Unpopular opinion time


Hungarian G1 pony fan
I think by that point he realized what he did and wouldn’t try it again or else he would’ve faced some harsher consequences.
That is the same thing we tought in Twilight’s Kingdom.
As far as we know, Tartarus doesn’t have some maximum-security wing and who’s to say that someone will break them out again?
Literally the same thing can be said about the stone prison. Guess we have to just kill them?


Music/Charts Enthusiast
Can stoning even be called a prison? I think if someone did try to break the statue, it won’t break them out and more it’ll shatter them to pieces, killing them instantly.
Can stoning even be called a prison? I think if someone did try to break the statue, it won’t break them out and more it’ll shatter them to pieces, killing them instantly.

Draconequues Lover zcord
That is the same thing we tought in Twilight’s Kingdom.
Except for in Twilight’s kingdom, discord did what he did because he was being selfish. In s9 he does value and realize the importance, friendship now and ironically he wouldn’t have been grogar in the first place if he didn’t come to value his friendship with twilight. So yes he learns him making mistakes doesn’t mean he doesn’t learn. Its called life


Hungarian G1 pony fan
Um, no. If he really did learn then he would not do it again. I have actually met people like Discord. They do horrible shit to you, they apologize, then on the next day they do the exact same shit again and defend themselves with “this time it is different! i only did it for your own good!”
Um, no. If he really did learn then he would not do it again. I have actually met people like Discord. They do horrible shit to you, they apologize, then on the next day they do the exact same shit again and defend themselves with “this time it is different! i only did it for your own good!”
It is abusive as hell.

Draconequues Lover zcord
Discord isn’t the same as those people though, hes been shown to learn. Its just that he has to learn friendship from square one and no one is teaching him if u noticed so he learns with trail and error, and is a spirit of chaos so infact he is better than those people because for his whole life he hasn’t known any better but he still wishes to be better. People like that u talking bout should know better
Discord isn’t the same as those people though, hes been shown to learn. Its just that he has to learn friendship from square one and no one is teaching him if u noticed so he learns with trail and error, and is a spirit of chaos so infact he is better than those people because for his whole life he hasn’t known any better but he still wishes to be better. People like that u talking bout should know better

Lord WyrmSpawN 

Put Out to Pasture
So what the hell is Fluttershy doing with him all the time? ‘Square one’ was seasons ago, unless he was in the negatives.
So what the hell is Fluttershy doing with him all the time? ‘Square one’ was seasons ago, unless he was in the negatives.


#293 Fox
I figured most of the dislike towards him was partly due
I said that was some of the reasons why people hated him(them if you include the others)
The amount of arguments with overused memes and rabid shippers gave me that idea.
The amount of arguments with overused memes and rabid shippers gave me that idea.
I wasn’t saying ALL the dislike of the character was for the same reason. Some of it wasn’t silly.


Hungarian G1 pony fan
@Lord WyrmSpawN
Discord shows to be nice to Fluttershy. Such as using his powers to entertain her in their tea parties. It is that everyone else he seems to not to give a crap about.
Discord shows to be nice to Fluttershy. Such as using his powers to entertain her in their tea parties. It is that everyone else he seems to not to give a crap about.

Draconequues Lover zcord
So what the hell is Fluttershy doing with him all the time? ‘Square one’ was seasons ago, unless he was in the negatives.
Yes it was in the negatives because he was a flipping chaotic supervillain. Fluttershy was giving him tea parties and then would call him out when he did something wrong, she never really taught him 1 on 1 like a teacher like twi did starlight except for when she convinced him to hang with spike and big Mac. She got him to care for someone else by being his first companion and she stuck by his side. However He never was given friendship lessons. Plus discord completely reformed in discordant harmony learned every thing he needed to and got punished for it.

