MLP G5 Discussion and Speculation Thread

Lunar Supporter - Helped forge New Lunar Republic's freedom in the face of the Solar Empire's oppressive tyrannical regime (April Fools 2023).
My Little Pony - 1992 Edition
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Grumpy and antisocial
Okay, I was thinking about Earth Ponies’ ability to sense wildlife nearby and I wonder if they also can talk to animals, like Hitch did in the trailer. It’s a simple, yet useful power that can potentially help the main characters in their upcoming adventures.
Background Pony #E0DA
Only 2 more days (more like 1 and a half days) until Make Your Mark.
Are you excited?
Background Pony #6922
I think being able to talk to animals might just be a Hitch thing rather than something all earth ponies can do. But then again, we’ve seen him doing it so maybe it is a new earth pony magic.
It seems the writers noticed complaints about earth ponies being “too normal” and decided to give them a more “showy” magic than the subtle stronger strength and stamina magic.
Background Pony #6922
I hope in the future, the ponies’ magic will be more inborn so they won’t be so reliant on the crystals. We don’t need more storylines about how the ponies need to fix magic because the crystals got stolen or fix whatever is making the crystals glitch again. It’s okay one or two times, but it’ll get boring fast.
Lunar Supporter - Helped forge New Lunar Republic's freedom in the face of the Solar Empire's oppressive tyrannical regime (April Fools 2023).
My Little Pony - 1992 Edition
Wallet After Summer Sale -

Grumpy and antisocial
@Background Pony #6922
It was a wise decision. Basically all the pony species in G4 proved to be stronger than they appear to be (i.e., they came out almost unscathed from situations that would surely injure or even kill equines and people in real life), saying that Earth Ponies’ power is super strength would be redundant.
Background Pony #6922
Might be proven wrong later. But it’s possible they might have worfed unicorns and pegasi too. So far, pegasi haven’t shown any weather manipulation abilities, even the simple ones like being able to sit on clouds, and unicorns have only used telekinesis. I’m curious to see if any spellbooks survived and perhaps some unicorns might take an interest in leveling their magic up further.

