MLP G5 Discussion and Speculation Thread

Crackpot Quackpot
Solar Supporter - Fought against the New Lunar Republic rebellion on the side of the Solar Deity (April Fools 2023).
Non-Fungible Trixie -
Preenhub - We all know what you were up to this evening~
My Little Pony - 1992 Edition
Wallet After Summer Sale -

Erratically Sane
My blind reaction (before the final episode)
Cutie Blossom Bash
-And someone took the sixth seat. We all know who.
-Yet another flashback with Argyle, this time it’s fully animated! Unfortunately, it seems he has no replacement voice over.
-And the OG mane 6 got it through typical means. The CMC’s cutie mark attainment felt more down to earth. But anyway.
-Oh? Zipp did that way before ANG. But aside from that, she’s so cute! X3
-Oh that explains why both had the crown symbol.
-goddamn it Haven! His name is not Tissuepuff!
-Oh Sprouty, you are best when pouty. Don’t change. Ever.
-Thinking about it, we now finally get a glimpse in the past before ANG from different POVs. Yeah!
-Are there Earth ponies here? How does any non-pegasus travel there?
-The Pro-blem Solvers? ;)
-And that’s how she got her mane
-I found the Box of Harmony? You know that box.
-Does anybody have that experience where you’re too old with their peers?
-If these are Thunder and Zoom’s new voices, I don’t like them. Or it’s something I’ll need to get used to.
-Magnet hooves strikes again!
-Man, not even to check on her. Well she’s gonna lose more than this upcoming battle, if there’s one.
-it’s that British unicorn boy again. Still miss the movie trio. Which I guess wasn’t meant to be.
-Can we name the other bird Benneth?
-Was Zipp expecting to know more about Opaline from her?
-I know what it feels like to bottle feelings. And I’m hoping to change that step by step.
-In fairness, it’s best those ponies don’t know about Misty’s old connection no matter how true it is.
-I know there’s an ongoing comic about the sisters but damn, Zipp can sing and dance. So why the sudden loss of skill I wonder? Or maybe she deliberately tried to suck at it?
-Hitch should really consider a career change in entertainment
-Did they really think a mere bubble can hold her? Try Tartarus next time.
-it looks like…. They underestimate her power! And they tried…. It.
-ta daaaaa! Called it! DAM. Double Agent Misty.
-Uuuhhhhh, you forgot something?
-Ironically, her lie sounds more epic than simply getting it dyed.
Family trees part 1
-and now we have young Misty in the flesh. Although I was hoping she had that mane style as seen in the photo.
-I did take a peek, but huh, the intro changed. No slot for Misty yet though. :(
-A memory actually, I think.
-Your Step father!
-you know… KH had that kind of door on tree thing too
-Izzy is very optimist
-Be like Pipp, use your influencer powers and tell your fans to touch grass
-Misty lookalike alicorn. Hmm…
-Was she meaning the shard as a snack? Sparky hasn’t ate jewels since he was born
-the fog plot thickens!
-Here they come!
-There they are! And yeah, they were always real. Just didn’t think they’re still alive.
-Apparently Fluttershy understood them too.
-I cannot remember what their old home is like but this is where they’ve been hiding all this time. Are there any other secret societies out there near the 3 core locations? Since it tends to be near them. And also they appear VERY good at being invisible. Probably thanks to Drax.
-Or even before her past.
-tea bath
-Or maybe he visited that place before his demise?
-Unicorns in a Breezie place?
-The Breezies are rather ancient no offense
Family trees part 2
-looks like Sparky nearly found his true family
-Breezies have dragonfire?
-I’m sure Misty and Alphabittle are related
-What kind of tree is this??
-Didn’t it was sooner than expected
-Grogar wannabe
-Their secret
-Young Alphie!
-We knew it!
-That tear effect
Father of the Bridlewood
-A picture of Shining Armor???!!!
-The hop returns!
-Now that’s dedication right there.
-still recovering from the aftershock
-Elder Flower in person. Well proper introduction anyway
-Somehow the unicorns know. Quite perceptive and with wisdom.
-No longer a Blossomforth but a Brightdawn! Would that mean ponies can legally change their name so casually like Fizzlepop Berrytwist?
-Elder Flower spewing so many references.
-She’s who’s descendant???!!!!
Mane Smelody
-Oh boy
-Bestie friends Windy and Posey! The new Lyrabon?
-Now the night market opens whenever, huh.
-That’s a guy breezie right there. Hi Seabreeze!
-Now Shutter Snap says her name
-Overall I have nothing else to say about this. It’s what I think it is.
Also, no dragons? And even if they do exist, they all seem to share a model. If Spike does appear at all they better make him unique and recognisable.
Background Pony #EA37
One flaw of Zipp’s is that she can be impatient. It comes from a place of well-meaning, but she can get really impatient when it comes to solving a mystery.
Posted Report
Background Pony #EA37
Poor Posey got her cutie mark stolen. Hopefully she reports it to Hitch.
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Background Pony #F47E
At least Opaline is not a joke, she is worse than Chrysalis or even Tirek. She is straight up abusive, manipulative, and evil. She is not redeemable. If she ends up being ‘friendly’ by the end of the series, I will laugh harder than that time Cozy, Tirek, and Chrysalis were punished.
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Background Pony #0D99
Sprout was at the Nightmare Night party at the Crystal Brighthouse.
Does this mean Sunny has forgiven him?
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Rainbow Rocks 10th Anniversary: Aria Blaze - Celebrated the 10th anniversary of EQG Rainbow Rocks!
Silly Pony - Celebrated the 13th anniversary of MLP:FIM, and 40 years of MLP!
Shimmering Smile - Celebrated the 10th anniversary of Equestria Girls!
Solar Supporter - Fought against the New Lunar Republic rebellion on the side of the Solar Deity (April Fools 2023).
Wallet After Summer Sale -
Happy Derpy! - For Patreon supporters
Artist -
The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

