Rainbow Rocks 10th Anniversary - Let's celebrate the 10th anniversary of Rainbow Rocks with an art event! Here

Viewing last 25 versions of post by ianpony98 in topic Rainbow Dash and the Ghostlight

Artist -

**Rainbow Dash screams as she flies*

Rainbow Dash: The Ghostlight's behind me! **screams*

the Ghostlight jumps behind her*

Rainbow Dash: Now it's in front of me! It's right on my tail **screams*

Cows mooing*

Bull gasps*

Rainbow Dash screams as she flies*

Rainbow Dash: The ghostlight's gonna eat me!
No reason given
Edited by ianpony98
Artist -

*Rainbow Dash screams as she flies*

Rainbow Dash: The Ghostlight's behind me! *screams*

*the Ghostlight jumps behind her*

Rainbow Dash: Now it's in front of me! It's right on my tail *screams*

*Cows mooing*

*Bull gasps*

Rainbow Dash screams as she flies*

Rainbow Dash: The ghostlight's gonna eat me!
No reason given
Edited by ianpony98