Well, The Mean 6. Let’s discuss.
Queen Chrysalis appeared as a villain in a surprising twist in A Canterlot Wedding. That was in 2012 and her little end (which kinda reminds me of the Team Rocket from Pokemon) suggests that this wouldn’t be the last time we see her. When I finished that episode I thought “Man, I can’t wait for her return”. I watched the season 3, I liked, but I thought “where’s Chrysalis?”. The same thing with season 4. In season 5 we got a little bit of a taste, but it’s just one minute. Then, in season 6 I saw one of the most underwhelming twists in the show.
Then I stopped watching the show for some years.
Keep in mind that A Canterlot Wedding aired in 2012 and I saw The Mean 6 this year, in 2021. This episode came out too late for me.
Literally too much time has passed. And now the writers wanna care about Chrysalis. I’ve done TONS of things in between 2012 and 2021, including finishing an art school, finishing another school related to cameras, film and TV in another city, getting a car license, working on commissions, discovering some amazing films and TV shows, I stopped loving anime because of the community (especially the Kill la Kill fans, who always get offended if you don’t agree with them), I stopped loving Star Wars because of the toxic community, getting a degree in 2D animation in another city, studying some 3D production in that city… It came out too late, in an era where we already have interesting options in the world of film and TV shows.
Now that I think of it, when I started watching the season 7, I thought that some episodes are cool, but some of them came out too late. A Flurry of emotions should have been an episode from season 6, not 7. Parental Glideance should have been from season 4 or 5, not 7. Twilight’s school should haven been an idea from season 3 or 4, not 8. Every season or every couple of seasons we got new characters that want to learn about friendhsip, like Sunset Shimmer from the EG films, Starlight or the new students… and it’s shown in a redundant way where you already know what’s gonna happen because you saw the Mane 6 already learning that. The Parent Map should have been an episode from season 5, not 8.
The Mean 6 should have been from season 3 or 4, not from 8. When you see this image in 2012…
…you don’t inmediately think “I’m gonna wait an eternity until I get what I want”.
Maybe it’s true that Friendship is Magic is a very inconsistent TV show. And this is a great example. Some episodes came out too late, and while some of them are great (like A flurry of emotions), some of them really came out too late, like Parent Map or The Mean 6. The Parent Map could have been a great episode from the season 5 where we could see something about Starlight after seeing her running away instead of waiting for a whole season to get a new character that was barely introduced or even developed. And The Mean 6 could have been a fun return of Chrysalis in season 3. She could have been a funny villain or a terrifying villain. And now I don’t care too much.
But I won’t act like this is the worst episode in the show (that episode is still to me Every little thing she does). And I still love the show. But it’s not because of a solid consistency of the TV show, it’s because
Friendship is Magic has some wonderful episodes that totally work on their own, as if these are their own thing. And I love that about it.
Well, 13 episodes more and I would finish the season 8.