Viewing last 25 versions of post by TOMNICE in topic Unpopular opinion time

Magnificent Metadata Maniac - #1 Assistant
Magical Inkwell - Wrote MLP fanfiction consisting of at least around 1.5k words, and has a verified link to the platform of their choice
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Hungarian G1 pony fan
> even if they would’ve improved the security

What stops them doing that? And did you even read my comment??????

> It took Tirek a hundred years to get out and that was only because Cerberus left his post. Then the second time it was only because of Discord.

Tartarus seems fine. There are times when criminals escape from prison but we still use ithem. If they really do not want them to escape again then Discord should stripped away from his powers forever. Who says Discord could not set them free from their stone prison and do it all over again?
No reason given
Edited by TOMNICE
Magnificent Metadata Maniac - #1 Assistant
Magical Inkwell - Wrote MLP fanfiction consisting of at least around 1.5k words, and has a verified link to the platform of their choice
Artist -

Hungarian G1 pony fan
> even if they would’ve improved the security

What stops them doing that? And did you even read my comment??????

> It took Tirek a hundred years to get out and that was only because Cerberus left his post. Then the second time it was only because of Discord.

Tartarus seems fine. There are times when criminals escape from prison but we still use them. If they really do not want them to escape again then Discord should stripped away from his powers forever. Who says Discord could not set them free from their stone prison and do it all over again?
No reason given
Edited by TOMNICE