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Viewing last 25 versions of post by HerrKraus in topic Plain And Simple Tank Warfare (NSFW) (Anthro Characters)

Non-Fungible Trixie -
Preenhub - We all know what you were up to this evening~
My Little Pony - 1992 Edition
Wallet After Summer Sale -

(Out of sheer boredom, I've decided to post this.)
Short background : This is sort of like a MLP version of World of Tanks. Each battle can take place at any of the following locations:
- Equalist Village
- Crystal Empire
- Canterlot
- Ponyville
- Appleloosa
- Manehattan
- Griffinstone Station
- Everfree Forest

Getting started: Simply fill out the Character sheet below and i can get you started.
Keep in mind that you can use ANY tank, be it a M4 Sherman, a T-72, an E.100, or an old Mk. IV, it can be any tank, HOWEVER, if it is an OP tank, such as Pz.1000 Ratte or a Maus, they must have a **clearly obvious** and **moderately easy to exploit** weakness, so to make it fair . Also your Crewmembers are specifically Anthro. OCs are allowed. Canon Characters are also welcome.

Tank: What tank it is you're using (Ex: Pzkpfw. III)
Tank Name (Optional): Give it a name
Commander Name: Who's running the tank?
Other Info (Optional): Anything else that you feel is important to be Known
Starting Location: Where do you begin? (Choose from list above)

If you wish to start yourself off, feel free. I can do it if it is needed.
And for the record, odds are, i wont be participating for much else other than as NPC tanks.
No reason given
Edited by HerrKraus
Non-Fungible Trixie -
Preenhub - We all know what you were up to this evening~
My Little Pony - 1992 Edition
Wallet After Summer Sale -

(Out of sheer boredom, I've decided to post this.)
Short background : This is sort of like a MLP version of World of Tanks. Each battle can take place at any of the following locations:
- Equalist Village
- Crystal Empire
- Canterlot
- Ponyville
- Appleloosa
- Manehattan
- Griffinstone Station
- Everfree Forest

Getting started: Simply fill out the Character sheet below and i can get you started.
Keep in mind that you can use ANY tank, be it a M4 Sherman, a T-72, an E.100, or an old Mk. IV, it can be any tank, HOWEVER, if it is an OP tank, such as Pz.1000 Ratte or a Maus, they must have a *clearly obvious* and *moderately easy to exploit* weakness, so to make it fair . Also your Crewmembers are specifically Anthro. OCs are allowed. Canon Characters are also welcome.

Tank: What tank it is you're using (Ex: Pzkpfw. III)
Tank Name (Optional): Give it a name
Commander Name: Who's running the tank?
Other Info (Optional): Anything else that you feel is important to be Known
Starting Location: Where do you begin? (Choose from list above)

If you wish to start yourself off, feel free. I can do it if it is needed.
No reason given
Edited by HerrKraus