Stupid stuff that comes to mind that we want to post (pony version)


Music/Charts Enthusiast
Bruh, look at this dude
Ohohoho no no no, oh ho ho! Oooooooohh!!


Season 5 was where the show went off its meds, and all the dark, heavy stuff lurking just below the surface finally showed itself. For me, 8 felt like a cross between 1 and 5.
Season 5 was where the show went off its meds, and all the dark, heavy stuff lurking just below the surface finally showed itself. For me, 8 felt like a cross between 1 and 5.

I’m kinda okay with (G4) earth ponies genuinely having no magic, the same way humans are ‘normies’ in settings with elves and dwarves. At any rate, I headcanon crystal ponies as legit having no power beyond looking pretty.
I’m kinda okay with (G4) earth ponies genuinely having no magic, the same way humans are ‘normies’ in settings with elves and dwarves. At any rate, I headcanon crystal ponies as legit having no power beyond looking pretty.
Oh, speaking of crystal ponies, it was very probably your original post that inspired me to think of this. Posted here because, well, in my case, heavy emphasis on the stupid (and probably inaccurate to boot).
crystal ponies:
— glorified mood rings
— risk dying because they stay in the arctic with only an easily broken/depowered artefact to protect them
— simps and proud of it
— only risk their lives when brainwashed or there’s the entire world backing them up
— only important named character is from the comics and outsimps them all by selling them out to her husbando
— their episodes are about Spike, his simp, Sunburst and/or HIS simp
— worship Spike while not giving a damn about Cadance who exhausted herself protecting them
— need help for everything, ever
— glorified mood rings
— risk dying because they stay in the arctic with only an easily broken/depowered artefact to protect them
— simps and proud of it
— only risk their lives when brainwashed or there’s the entire world backing them up
— only important named character is from the comics and outsimps them all by selling them out to her husbando
— their episodes are about Spike, his simp, Sunburst and/or HIS simp
— worship Spike while not giving a damn about Cadance who exhausted herself protecting them
— need help for everything, ever
— cute ponybugs with funny accents
— risk dying because they’re tiny defenseless ponybugs
— not a single simp
— regularly and willingly risk their lives into a death world (for them)
— actually have an important named character in the show proper
— their episode involved Fluttershy shaking her butt in a bee outfit
— actually thankful to the right person
— need help to not starve in their pocket dimension
— cute ponybugs with funny accents
— risk dying because they’re tiny defenseless ponybugs
— not a single simp
— regularly and willingly risk their lives into a death world (for them)
— actually have an important named character in the show proper
— their episode involved Fluttershy shaking her butt in a bee outfit
— actually thankful to the right person
— need help to not starve in their pocket dimension
Like I said, putting the “stupid” back in ‘stupid pony stuff that comes to mind.’ In case using the terms “simps” and “husbando” didn’t tip you off.


reformation is the best
is there television in Equestria (gen 4) because in my AU there is tv but i want to know that is it likely that there is, we just don’t see it?
because there are big screens in manhattan
and discord brings up a TV when listing types of tea
so i think there are TVs

Probably not - but they’re likely not far off it either. (It was one comic - Rainbow Dash’s mini - but that wasn’t a well-regarded one. Oh, and please don’t take Discord references as proof of anything.)
Probably not - but they’re likely not far off it either. (It was one comic - Rainbow Dash’s mini - but that wasn’t a well-regarded one. Oh, and please don’t take Discord references as proof of anything.)


reformation is the best
i know discord is discord but he has to know about it somehow also i don’t count comics because again there are big screens in Manehattan so there has to be tv at some point when inventing big screens like that
i know discord is discord but he has to know about it somehow also i don’t count comics because again there are big screens in Manehattan so there has to be tv at some point when inventing big screens like that
there is also button mash playing a video game during hearts and hooves day in one episode
and this
i know there is discord in an airport thing with a monitor but who knows maybe this does exist but maybe not aeroplanes but with airships because not evreypony can fly and even if they do the journey can be long

I think Discord visits other dimensions sometimes, so TV might exist there like it does in Equestria Girls. I mean, I’m pretty sure Twilight knows about it…
I think Discord visits other dimensions sometimes, so TV might exist there like it does in Equestria Girls. I mean, I’m pretty sure Twilight knows about it…
As for the game, there is that… I downplay it, though. But then, I prefer an Equestria with little modern tech in the show era.