@Background Pony #6922
Yeah they definitely nerfed the unicorn magic, which I think is fair.
I’m curious to see if any spellbooks survived and perhaps some unicorns might take an interest in leveling their magic up further.
This would create some conflict for sure. Maybe we could get a unicorn villain who rants that unicorns are superior because they have magic that could do just about anything, and Sunny would have to figure out how to stop that.
Background Pony #6922
Yeah, but if sensing when animals are nearby is a racial trait, being able to talk to them wouldn’t be too much of a stretch. Still, so far I think it might be something only Hitch is able to do.
Can’t wait for when unicorns discover they can shoot lasers from their horns. xD
Background Pony #E2A5
The ponies are in a system maintained by Faust and her fellow colleagues who produce very high potential for exploring their magical abilities.
First, to begin with, the ponies had been in a caste system in pre-equestrian times that in a way reflected the structure of society at that time; the unicorns were the scholars who formed an aristocracy, the pegasi were the warriors who formed a military, and the earth ponies were the workers who make up the peasants, artisans and enforcers of the functions of society. It was during this time that magical knowledge was cemented into specific “groupings” related to race and talent, first race, then the cutie mark. Much of the magic lore in the G4 has its background in the pre-equestrian caste system that created a specialization that benefited the unicorns.
Secondly; their magical abilities are “categorized” into three specific areas of manipulation, that is, the ability to manipulate the surroundings for their own gain. Air; material, soil. Atmosphere, mountain, earth. The pegasi can manipulate the air elements to be able to fly, make objects light, reshape the weather. The unicorns with their telekinesis can manipulate individual objects more finely and precisely even comparisons with human hands, and can manipulate light, solid material and living material, even by being able to “override” the laws of nature. The earth ponies can manipulate plant life, earth elements and reshape minerals and metals, and their super strength is a consequence of the proximity to the earth.
This offers endless possibilities. And since the comic has revealed that Hitch can sense wildlife through the earth elements - and can move quietly to get close to frightened animals, it meant that he has returned all the way back to pre-caste system conditions. For this can be linked to survival instincts, and is basic magic from the very beginning, when civilizations were still young. This is important in encounters with predators and monsters. The unicorns’ telekinesis is much stronger than in G4, and this may be due to the fact that they could concentrate their magic much better by having so few spells, again returned to pre-caste system conditions. For the pegasi, not so much beyond the ability to fly and use single clouds at low altitude, they could look much longer than other ponies and at least have the ability to have “wing hands”.
If the emotional instability of the pony magic was completely absent, the ponies could develop very aggressive aspects of their magic for war purposes. By being able to generate natural electricity and create lightning, the pegasi can in theory create plasma rays with unprecedented high temperatures, they use lightning as a weapon in the G4. The unicorns, with their ability to manipulate light, are able to create laser beams of varying strength and Starlight could cut through organic materials. And from the Pie sisters we know that the earth ponies can make stones heavier or throw them with unprecedented strength, in practice acting as mass-driven weapons. As a star ship from Star Trek; the pegasi will be a romulan star bird while the unicorns will be a star fleet spaceship while the earth ponies will be like a reaper from Mass Effect.
But this will be left in peace as the ponies are more peaceful with the main emphasis on social interaction, tolerance within social activity and these had been “evolved” to seek friendship and peace for many centuries. Moreover, the G5 has more or less returned to the “roots” seen with a cynical view of magic, several thousand years of society had disappeared in one fell swoop. The unicorns do not remember their aristocratic and scholarly past, the earth ponies had become a versatile and multifunctional people liberated from the caste system while the pegasi are least affected as they continue with their military mentality and industrial mindset created by weather manipulation.
By understanding the rules - and then having frames around what magic can be used for in certain “areas”, it is easy to have endless possibilities to deepen the magical lore of the Pony kind. The pegasi, unicorns and the earth ponies of the G5 have an important advantage in being freed from their past, the old Equestria is gone forever no matter how much lore is preserved as old spell books that can be found, or old texts about what the ancestors had achieved.
Just like the Disney movie of Atlantis. When Atlantis went under, it was because Atlanteans had abused their crystals which from the ponies’ point of view seemed magical. The situation around the Unity Crystals in MYM points in that direction. And just like the Atlanteans, the ponies have to start all over again.
Background Pony #13BA
I watched it in advance and I can confirm some theories
Spoiler Warning
Zipp became Hitch’s delegate
Sunny says she has no control over her transformation until the end of the movie and she learns to control it, and in the comics she already knows how to control it well.
They definitely don’t consider Sunny a princess just because she’s an alicorn, in fact they consider her a normal pony.
Only this
Background Pony #13BA
@Background Pony #E0DA
Not spectacular level, but it was ok for what it is. The animation and quality is what you will see and get for the next few specials. Keep in mind that they won’t tackle anything G4 as much unlike the comics, as that would steal the spotlight for some elements.
Background Pony #121A
The hypothesis of collective memory loss seems to be confirmed. And it is obvious that Argyle and Sunny in their time know very little about the alicorns, which may explain why she considered herself an alicorn when we know better, that she is an earth pony with a temporary alicorn state. Would not be surprising if Discord is going to confuse the Mane 5 with his looks and demeanor, if they know so little about the G4. Which suggests that the books from G4 have not survived into G5 ….
Background Pony #13BA
@Background Pony #E0DA
Yes, although it’s a bit of an unfair comparison. We will have to wait until the series comes out. Then we can compare. But yes, don’t expect FIM levels of good. It’s going to be its own thing and not tackle much on G4 stuff atm
Background Pony #90D1
I don’t expect the special to be amazing and I doubt they will tackle g4 stuff in it. But I think I’ll enjoy it regardless.
Background Pony #E2A5
Have now read the comic. It must have been made at the same time as the TVT series came out, as the script for the MYM special may have been made known to the comic writers. Unfortunately, this means that what is new in TVT was not included in the comic that will be upgraded quickly, it is good that the lighthouse is not completely shown in the comic. The statue looks nice. At least a G4 tradition is alive in the G5.
It was Izzy who found Canterlot, but Cloudpuff does not like the smell of Discord who left a white hair (has he grown old) in the crime scene, easy to see that the dog was shocked, confused and could not long follow the trail so close to Canterlot. So the Mane 5 could not find Canterlot and that was the purest coincidence because when a rock hit something, it said “clang”.
It’s exactly as I had anticipated when we got the first pictures of Canterlot in ruins, the ruin site is hidden away by a cloud layer and the vegetation suggests high humidity, which meant that the streams that passed through the city had created a fog that makes it invisible from above. What is surprising is that the gate of the ancients has been partly covered by a stone wall as if a landslide had happened there, which had quickly become overgrown with trees and plants.
Izzy found the cave because someone had broken out, and because she noted that the surroundings of this cave do not seem natural. Did it mean that Discord was in Canterlot all the time the magic was gone? By that, it means that he may have been “awakened” by the near-disaster in MYM and broke out to get to Maretime Bay.
At least not the entire shelf plateau on which Canterlot lay, was completely covered with buildings - although there may be lots of ruins in the unusual terrain, covered with vegetation and loose material.
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