Meh brony 
Looks like team rocket’s blasting off again!
One magic spider boi
Because they preferred to kill her off instead.
Looks like team rocket’s blasting off again!
Because they preferred to kill her off instead.
The pillars were screwed over by the student six’s introduction to the show.
- Huh.
- Yikes.
- And what would happen to Chrysalis, Tirek and Cozy? (assuming they don’t get encased?)
It was a bit of a double moral there, actually - Rainbow was also wrong for trying to make Scootaloo follow in her Wonderbolts footsteps.
It was a bit of a double moral there, actually - Rainbow was also wrong for trying to make Scootaloo follow in her Wonderbolts footsteps.Yeah, there’s the other problem with that episode - it simultaneously portrayed Rainbow as wrong for wanting to keep Scootaloo away from a dream that she could actually achieve, and right for wanting to keep Scootaloo away from something that could easily get her seriously hurt. If they were trying to go for a nuanced approach, it went right out the window when Lightning forced Scootaloo into a stunt she had no hope of surviving.
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