getting herself free manually… why do i have to tell these >.<))
Ultimate Background Pony

((Let’s continue this in about an hour from now, I just got a call from my job to go somewhere. It won’t take me long. Please don’t leave, I’m having a fun time trying to find a way out of this predicament XD, ok?))
Ultimate Background Pony

Suddenly, rainbow had an idea. She managed to pick herself up and thew Twilight around the room. She completely forgot that they were still conjoined and plummeted to the floor along with her. What followed was a comedic montage of ways Rainbow tried to free herself, including rubbing butter on the side of Twilight’s mouth as well as her own boob to slide it out, but it didn’t work, using a crowbar to try to pry the boob off her, but that only ended in a bruised face, and using a megaphone to scare her awake, but that only managed to shatter her glass figurine of the wonderbolts logo. Just when she was about to give up, she remembered that Twilight used magic to fuse her mouth on the nipple. With no hope left, she began jacking her horn of with the speed similar to a sonic rainboom. She aimed the sparkling horn on a broken mirror, hoping that the resulting blast would free her from her jiggly trap
Ultimate Background Pony

((Let me fix that))
Suddenly, Rainbow had an idea. She managed to pick herself up and thew Twilight around the room. She completely forgot that they were still conjoined and plummeted to the floor along with her. What followed was a comedic montage of ways Rainbow tried to free herself, including rubbing butter on the side of her own mouth as well as her own boob to slide it out, but it didn’t work, using a crowbar to try to pry the boob off her, but that only ended in a bruised face, and using a megaphone to scare Twilight awake, but that only managed to shatter her glass figurine of the wonderbolts logo. Just when Rainbow was about to give up, she remembered that Twilight used magic to fuse her mouth to the nipple. With no hope left, she began jacking her horn off with the speed similar to a sonic rainboom. She aimed the sparkling horn on a broken mirror, hoping that the resulting blast would free her from her jiggly trap
Solar's Wrath
Artist -

Boobs/Snake Goddess
((Let me fix that))
rubbing butter on the side of her own mouth as well as her own boob to slide it out
((Forgot to change the boob part but anyway i’ll post now ^^’))
Rainbow Dash got up and threw twilight away from her on the floor but she was quickly dragged along to the floor with her as her mouth and Twilight’s boob stretched then snapped back together. Once on the floor, Rainbow just got up and tried all sort of things while the dildo was still rocking in and out from their pussies. Rainbow Tried many things but nothing worked so far. She was determinated so she took Twilight to make her face a mirror while jerking off her horn really fast which activated the magic and shot it at the mirror. The magic bounced off and then hit them. Unfortunately it didn’t do what Rainbow wanted. The spell made the dildo become a real penis for them so they both of them now had a penis replacing their vagina but since it was a double sided dildo, now they were conjoined by their penis. Twilight was still passed out though and it didn’t seem that she was about to wake up anytime soon
((I’m so cruel XD))
Ultimate Background Pony

((This went from a sexy little adventure to nightmare VERY quickly))
Rainbow suddenly felt terrified as now her joy turned into a nightmare. She started rubbing Twilight’s horn again, hoping to get a different result, as she couldn’t live the rest of her life being stuck by both boob and penis
Solar's Wrath
Artist -

Boobs/Snake Goddess
((XD didn’t thought you would think that… I’ll find something that doesn’t just get rid of the problem but at least help a bit))
Rainbow Dash was kinda freaking out at the moment since Twilight was pretty much unconscious at the moment and she wasn’t really liking how things turned out. She started to jerk off Twilight’s horn again and the magic unmerged her mouth from Twilight’s breast but nothing more then that. after that, her horn’s magic faded out. Twilight was short in magic now. It was also really late and Rainbow Herself started to get tired. She was holding Twilight up so she doesn’t fall but they were still joined by their new penis
((Sorry I really like conjoinment XD))
Ultimate Background Pony

((I can tell you like it >:D))
Ppphhh, gasp AH, gasp FINALLY! Rainbow yelled as she could finally breath again  
Oh man! What the fuck have you done to me Twi!? She yelled out loud to no one Oh god, I have practice with Spitfire in the morning! She CAN’T see me like this! Rainbow tried desperately to get Twilight’s horn to work again, but no luck
Solar's Wrath
Artist -

Boobs/Snake Goddess
Twilight actually didn’t do anything to Rainbow Dash. She is even lucky that she managed to undo the first mishap without even being a Unicorn herself and using an unconscious unicorn’s magic. This could have been much more worst but Twilight’s body started to be a bit heavy to hold with one head to jerk her horn off and letting her go would just force her down by her new shared penis. No magic happened this time, Twilight was out of magic. Rainbow Dash also felt really weird to now have a penis. She always had thought about how it would be but now that she had one, she was a bit weirded out by it. She might not be the girliest mare but having a penis was feeling really off for her
Ultimate Background Pony

((Oh, boy. How will I get out of this one?))
Rainbow knew she was fucked, Twilight’s horn wasn’t working and she didn’t show signs of waking up soon  
Desperate times, call for desperate measures. Said rainbow  
She grabbed a piece of shattered glass and began sawing away at the penis, yelling in pain at the process
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