Ring Team 

About Pinkie’s sisters, I’m gonna be the first to say that I like Maud Pie’s episode in season 4 because she sounded and acted as different than the rest of the other ponies. She was more like Daria in a sense. Unfortunately, the “I like rocks” running joke has been milked to death in between seasons 5 and 9. I didn’t talk too much about it because back in 2016 a couple of fans were very rude to me after saying that I didn’t like “A gift for Maud Pie”. I still think that this attitude was appropiate because of hype culture, like “if you’re not hyped, I’m gonna get offended”.
I think Maud Pie would have been actually interesting if she was more than “nah, I like rocks”. I think it would be very funny if she had other interests even though she sounds so unexpressive.
And I don’t think her other two sisters are actually interesting. Limestone is antagonistic for the sake of being antagonistic and Marble Pie is Fluttershy. I don’t see what the creativity part comes here.