Fan of both G4 and G5
Watching the Nightmare Night episode, Pipp’s attempts to scare Misty are both cute and funny. Speaking of Misty her magician costume was especially adorable. Opaline’s interactions with the townsponies were amusing as well, until she stole Posey’s cutie mark. That poor mare is cursed.
Posted Report
Background Pony #CC3D
At least Opaline is not a joke, she is worse than Chrysalis or even Tirek. She is straight up abusive, manipulative, and evil. She is not redeemable. If she ends up being ‘friendly’ by the end of the series, I will laugh harder than that time Cozy, Tirek, and Chrysalis were punished.
We don’t know how the Opaline Arc will end, but we do know that she will steal all the magic from the dragons and then the cutie marks from the ponies to become so strong, that even Sunny won’t stand a chance against her. But because MYM will end in the next chapter, it means that it will be an abrupt end for her, there is not enough time to transform her for the better. Her personal flaws are so strong that she needs a big shock. It is unlikely that she will be killed or removed in a brutal manner, but she may unwillingly end up in Tartarus itself.
Have now gone through the C5, it is a little weaker than the C4 - does Gillian Berrow believe that MYM is only for five-year-old children? Logical flaws, big holes in the gap, the Breeziers helped almost without any logical ulterior motives several times, came up with contradictions like with the Night Market… Again it is the characters and their interaction - the New Mane 6 - that drives the show forward .
But when I observed Elder Flower, it struck me that she actually remembered, but is unable to bring it to the surface and her narratives seem quite distorted when she explains about the alicorns. There are spells in the Harry Potter universe that can manipulate memories and memories, and her behavior raised a number of red flags. Watching the sequence when she saw the glass windows in the hangar. She knew, but it’s in her subconscious. Zipp noted - as Sunny had done in the movie - that there are inexplicable irregularities in information about the past, so much so that they went to the Elder Flower, and it seems that she was unable to read the book about the alicorns.
How Misty disappeared when she was just a filly suggests that she had been teleported out of Bridlewood and into the land where Opaline lives, it is possible that she may have gone through the portal by mistake and the wishing tree reacted to her magic . This seems manipulated. And we also saw it when the Breeziers traded with the New Mane 6, they already knew everything about Alphabittle and Misty, even they hadn’t seen ponies in hundreds of moons. Anyone older than a seven-year-old can see this.
We never saw the Dragonlands in G4, nice that we got a glimpse of this tropical land - which Opaline may have visited because the map revealed where she got the dragon stone. And now I am convinced that Bridlewood is the Breezier’s home from G4.
The lore about “the together trees” is very interesting, this may have originated in the harmony tree, but we know that magical trees and ponies were linked together already in G1. So Opaline created the tree that the dark castle was built around? This did not exist in G4.
Posted Report
Nightmare in the Moon - Had their OC in the 2024 Derpibooru Collab.
Silly Pony - Celebrated the 13th anniversary of MLP:FIM, and 40 years of MLP!
Lunar Supporter - Helped forge New Lunar Republic's freedom in the face of the Solar Empire's oppressive tyrannical regime (April Fools 2023).
King Sombra - Celebrated the 10th anniversary of The Crystal Empire!
Princess of Love - Extra special version for those who participated in the Canterlot Wedding 10th anniversary event by contributing art.
A Really Classy Artist - 250+ images under their artist tag
Non-Fungible Trixie -
An Artist Who Rocks - 100+ images under their artist tag
Artist -