reformation is the best
is because i’m questioning it for my AU because i don’t want any connection to gen 5, the things i thought was just coincidence but maybe i can say for my AU these ponies are the first to have TVs in a way that we know but they only use it for things like
showing games, concerts or anything relating to the stage, sports or events to creatures that are unable to go but would like to see it
to show others an event from far away but don’t want to go through the trouble of going cross country to get there
they are able to go and stuff but tickets are sold out but can still see it on tv so they won’t miss it
others include
cooking shows
educational/entertainment tv for young creatures
a place to watch a movie at home (like DVDs/ movie channels)
documentaries about the nature of Equestria or even beyond if there is the possibility
cooking shows
educational/entertainment tv for young creatures
a place to watch a movie at home (like DVDs/ movie channels)
documentaries about the nature of Equestria or even beyond if there is the possibility


reformation is the best
my idea is that discord knows about our world or again Equestria does have this tech they just don’t show it or whatever, i rather ignore things that are not the show or MLP movie (the one with tempest shadow)
my idea is that discord knows about our world or again Equestria does have this tech they just don’t show it or whatever, i rather ignore things that are not the show or MLP movie (the one with tempest shadow)
i just want my ideas for my AU to work
the reason why is an AU is that is the same equestria just the creatures associated with Halloween exist
there are things like dance clubs too so i say it is possible

Wel, when is it set? I think even if they hadn’t invented TV or popularised it when Twilight lived in Ponyville, they may well have done so by, say, the era seen in The Last Problem.
Wel, when is it set? I think even if they hadn’t invented TV or popularised it when Twilight lived in Ponyville, they may well have done so by, say, the era seen in The Last Problem.


reformation is the best
Perhaps they could have TVs but i still say is there just not used often, but this au for these characters in this land starts in 1897 currently, a hundred or so years before twilight or even granny smith were born ( well at that point the land has not been founded yet)
Perhaps they could have TVs but i still say is there just not used often, but this au for these characters in this land starts in 1897 currently, a hundred or so years before twilight or even granny smith were born ( well at that point the land has not been founded yet)
and the tech will develop like our world, just with equestrian standards (the use of it being for necessity) but most of the tech would be around by the time twilight comes to ponyville even before then and i say the tech is advanced even for us due to the use of magic, electricity and crystals
i was thinking that they use carts like in that one episode with cart racing but is more advanced but is used ONLY when a family wants to go somewhere but do not want to be on a train with strangers and is advanced because it could hover but they use it only when is winter (to prevent accidents) but most of the time they would use regular waggons if the place they want to go is not that far or they just walk
this is just an idea and most would use waggons, they could even have a bus but again is horse-drawn, not motorized, again just an idea I’m still thinking about it due to the idea of being too big or bulky to handle but again this is why i have this rule here

If it starts that early, then it certainly didn’t exist then, and whether is exists now isn’t really dependent on if it exists in the main timeline. The technological development could be quite different.
If it starts that early, then it certainly didn’t exist then, and whether is exists now isn’t really dependent on if it exists in the main timeline. The technological development could be quite different.


reformation is the best
no no, I’m saying that currently it starts around the 1800s (of course the tech would be the same as you would expect from the 1800s) but as time goes on, due to situations that are independently their own they have the tech on par with ours or more and it is the main timeline is just different since they are in a land that is all their own unknown to the rest of equestria


reformation is the best
for in universe no but for me since i like things to be accurate to the show, is a yes, i just want to make sure that if it’s possible and i like to say it is,since manehatten has jumbotrons (gient screens).so if they have that, cameras, movie theaters then why not they would have TVs somewhere, they just don’t show it or is just not used that much


reformation is the best
i like to say most of it is in another place but the founding town is in equestria (they have a portal connecting the land to equestria)
i like to say most of it is in another place but the founding town is in equestria (they have a portal connecting the land to equestria)


reformation is the best
i just want to make sure that sort of technology exist so i won’t feel like what i’m doing is impossible or inaccurate for this world
i just want to make sure that sort of technology exist so i won’t feel like what i’m doing is impossible or inaccurate for this world
also, i’m kind of tired of people questioning Equestria’s tech just because they have things from the 1800s or 1950s still being used when there are obvious examples of modern tech and the simple explanation is that
equestria is in modern times they just use things that are necessary or fun in places where are actually needed like for higher tech is manehattan or las pegasus and places like ponyville don’t use these things too much except when it comes to necessity or entertainment

It’s a setting with very varied tech - as well as quite varied fan interpretations of same.
It’s a setting with very varied tech - as well as quite varied fan interpretations of same.
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