Unpopular opinion time

The way she was introduced in “The Washouts” could easily have been a prelude to reformation. She outright said that she preferred her new career over the Wonderbolts - there was no real motivation for her to carry a grudge against Rainbow Dash.
The way she was introduced in “The Washouts” could easily have been a prelude to reformation. She outright said that she preferred her new career over the Wonderbolts - there was no real motivation for her to carry a grudge against Rainbow Dash.

Except that some people are petty that way? I mean, Rainbow herself can hold some nasty grudges, and LD is her with more vice and less virtue.
Except that some people are petty that way? I mean, Rainbow herself can hold some nasty grudges, and LD is her with more vice and less virtue.


Get up and Jump
She seemed pretty angry not about being kicked out of the wonderbolts but how she was kicked out
She seemed pretty angry not about being kicked out of the wonderbolts but how she was kicked out


Resident Spin Fetishist
I cannot seriously believe there is this much fandom apathy towards Pony Life. Case in point, the trailers just revealed three new non-pony characters, and a week later, I’m not seeing any fanart for ANY of them.
Meanwhile, Izzy gets ONE screenshot of her balancing a tennis ball on her horn and the fandom runs utterly wild.
Meanwhile, Izzy gets ONE screenshot of her balancing a tennis ball on her horn and the fandom runs utterly wild.

Ring Team 

I haven’t watched The Washouts yet (I need to finish soon the seasons 8 and 9, at least to discuss it in detail), but if that episode is gonna be kinda like The lost treasure of Griffonstone (one of my favourite episodes of season 5 despite its problems), I’m fine with that approach.
I’d say I was impressed by the fact that there’s a return of Lightning Dust, but this is from the team who made Trixie come back in season 6 with no reason, so…

I haven’t watched The Washouts yet (I need to finish soon the seasons 8 and 9, at least to discuss it in detail), but if that episode is gonna be kinda like The lost treasure of Griffonstone (one of my favourite episodes of season 5 despite its problems), I’m fine with that approach.
I’d say I was impressed by the fact that there’s a return of Lightning Dust, but this is from the team who made Trixie come back in season 6 with no reason, so…


(Foil Hat)
Of the 4882 images of Pony Life, 2695 are screencaps, and that’s still not all the official content, like >>2582396. Removing “official” brings the total images to around 1900, and AFAICT most of that is improperly tagged screencaps, crops of screencaps, merchandise photos, and Potion Nova. There’s a G5 pic, and some of Matt and Derek, but the rest is stuff I’ve already mentioned and FiM Mane Cast. Octavio has about 16 fanart images, of 48 total.
I found Pony Life to be fairly enjoyable, and even I’m not sure what to think about random animals with unicorn horns. I’m open to the possibility that the writers have something planned that doesn’t suck, but those things look like an artifact from back when hardly anyone other than Disney gave a crap about putting actual effort into anything made for kids.
I found Pony Life to be fairly enjoyable, and even I’m not sure what to think about random animals with unicorn horns. I’m open to the possibility that the writers have something planned that doesn’t suck, but those things look like an artifact from back when hardly anyone other than Disney gave a crap about putting actual effort into anything made for kids.

Lord WyrmSpawN 

Put Out to Pasture
Well of course no one cares, this spin-off itself doesn’t give a fuck, for better and worse.
Well of course no one cares, this spin-off itself doesn’t give a fuck, for better and worse.


From what I’ve been told, before the toy craze, TV cartoons were unprofitable. Thinking about it, the only money they would have gotten would be broadcasting royalties, which would have been extremely minimal and/or a one off, which would explain why Hanna-Barbera had so many short-lived spinoffs; it was the only way to make any money.
(Foil Hat)
hardly anyone other than Disney gave a crap about putting actual effort into anything made for kids.
From what I’ve been told, before the toy craze, TV cartoons were unprofitable. Thinking about it, the only money they would have gotten would be broadcasting royalties, which would have been extremely minimal and/or a one off, which would explain why Hanna-Barbera had so many short-lived spinoffs; it was the only way to make any money.

Sanagi 蛹 

Bronies are so downright embarrassing these times that I’m not shocked that most are newcomers whose age is less than 15 years old.


Music/Charts Enthusiast
@Sanagi 蛹
These times? I feel like back then was worse what with the fandom being at its peak popularity
These times? I feel like back then was worse what with the fandom being at its peak popularity

Background Pony #E406
Unpopular opinion: I thing preening may be moderately overrated. Hornplay’s where its at.
Background Pony #E406
Don’t worry dude. I’m apathetic about both so its all good. Though I will say, I can appreciate PL for what it is even if I don’t necessarily like it. Can’t say the same for what I’ve seen of G5 though. Just plain apathy from me on that front. I’ll need to see more from hasbro there.
Don’t worry dude. I’m apathetic about both so its all good. Though I will say, I can appreciate PL for what it is even if I don’t necessarily like it. Can’t say the same for what I’ve seen of G5 though. Just plain apathy from me on that front. I’ll need to see more from hasbro there.
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