Viewing last 25 versions of post by Terminal Rex in topic Naming Fluttershy's Parents, Trixie's Mom, and the Sphinx

Terminal Rex

Going Indognito mode..
So just to summarize, faves for Trixie's mom so far are, Beatrice Sunflower, Beatrix Sundazzle, Showcase spectacle and Dandy lion, Right?

Any other notable standouts?
No reason given
Edited by Terminal Rex
Terminal Rex

Going Indognito mode..
So just to summarize, faves so far are, Beatrice Sunflower, Beatrix Sundazzle, Showcase spectacle and Dandy lion, Right?

Any other notable standouts?
No reason given
Edited by Terminal Rex
Terminal Rex

Going Indognito mode..
So, faves so far are, Beatrice Sunflower, Beatrix Sundazzle, Showcase spectacle and Dandy lion, Right?

Any other notable standouts?
No reason given
Edited by Terminal Rex