Unpopular opinion time

Background Pony #1847
So, thoughts:  
Chrysalis does have the ability to mind control. So why didn’t she use it on Twilight??  
What if Chrysalis faced off against Sombra?  
What if Grogar was real and didn’t get drained?
Meh brony
Condensed Milk - State-Approved Compensation

One magic spider boi
  1. Chrysalis pretty much became absolutely insane after starlight and co encouraged the changelings to reject her rule to the point where she was talking to inanimate objects, plus her greatest flaw is that she wants to crush her enemies Hope often giving them the opportunity to turn the tables on her.
  2. Sombra is heavily implied to be alicorn level which chrysalis can only reach through eating love so an unfed chrysalis would probably get destroyed by sombra.
  3. He more than likely would’ve been the true final villain of season 9 and by extension the tv series as a whole.
Background Pony #9BD7
Lightning Dust seems more reformed than redeemed. Like she’s still a reckless and insensitive glory-hound, but she has enough sense now to not put other ponies (unless they signed up for it) in danger with her stunts
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Non-Fungible Trixie -
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World's Okayest User
The pillars were screwed over by the student six’s introduction to the show.
Honestly, between this and her absence in the final season it was really obvious the writers didn’t want to really bring her back and only did it to throw fans a bone
Non-Fungible Trixie -

@Background Pony #9BD7  
Except she did smooth-talk Scootaloo into joining her to get back at Rainbow Dash. Evidently, Equestria’s child labor laws are pretty loose. Though her success there was largely due to Rainbow Dash getting butthurt over Scootaloo idolizing somepony other than herself.
Not to mention a stunt team such as hers (preferably with actual safety procedures) could have been a legitimately great career for Scootaloo - one which would make use of her scooter skills and appeal to her thrill-seeking nature. Fully reforming Lightning Dust could have yielded a lovely lesson in finding something noteworthy to do with one’s life in spite of a disability. Instead we’re given the message that Scootaloo was in the wrong for accepting her limitations and seeking out a satisfying second choice to her original dream.

Perhaps in your head. In a more rational one, she was brought back because she fit the plot of “The Washouts” perfectly,
It was a bit of a double moral there, actually - Rainbow was also wrong for trying to make Scootaloo follow in her Wonderbolts footsteps.
Background Pony #9BD7
Tbf, it was still Scootaloo’s decision to join the Washouts. She shouldn’t have let Scootaloo join or even try that dangerous stunt, but she was still sticking with only endangering the ponies on her team rather than everyone around her.
Non-Fungible Trixie -

It was a bit of a double moral there, actually - Rainbow was also wrong for trying to make Scootaloo follow in her Wonderbolts footsteps.
Yeah, there’s the other problem with that episode - it simultaneously portrayed Rainbow as wrong for wanting to keep Scootaloo away from a dream that she could actually achieve, and right for wanting to keep Scootaloo away from something that could easily get her seriously hurt. If they were trying to go for a nuanced approach, it went right out the window when Lightning forced Scootaloo into a stunt she had no hope of surviving.
Meh brony
Condensed Milk - State-Approved Compensation

One magic spider boi
@Background Pony #1847
Given that they wouldn’t have had grogar’s magic to make them as big of a threat what I believe what would’ve happened is in in worst case scenario that all three of them would’ve been sent to Tartarus instead of being turned into a statue, a second plausible best case scenario is that the three of them would’ve experienced an even evil has standards moment under grogar and potentially helped the heroes defeat him, which in turn would convince the ponies to give them a second chance albeit under very tight scrutiny, not unlike how the mane six initially treated discord during the early stages of his reformation.
Solar Supporter - Fought against the New Lunar Republic rebellion on the side of the Solar Deity (April Fools 2023).
Non-Fungible Trixie -
My Little Pony - 1992 Edition
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World's Okayest User
It was a bit of a double moral there, actually - Rainbow was also wrong for trying to make Scootaloo follow in her Wonderbolts footsteps.
Yeah, there’s the other problem with that episode - it simultaneously portrayed Rainbow as wrong for wanting to keep Scootaloo away from a dream that she could actually achieve, and right for wanting to keep Scootaloo away from something that could easily get her seriously hurt. If they were trying to go for a nuanced approach, it went right out the window when Lightning forced Scootaloo into a stunt she had no hope of surviving.
I think the episode’s biggest missed opportunity was addressing RD’s jealously, something the episode was making obvious but never actually brought to light or taking it anywhere. Likewise, I don’t really see the issue of making Lightning Dust a bad influence on Scootaloo, and peer pressuring her into a trick she was having second thoughts about, kinda showing she hadn’t actually changed much
Non-Fungible Trixie -

The issue is that this was the one and only time in all of canon when there was any discussion of Scootaloo finding a quality career she could pursue in spite of her condition, and it was portrayed as a bad thing. If the Wonderbolts are a no-go and what looked like a worthy alternative is actually a deathtrap, then what in Celestia’s name IS Scootaloo supposed to do with her life?
If the writers didn’t want to reform Lightning Dust, then Scootaloo’s wings should have been left out of it.
Solar Supporter - Fought against the New Lunar Republic rebellion on the side of the Solar Deity (April Fools 2023).
Non-Fungible Trixie -
My Little Pony - 1992 Edition
Wallet After Summer Sale -

World's Okayest User
I mean the epilogue made it clear the stupid school was her ‘true calling’
If Scootaloo wanted to do something like the Washouts or the WBs, then there’s nothing stopping her trying different all together that doesn’t require her flying. The show regularly highlights her talent with her scooter and there’s no reason she couldn’t get into extreme sports. She doesn’t need to be like the Wonderbolts but she should be comfortable with what she wants to do, which evidently she didn’t have that with the Washouts
Non-Fungible Trixie -

I mean the epilogue made it clear the stupid school was her ‘true calling’
If by “true calling” you mean “convenient place to stick the grown-up versions of the child characters without having to intelligently speculate on what careers they might plausibly pursue”.
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Okay how the fuck did this thread jump with activity?
Applejack honestly would be a better bucker and kicker rather than one who would use standard Kung fu moves like uppercuts and punches like what Rarity does.
@Hali the Emoji girl  
I don’t agree with that, the Pillars could’ve been used with or without the Students, like having them interact like a sort of past and present relationship.
@Background Pony #1847  
She died from getting launched into space
Brass Beau

Howdy from Shimmer Pope
The Pillars were pretty much ignored and the Student Six were barely given development. Both got screwed.
Grogar would have reversed the flow of magic (it is his bell) and drained the trio. 50/50 odds on redemption, 70/30 on reformation.
Scootaloo’s calling is finding other ponies calling.
Lightning Dust was a boring character.
Rainbow Dash not making an ass out of herself would be a surprise.
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