Banned from 3 Discords
with what Opaline said about Moon banishment, wonder if they’re setting up her fate of being the new Mare in The Moon?
i.e, let the next gen in 1000 years deal with her
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Northern Verve

We never saw the Dragonlands in G4
??? That’s not true. There were at least a decent few episodes that showed the volcanic/rocky place the dragons lived. With sporadic appearances starting with Season 2 all the way to the 9th one.
Posted Report
Cutest Little Devil - Celebrated the 14th anniversary of MLP:FIM!
Rainbow Rocks 10th Anniversary: Adagio Dazzle - Celebrated the 10th anniversary of EQG Rainbow Rocks!
Nightmare in the Moon - Had their OC in the 2024 Derpibooru Collab.
Shimmering Smile - Celebrated the 10th anniversary of Equestria Girls!
Lunar Champion - Led the charge of major battles for the New Lunar Republic, bringing swift and crushing defeat to the forces of the Solar Empire (April Fools 2023).
Roseluck - Had their OC in the 2023 Derpibooru Collab.
King Sombra - Celebrated the 10th anniversary of The Crystal Empire!
Artist -
Non-Fungible Trixie -

Prog rock pony
At least Opaline is not a joke, she is worse than Chrysalis or even Tirek. She is straight up abusive, manipulative, and evil. She is not redeemable. If she ends up being ‘friendly’ by the end of the series, I will laugh harder than that time Cozy, Tirek, and Chrysalis were punished.
Opaline hasn’t done enough to be compared to Chrysalis (who nearly ripped off the wings of a baby dragon, while Opaline just wanted to drop one into a river) or Tirek.
Have now gone through the C5, it is a little weaker than the C4 - does Gillian Berrow believe that MYM is only for five-year-old children?
Hasbro stopped caring about the adult fans/brony fandom years ago. We’re no longer profitable to them, and that’s all that matters.
Logical flaws, big holes in the gap, the Breeziers helped almost without any logical ulterior motives several times, came up with contradictions like with the Night Market… Again it is the characters and their interaction - the New Mane 6 - that drives the show forward .
MLP has always had bad writing.
Posted Report
Background Pony #CC3D
We never saw the Dragonlands in G4
??? That’s not true. There were at least a decent few episodes that showed the volcanic/rocky place the dragons lived. With sporadic appearances starting with Season 2 all the way to the 9th one.
According to the G4 map, the Dragon Lands were on another continent, and this is confirmed by the new map in C5, E6 which revealed that it may have been separated from Equestria by an ocean. The G4 dragons migrated from place to place, and had intermediate residences where there are volcanic terrains, among other things for the sake of the younger dragons and to bring forth new generations, we know that strong magic and extreme heat can make dragon eggs hatch, so new baby dragons can spawn. But these were not tropical landscapes, the G4 maps revealed that the dragons have a permanent home which is probably their cultural cradle, revealed by statues and other signs of civilization development among the dragons. In tropical latitudes.
When the magic disappeared, the dragons went there to seek refuge, and from the many prints that looked quite fresh, it is believed to be an awake dragon guarding the sleeping dragons. We saw that this dragon has a purple color, probably Spike who may have been the big dragon we saw in C5. This dragon may have been able to use magic, because when Sparky came into contact with the prints there must have been a lot of magical residue left behind. It could explain why Sparky quickly regained form, it is possible that the Dragon Lord is there in the Dragon Lands.
The size of the footprints is large, the gaps between them are also quite large, and the absence of traces of a tail may indicate a winged dragon with a right-raised tail, which walked on two legs. The length of one print is almost the same as that of a pony. So if it’s Spike, he’s gotten huge.
Opaline may have been able to get there, because the map showed that the dragonstone she had used to drain Sparky of dragonfire may have come from there. But she was likely unable to find the sleeping dragons and may have feared the dragon guardian who protected them - so she needs dragon fire elsewhere. Opaline can possibly now confront the guardian, especially if she can steal cutie marks and utilize her own Together tree.
Posted Report
Duck - Hates MLP:FiM but still paddles around the MLP:FiM pond quacking about how bad it is
Artist -
Silly Pony - Celebrated the 13th anniversary of MLP:FIM, and 40 years of MLP!
Solar Supporter - Fought against the New Lunar Republic rebellion on the side of the Solar Deity (April Fools 2023).

