Welp, I’ve finally watched all of TYT, at least the ones that were released before it had its plug pulled. I didn’t watch the leaked and unfinished episodes for the sake of fairness and so I can be consistent with my review. Anyways, here’s the pros and cons I have with the series as a whole (Some of these also overlap with MYM)
The characters are good though some of them have their moments where they act out of character or have their one trait exaggerated for the sake to make the plot work
Voice acting is good, all of them give out some solid performances
The lessons that they give are also good and tend to deliver them well
The jokes most of the time are pretty funny
The episode involving Opaline’s day to day life was comedy gold, I loved this one
Allura and Twitch getting more development towards the end was very much needed and were going somewhere with it
The characterization can get all over the place at times with Izzy and Pipp being the worst offenders but some of the others characters are decent to good
Animation is decent but I did notice a slight bump in the quality by Season 2
I like Misty, but she does start to get a lot of focus in Season 2 at the expense of the other characters which I understand why but it did feel the others got neglected at times
Episode quality tends to swing from one opposite end to another where you can have a great episode to an okay one to a forgettable one to an outright bad one
The BoardTrot was a fine concept but just like with Misty, tended to get a lot of focus
I did not like the cutie mark speeches in Season 2, that got old very quickly to me
Like I said above, Misty and the Boardtrot got way too much focus later on which made me wish the other character’s got their share
Comet felt underused
I hated the grossout humor with Sparky, it felt way too unnecessary
This one is more of a me problem, but as the series went on, the more they really started to hammer in the whole friendship message about working together and sticking with one another. I get it, it’s My Little Pony, a franchise built on the idea of friendship, but at some points it got too cutesy and overbearing, not even FIM hammered that in all that much despite it being in the name
Overall, TYT is a mixed bag for me. It isn’t a great show like its fan say but on the other hand it is definitely not the worst thing ever like its detractors say. It’s a fine little series that does its job well that got cut short like what happened with MYM. Personally, I liked Make Your Mark more, but I can see why Tell Your Tale grew an audience