Unpopular opinion time

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My wifi connection still has some issues, but I have enough time to say this: Sometimes I wonder how the show would be if Chrysalis came back in season 3 and became the main villain for the rest of the seasons, no matter if the approach was comedic or scary (I’m ok with both ways).
I used to dream a lot about an ending where Twilight and Chrysalis are fighting for the last time like in Return of the Jedi. And it would work perfectly fine, because Chrysalis has green magic and Twilight has magenta magic. Both colors are complementary, you can take this opportunity to create an interesting image and color composition.
Like I said, I’m not angry or frustrated, because in between 2012 and 2021 I watched amazing stories in films and TV shows. Breaking Bad, Gravity Falls, Steven Universe, The Lego Movie, The wind rises, Frozen, Avengers Infinity War and Endgame, the episodes 7 and 8 of Star Wars, Blade Runner 2049, The MLP film, Wonder Woman, Joker, Parasites, Birdboy, Mandy, The Incredibles 2, the Spiderverse film.
And I watched Inside Out and When Marnie was there, two of my favourite movies of all time.
If I didn’t have alternatives, then I would be frustrated. And if I really wanted a “what if” in Friendship is Magic where Chrysalis was the main villain, I can do that by drawing it. It’s not that big of a deal.
Background Pony #E406
All these years later and I still disike Flurry. Not because of the born alicorn stuff but moreso because I find her an annoying baby character. The cake twins were like that too but they also proved to be quite loveable during the last few mins of their debut ep when they tried to cheer up pinkie. That few mins at least gave them bonus points in my eyes.
I guess its more I dislike baby characters in general and, while the Cake twins showed themselves to be loveable kids with good hearts, Flurry never got there with me so she’s still in the dumb baby category.
Plus, she almost destroyed her hometown in her debut ep. I know she’s just a baby and doesn’t know better but it doesn’t really help her case any.
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Silly Pony - Celebrated the 13th anniversary of MLP:FIM, and 40 years of MLP!
Lunar Supporter - Helped forge New Lunar Republic's freedom in the face of the Solar Empire's oppressive tyrannical regime (April Fools 2023).
Ten years of changes - Celebrated the 10th anniversary of MLP:FiM!
A Really Classy Artist - 250+ images under their artist tag
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I’m not a huge fan of Crystalling (meh episode), but I really liked A flurry of emotions, one of my favourite episodes in season 7.
I think Flurry Heart is a funny character because of the contrast in between her small size and her huge power. That’s funny.

I was okay with Snails being the returning character in the buckball episode instead of little strong heart who people thought was going to be returning in that episode.
Lunar Supporter - Helped forge New Lunar Republic's freedom in the face of the Solar Empire's oppressive tyrannical regime (April Fools 2023).
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Get up and Jump
The thing is, they could have expanded on his non evil side/history instead of bringing him back just to make him another hammy Villain

Nostalgia Purist
I was okay with Snails being the returning character in the buckball episode instead of little strong heart who people thought was going to be returning in that episode.
me too
StarTrix Forever! - Derpi Supporter
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Silly Pony - Celebrated the 13th anniversary of MLP:FIM, and 40 years of MLP!
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Flower Trio - Helped others get their OC into the 2023 Derpibooru Collab.

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All these years later and I still disike Flurry. Not because of the born alicorn stuff but moreso because I find her an annoying baby character. The cake twins were like that too but they also proved to be quite loveable during the last few mins of their debut ep when they tried to cheer up pinkie. That few mins at least gave them bonus points in my eyes.
I guess its more I dislike baby characters in general and, while the Cake twins showed themselves to be loveable kids with good hearts, Flurry never got there with me so she’s still in the dumb baby category.
Plus, she almost destroyed her hometown in her debut ep. I know she’s just a baby and doesn’t know better but it doesn’t really help her case any.
Whoever you are, we should become friends.
Flurry Heart was easily the biggest pointless addition to the show ever. Twilight having wings had a purpose, Twilight’s new castle had a purpose, Starlight being redeemed had a purpose, hell even the School of Friendship had sort of a purpose as lousy of an idea that was. Her subsequent appearances like in God forbid A Flurry Of Emotions really didn’t do her any justice.
Non-Fungible Trixie -

Her subsequent appearances like in God forbid A Flurry Of Emotions really didn’t do her any justice.
Every time Flurry Heart played an important role in an episode’s plot, it involved making a major mess of something.
She’s the cutest birth control PSA ever!
Background Pony #E406
Idk why the writers thought we would like characterization like that. Charactersization who’s sole operating scheme is to put a character on screen, have them do some unintentionally dumb stuff that makes everything go to sh*t and have everyone else deal with the resulting mess. Spike from S3-5, snips & snails in S1-2, Flurry heart and so on. Derpy was cool because of the fan love but the rest of them its like what were they thinking?
Spike got way better from S6 on (one of the of the only characters to actually get better the last few seasons of the show), they made snips & snails became actual characters instead of the 5 iq walking disaster area they were portrayed as and the backlash for them cutting derpy only added to her fan popularity. They never did this for Flurry though. They kept her as the crying, annoying, destructive baby from start to finish and somehow expected us to all love her during the show and clap for her when she got that stained glass window in the finale.
Background Pony #E406
Eqg world and basically being always caught up in dumb slapstick stuff. They didn’t always cause ursa level trouble but almost whenever they were on screen, something went wrong in the first 2 seasons.

@Background Pony #2A48  
What !?! Where did that come from “don’t agree with you ever”, also I did agree with background pony #e406 on the slap stick I just don’t agree with saying Snips an Snails when ever they appear something went wrong with the exception of boast boasters.
Background Pony #E406
I’m not going through every S1 & 2 ep to cherrypick where the team went slapstick happy on snips and snails in the first two seasons.
If you really want to know, the mlp wiki has a section on the character page that’s dedicated to appearances by season. Check there.

@Background Pony #E406  
Okay I went to wiki and check every season 1 an 2 appearance and besides boast busters most of there other appearances aren’t bad. Show stoppers they fail as magic act, return to harmony they only cameo in the background of field trip, mysterious mare Do well they just attends the rainbow dash fan club meeting, cutie pox they just hoola hoop, ponyvill confindetal they just get stuck to each with gum. I got to be honest I don’t see how they cause a problem every time they appear like u said (besides boast busters) or went slapstick happy.
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