Looking for ERP partners thread [NSFW]


Hi there. I’m looking for someone to talk about kinky stuff or maybe light ERP.
I’m stallion myself but I don’t mind pretend to be mare.
Like talk about interspecies and whatnot. Love to throw arts to each other at times.
Prefer canon characters, love to see them degraded.
Have short taboo list so just throw your kinks at me and we’ll see if it’ll work.
I can have conversation only here, no discord or telegram or whatever, just DM me.
I’m rather new here, tho, so don’t mind me being silly or odd.
Lunar Supporter - Helped forge New Lunar Republic's freedom in the face of the Solar Empire's oppressive tyrannical regime (April Fools 2023).
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Night Guard wolf
(Added at the end: Man… that post ended up to be longer than I expected it to be…)
Hello everyone… It was awhile, isn’t it? I know, I know, sorry for such long absence… Irl is not a very merciful thing… Especially during exams and holidays.
Well, I was thinking about returning to RP. My scenarios didn’t change much if even changed. Khm, khm, anyway… my regular list of ideas as always include next Always open scenarios:
  • Your/Mine character ended up in Equestria by a mysterious reason. Magic, science, or even shift in Space and Time. And their goal is to get used to life in a new world. Both Feral and Anthro Equestria works. Extra changes will be discussed.
  • Living Plush. In short a player receive a plush that happens to be alive, and story is going from that.
  • Plushie Madness: In another plush related idea, there happened a serious problem. For around 6 month ago(before the rp starting point), by a weird, strange anomaly reason, all plushies came to life(not limited to pony) and… conquered the world. And player is one of survivors. Think about it as post-apocalyptic, since plushies didn’t rebuild world as they see it yet(abandoned buildings and such).
  • Guest from another world. Pretty self explanatory. One day, out of the blue, player suddenly get a guest from Equestria. And now they have to think about what to do… and how to be a good host.
  • Everyday life with ponies. If you get the reference, you understand idea. If not, short explanation: Cultural Exchange program started after government revealed truth: Equestria exist as a neighbor dimension, and now to help in cultural exchange, it was decided to let ponies enroll into normal human society, and they will live together with an assigned human hosts. Yeah, similar to Guest and Isekai scenarios, but less mystery, more Slice of Life.
  • Toony Hotel: Yep, that’s right. Some genius opened an interdimensional hotel, where humans can stay along their favorite characters for either a sweet and friendly rest, or more romantic encounters. And this time it’s an MLP week, as they change theme each week to not get boring. (If you want another theme, it can be discussed).
Special scenarios (You didn’t think there won’t be a single plot like scenarios, right?):
  • Four-legged conquerer: An abnormal rift opened in the middle of the city. After a bit, an entire army of unknown creatures rushed out, taking down people and easily overpowering police and soldiers. On top of the army is standing their general… And here is when choice comes. Your new world ruler can be: Nightmare Moon, who wanted her own world of night; Queen Chrysalis, who wanted to have an endless feast on humanity’s love; Daybreaker, which is similar to Nightmare Moon idea, but more sunny to the point of heavy sunburns; King Sombra, who desire to make humanity into his personal slaves; And… hehe, surprise, it’s actually Royal Sisters/Cadence, who decided to teach humanity a magic of friendship… in a bit rough way. Or your scenario, it can be done too. Even if it will be Zebra Amazonians under the control of Zecora, or griffons with Gilda on top.
  • Nightmare Night is more than you think: It was almost a year since ponies and humans started to live together, and freely travel between two realms(no conflict world). Player is a human who is about to celebrate his first Nightmare Night in a Ponyville. And it kinda went… unpredictable.
Sigh Finally… it was a bit long to type. And I’m not done yet… we can’t forget the rules, are we?
  • First rule is… NO UNDERAGE HUMANS IN NSFW SCENARIOS! That means no EQG CMC or anyone else under this description.
  • I prefer to avoid EQG world, but have nothing against some characters from it.
  • Please… try to be at least somewhat good at your replies. When they lack sense, too short, or going from plot too much, it ruins all motivation to continue. You are not an AI bots…
  • All scenarios are switch, which means, either of us can play as a main character.
  • OCs are allowed, but under the circumstances when they fit.
  • r63 versions of characters are allowed if preferred.
  • No spamming please, replies might be taking time.
  • I prefer to rp on site, so no need to spam with Discord. If I’ll see it to be more comfortable to use Discord, alright, but no promises.
  • Not necessarily characters from Equestria should be ponies. There exist many races that can be used.
  • Both show accurate(ferals) and anthros works.
Now, as for my limits almost nothing, so feel free to suggest
Kinks I like, but not necessary to use if you are not into it: Macro/Micro, vore, futa, pets(when a slave is playing role more of a pet rather than a servant, and doesn’t automatically mean abuse or something similar, but still less rights than a master)

Italian Stallion
I firstly want to apologise if I’ve poofed before, was in a pretty odd state mentally and physically. currently doing much better now!
Hello people! going to toss in my boy Macchiato for this again!
(This time around there’s also an “Older” Version of Him if that could appeal!)
I’m looking to indulge in a few current fads of mine, i will have a preference for:
Stealth Sex/Gloryholes
Public Sex/ Heat/Rut related plots!
If you have a plot of your own, do feel free to toss it my way! As long as it isn’t involving kinks within my limit list!
Bi, currently with a Mare Preference but I will be more than happy to have Macchiato dick down a fellow stallion for the sake of a cheating plot if it hits right plotwise!
Kink wise, my F-list is here!
But to be more direct, My MAJOR LIMITS are: Foalcon/Underage characters, Scat/Piss/Toilet Kinks, Puking, Gore/necro and Vore!
If you have any questions or would prefer to do this Via Discord, please Dm!
My Timezone is CEST+1 but I’m overall accepting of other timezones!
Thanks and toodles!
Bendy Inkwells
Preenhub - We all know what you were up to this evening~

