Name: Sea Blast
Age: 18
Height: 5’1 on all fours
Species: Dragon-pony hybrid
Major/minor: Advanced arcane engineering/metal working
Interests: Inventing, the Wonderbolts, and the latest technology
Dislikes: Those who insist on harassing him and testing him
How they look: Almost metalic ocean blue scales, mane and the bit of fluff on the tail are red gold and cyan striped, and the cutie mark is a silver gear with a rocket over it
Relationships: Non so far
Roommate: None, I got the whole room to myself!
Bit of background: A bit of an outcast mainly due to his appearance and scary knowledge of machinery. The result is he is lonely and socialy oblivious sometimes. Very mechanically inclined.
Quote: If you can’t fix it with duck tape your not using enough. No really you can fix the world with that stiff!
(hows this?)