Draconequues Lover zcord
Which is why there are entire episodes of discord trying to help twilight learn a lesson. Which is why he said he would have the power to save our friends when I get my magic back. Which is why he got big Mac together with sugar belle. Which is why he wanted to hang out with starlight in s7. Which is why he gives money to the tea shop ponies who are being rude towards him. Which is why he says to save equestria and not just fluttershy.
Which is why he made up with trixie, why he let them crawl On his back to get into the changeling cave He literally pretended to be a villain to help someone else besides fluttershy…but to keep this short as u see he has shown care for others and not just fluttershy. He cares for fluttershy most because she is his first friend and is the most understanding of him but that doesn’t mean he hasn’t shown care for others.


Hungarian G1 pony fan
Which is why there are entire episodes of discord trying to help twilight learn a lesson.
What lessons? He just enjoys tormenting her. And at the end he gets hit by karma.
Which is why he said he would have the power to save our friends when I get my magic back.
He never used his powers to save people from crisises.
Which is why he wanted to hang out with starlight in s7.
What episode? I cannot find anything about that.
He literally pretended to be a villain to help someone else besides fluttershy
That is not a good example like you think it is.
Literally the only good episodes starring him are only two: Break Up Break Down and Discordant Harmony. But it is not enough to balance out his “he is an asshole because lol” episodes. If they did more episodes with him where he is genuinely helpful then i could call him a good character.
There are handful of episodes where Twilight Sparkle messes up. But at the same time there are also handful of episodes where she is actually helpful. The same thing can be said about the rest of the mane six, Spike and Starlight Glimmer. But never Discord, he has too many “negative” episodes, and most of the time he is doing it on purpose only because he thinks it is funny. He barely has any episodes showing his positive traits.


Hungarian G1 pony fan
@Ring Team
When did Starlight Glimmer defend her poor actions after Cutie Remark? In almost every mistake she makes she always gets out of her way to apologize. She never comes out as “i had to do this because reasons!”. And she does not acually do the same mistake twice. She brainwashed the mane six once. She broke her anger bottle once (but that was an accident and it was 90% of Trixie’s fault). She swapped the royal sisters’ cutiemarks once.
When did Starlight Glimmer defend her poor actions after Cutie Remark? In almost every mistake she makes she always gets out of her way to apologize. She never comes out as “i had to do this because reasons!”. And she does not acually do the same mistake twice. She brainwashed the mane six once. She broke her anger bottle once (but that was an accident and it was 90% of Trixie’s fault). She swapped the royal sisters’ cutiemarks once.


World's Okayest User
Yeah, a big problem with Discord wasn’t just that he treats everyone but FS like garbage, but that the show both goes out of its way to excuse it and completely revels in it, with the last two seasons in particular were probably the worst of it, especially when it starts effecting the show’s final episodes and story arc. “I did all this because I wanted to test Twilight and see if she was ready” will never not be the most retarded thing the show ever came up with
And of course because Starlight has to be brought in for no reason,

let’s talk Starlight.
I can complain about her terrible backstory and how her direction was poorly handled, but ultimately I don’t think was ever the intent. She did her fair share of dumb things but those always backfired, and she never really tried repeating her mistakes, I feel in her cases she actually learned. I can’t say the same for Discord
I can complain about her terrible backstory and how her direction was poorly handled, but ultimately I don’t think was ever the intent. She did her fair share of dumb things but those always backfired, and she never really tried repeating her mistakes, I feel in her cases she actually learned. I can’t say the same for Discord

Draconequues Lover zcord
Which is why there are entire episodes of discord trying to help twilight learn a lesson. Which is why he said he would have the power to save our friends when I get my magic back. Which is why he got big Mac together with sugar belle. Which is why he wanted to hang out with starlight in s7. Which is why he gives money to the tea shop ponies who are being rude towards him. Which is why he says to save equestria and not just fluttershy.
i put up above times discord has shown care about others besides just fluttershy, the thing is discord is written as a jerk with a heart of gold so he isn’t going to be nice all the time and thats ok it wouldn’t make any sense and make him the same as every other reformed character if he completely changed who he was before.


Hungarian G1 pony fan
Yeah, Starlight Glimmer actually shows regret for her actions. Unlike Discord.
Yeah, Starlight Glimmer actually shows regret for her actions. Unlike Discord.
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