Wedgie Lover
I’m looking for someone specifically a dom into web bondage, I want someone to play some kind of spider or drider to web up my pony OC, sorry if this is barebones but it’s a rather simple idea I wanted to do we can discuss additional kinks and a plot in DMs

Cruel and Sadistic Mistress looking for NSFW RP partners.
The ideal partner would be:
-Willing to play a cis female
-is willing to be beaten, shocked, and otherwise tortured
-would be willing to do Consensual, willing scenes
Star Wars
Star Trek
DC Comics
Harry Potter
Ratchet and Clank
Legend of Zelda (BoTW/ToTK version)
The Owl House
My Little Pony
Avatar (TLA/LoK)
Paw Patrol
Power Rangers
Luck (Apple+ Movie)
Totally Spies
Mass Effect
Doctor Who
Alpha and Omega
Lion King
The Rookie
The Big Bang Theory
The Office
Legends of Chima
Sofia the First
Disney Princesses
Homeworld Franchise
That’s the whole list of franchises I know.
-Torture (Required) IE: Impact Play, Spanking, electrocution, other torture that does not go beyond bruing.
-Cute Uniforms
-Male characters in sexual situations (As background characters or tools to move a story along, they’re fine.)
Send me a note or Discord me, my Handle is captain_cosmos
Solar Supporter - Fought against the New Lunar Republic rebellion on the side of the Solar Deity (April Fools 2023).
Artist -

Lumolla [InvisorFAA]
Oral fixated, latex loving mare is once again looking for a male butt to kiss, lick and sniff till she climaxes herself or the said male
My discord is : lumolla
Bendy Inkwells
Preenhub - We all know what you were up to this evening~

Wedgie Lover
Look I doubt it but I’m looking for someone to play several canon stallions (Not all at once but one a time) where I could dom as my femboy stallion Paisley Print, more kinks/a story can be discussed in DMs

Hi there again.
Stallion who’s into playing as mare from time to time (I like to play Twi sometimes) is still looking for some hot discussions. I’m still developing my kinks and limits.
For now I know that I’m definitely into canon characters, especially ones like Twi, princesses, Lyra, Trixie, Starlight etc. Plus, I don’t mind G5! Sunny, Izzy, Pipp etc, they’re cute, too.
I also like interspecies.
Incest is fine as well, sometimes I’m into it a lot.
Some humiliation is fine too.
I prefer show design of characters but furry-like is fine, EqG is, well, I dunno, I prefer something like neko-based over regular/painted humans.
But I’m not into hyper, feets, excessive fat for now.
And again: no discord, telegram etc, only DM.
I won’t bite (unless you ask for).
Lunar Supporter - Helped forge New Lunar Republic's freedom in the face of the Solar Empire's oppressive tyrannical regime (April Fools 2023).
Artist -
Non-Fungible Trixie -

Looking for a literate erp partner who is interested in playing a short scenario featuring my oc Scarfy Batheart https://derpibooru.org/images/2875997. I am mostly interested in some kind of maledom roleplay, so it would be great if you have a male oc of yours for the scenario - most species included, as long as it is not too far from normal quadrupedal creatures (please no goo-creatures and such). Ideally, it would be a 3-rd person rp.
It would be great if we can go into rougher themes, although I am perfectly fine with more casual rp where i play submissive role.
As for the exact scenario, we can figure it out in dms) I would be interested in playing themes that touch my F-List favorites (https://www.f-list.net/c/scarfy%20batheart), although I could be open to other themes as well. It would be great if we could play through Discord, as i am much more active over there.
Major limits: Ageplay, Underaged characters, Any toilet-related kinks, Hyper-stuff and anything around that theme. I also tend to dislike dislike sheath play.
Background Pony #D77A
Have not posted in a while but may as well. I am interested in playing male Diamond dogs for various kidnapping, slavery, bdsm type scenes, pretty much any mare is good prey except for Alicorns! Canon or OC welcome as I have my own OCs. more details and easier contact via f-list
Can play darker themes, but some limits being toilet related stuff

Would love to play some interspecies erp as bottom. No matter mxf or mxm just need some good exotic with different races besides ponies. So if you interesting just dm

Looking for someone literate with discord to Play King Sombra with my girl Frankie, I’d like to do a redemption with him and my girl, helping him rule his own kingdom without fear and aggression. (Or tirek/Chrysalis without ruling kingdom part but become one with ponies.)
Or Discord who becomes attach to Frankie, after Fluttershy starts getting busy with the animals so he looks for a new friend to help fill that void.
PonyCon Holland -

I’m looking for someone who would like to play as a colt or filly (preferably OC) and have some fun with a heavily pregnant mare. :3
I have Discord. You can contact me in DMs if you are interested.

Don't deprave yourself.
Looking for someone to ERP with.
That is interested in:
FoalCon (oc preferably), by diaper rubbing, sniffing, nuzzing, messing & urinating in the padding, farts, fart smelling (farts smell like flowers or baked sweets.), diaper usage. Drones? Maybe..
Creatures liked: ponies, umbreons, changlings with manes, complex characters, starlight glimmer, & foxes.
Discord will be given in notes.
Not interested in: anthros, usage outside the padding, leaking, flat diapers, and no micro/macro stuff.
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