Princess Celestia Thread


La Luz Del Sol
I honestly believe they are just long-lived cause everything I’ve read about them says that they just age by like 1 year every 50 years.
I honestly believe they are just long-lived cause everything I’ve read about them says that they just age by like 1 year every 50 years.


IRL 🎠 stallion
I view their immortality as depending on their connection to the Elements of Harmony. Celestia retired because she was no longer connected and did not wish to disgrace the role of Princess by growing senile in office. That said, they probably had a long earth pony lifespan left when Twilight fully took over.
I view their immortality as depending on their connection to the Elements of Harmony. Celestia retired because she was no longer connected and did not wish to disgrace the role of Princess by growing senile in office. That said, they probably had a long earth pony lifespan left when Twilight fully took over.


reformation is the best
I view that too but I say celestia can still be long lived but maybe in the future she might become immortal (Luba too) due to reasons but that is my headcanon
I view that too but I say celestia can still be long lived but maybe in the future she might become immortal (Luba too) due to reasons but that is my headcanon

Loves Misty
So, going off that logic, they’d be in their early-mid 20s during the events of FiM. I always thought they were a little older than that.
So, going off that logic, they’d be in their early-mid 20s during the events of FiM. I always thought they were a little older than that.

Background Pony #3926


reformation is the best
@Background Pony #3926
I heard that they are just long lived but I like to think they are immortal
I heard that they are just long lived but I like to think they are immortal


All criticism aside, I genuinely think Princess Celestia was a few rewrites away from being the most compelling character in the show.

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