why is Wild Manes content not allowed on Derpibooru?

Background Pony #B6C2
I don’t see any argument you can make why it deserves special treatment over something less objectively [not pony related] like Filly Funtasia. Filly Funtasia was even more of a rip off of MLP being closer to it yet it’s pretty much banned here. So why should a new show that’s more [not pony related] get a free pass with ripping off MLP again?
You can like it and post it elsewhere.
Background Pony #E140
mlp, filly funtasia and wiled manes all have something that is not copyrighted. and that is the fact that you can’t copyright the idea of talking horses, and I’m pretty sure that talking horses have been around long before mlp.
Background Pony #E140
@Background Pony #B6C2
and also, midnight mares by C allen gann is not MLP-related either, as c allen Gann said in both of his Kickstarter videos, for midnight tmares inspired by both ancient mythology and personal observations of the brony community.
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@Background Pony #2236
Wild manes is made as a mlp clone show so it’s designs are paralleling fims making it more mlp related than tfh, and tfh may have once been mlp related. But got made to be legally not mlp, so tbh the reason for it being OK ar3 kinda retarded, and I can make anything and cause I’m a fan it should be allowed cause that’s the logic being used here
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@Background Pony #2236
If the mods kept to this argument, and didn’t make shit up like the wild manes characters are anthros somehow I wouldn’t have an argument, but tbh tfh and the level of not pony anthro art alr3ady on the site makes this stupid.
Plus fimfiction had an article about wildmanes, as does equestria daily. In fact alot of other image sites are allowing it no problem, and instead of the staff here holding to the correct argument for this being
“Hey we can’t allow this it’s no different than spirit or any other show like that” they say this “well they are anthro furries so that’s why”
It’s obvious that this isn’t about rule 3, and is about mods not liking it and trying to make up more reason to not allow it despite them looking past things that make their arguments stupid and weirder than taking the actual argument they should be
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@Background Pony #2236
Nothing about it having USED TO BE related to mlp is there when art is made tho, its not mlp art, and its not even horse art 90% of the time. They are their own characters, and even their own designs for species too, and non mlp designs is normally what wildman3s only issue is for you guys rn. Tfh the way that it is, is a series inspired by fim but is legally not that, and it being so not it that it’s legally seen as a separate thing is a very big distinction. But tell me what about it having been fim makes tfhs art related to fim? Wildmanes art has the same level of relation. Both are not mlp legally, but they both try in their own way to be an mlp clone. Tfh gives president to none hasbro pony shit being allowed if it’s straight inspired from it like both tfh and wildmanes clearly are
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Deletion reason: Rule #6 - Please go get your broken tooth fixed. You've made your point you aren't adding to the discussion, you're making it worse. Just filter the tag and you can (as you say) go back to "enjoying shit"
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Deletion reason: Rule #6 - Please unsubscribe from the threat. If you want to ban TFH make a new thread for it. If you want to appeal your posts being deleted go to Support.
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