Just watched Cutie Blossom Bash and the first part of Family Trees. I liked them, my favorite so far is CBB, and I did notice a couple animation errors with Misty’s horn in that one. Sunny joking about the market near the end of Family Trees was cute. Those eps went by fast for me, Idk why
Posted Report
Background Pony #CC3D
At least Opaline is not a joke, she is worse than Chrysalis or even Tirek. She is straight up abusive, manipulative, and evil. She is not redeemable. If she ends up being ‘friendly’ by the end of the series, I will laugh harder than that time Cozy, Tirek, and Chrysalis were punished.
Opaline hasn’t done enough to be compared to Chrysalis (who nearly ripped off the wings of a baby dragon, while Opaline just wanted to drop one into a river) or Tirek.
Have now gone through the C5, it is a little weaker than the C4 - does Gillian Berrow believe that MYM is only for five-year-old children?
Hasbro stopped caring about the adult fans/brony fandom years ago. We’re no longer profitable to them, and that’s all that matters.
Logical flaws, big holes in the gap, the Breeziers helped almost without any logical ulterior motives several times, came up with contradictions like with the Night Market… Again it is the characters and their interaction - the New Mane 6 - that drives the show forward .
MLP has always had bad writing.
It seems to be random, unfortunately. Berrow is a G4 screenwriter, but she came from the same background as McCarthy and it has been noted that she wrote mostly for toddlers and children younger than seven to eight years, although she could also write for older children and teenagers. I think it’s because she and her colleagues are heavily hampered by Hasbro who may have taken the child-friendliness wish to the extreme.
But even she should have been able to spot the holes in the plot, especially in connection with the Breeziers who sometimes looked like they were working on behalf of a third party. It went a little slower in C5 episodes than expected, so that the interaction between the friends in the New Mane 5, Misty’s rediscovery of her past and Opaline’s trip to Maretime Bay are the highlights of the chapter.
Memory manipulation seems to be a possibility, because it is not normal that Misty could lose all her childhood memories, and Elder Flower could easily tell about the Together trees if the concept could have been borrowed from IDW S10, while she had visible difficulties to tell about the alicorns, her words are garbled until the unintelligible, as with “the bats”, Dawn must have been Twilight and the greedy bat could have been Opaline. We also saw that she was very preoccupied with what she saw in Zephyr Heights as if she had been there before, and especially with the glass window in the hangar, as if she had memories that refused to surface for her.
If there is a third party that the Breeziers are working for, it means that things are happening that both the New Mane 6 and Opaline are kept in the dark about, like if the ponies of Equestria are being watched by a mysterious force. The Breeziers obviously had the unicorns under observation for a long time, while hiding away until the magical tree was “awakened”. They had been waiting for Misty.
The Moondancer information is strange, there were supposed to be five generations between her and Elder Flower, but in a TYT episode it says ten generations, and the blanket was mentioned in MYM. We know that ponies can grow old, in special cases over a hundred years old or more. Elder Flower may have lived much longer than normal and she talked about a marriage with possibly changelings there, which then means that changelings were alive in her lifetime. It is possible that it is a different Moondancer.
The sight of the flying pig perhaps suggests that Discord may have had a hand in creating small animals with horns and wings. This animal was his favorite animal in G4.
The Together trees may have existed in G4, but they may have arisen more recently during Twilight’s reign. These act as magical “elevators” between different localities on a large continent, with roots that extended very far over great distances. This explains why the tree in Bridlewood was important in the C3 book, this is a magical tree that was created by perhaps the three unidentified ponies in the book, and these can hold small pocket dimensions as portals to other places around the world.
From IDW S10 we know that it was an image that showed four trees in contact with each other from opposite ends of the world. To create these trees, several ponies must unite their magic on this, or perhaps by single powerful beings such as alicorns. It could also have happened to non-ponies, we don’t know how the harmony trees originated outside of Equestria as the harmony tree in Equestria is unique, planted by the pillars many years before Discord’s attack. What if these trees were not harmony trees, but Together trees that came into contact with the original harmony tree through the roots? Then these magical trees could be assimilated and turned into harmony trees as a result. This hypothesis may have been coughed up to sweep the entire S10 controversy aside.
And it is possible that the Together trees were essential to Twilight’s empire in the past, community, harmony, unity can create and strengthen them for the benefit of ponies and non-ponies alike. It is possible that these trees existed when Opaline was young. Perhaps she was not alone when the Togethet tree in the dark castle arose, since several people had to be together for this.
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