It’s about time for classes to begin. Hopefully everyone has figured out where everything is, don’t want to be late. Thea trudges down the stairs, still a bit sleepy, with a travel cup of coffee in hand. She slept in as long as she possibly could, as she did’nt fall asleep until 3PM. It’s going to be a long day…
In Equestria, Twilight’s taken up court duty so Luna can study what is causing this problem. She almost tried to raise the moon and lower it on that morning, constantly working has left her exhausted, she doesn’t remember it won’t work. The violet mare understands the want to help their little ponies, but this is getting out of hoof. She’ll slip some sleeping pills into Luna’s tea later.
A guard comes up to her, with a quick bow, and hands her a message. Something about random magical surges in certain areas… Great, more issues!
((Tommorow this will start to get interesting… Mwahaha.))