Jeah, I get it. So Sunny is going (at least when it comes to TYT - and I suspect later in the show) all the way of her inner Twilight. Makes sense, in the way she was influenced by the myths and legends about her heroine. And as we all know. Twilight was not (in all parts) a good role model. Nice to see that this inner angst made it into G5 as well.
Why do I say “nice”? Well, unlike what others like to see in their favorite Alicorn or Leader of the pack, I personally have always kind of pitied Twilight for being pressed into the role of leader. Not that I wasn’t (and am) glad that she made it all the way to the top. But as the Mane 6 say, they’re not perfect. They are a work in progress. The end of G4 never gave me the feeling that: hey, it’s all good now and we can do this! But rather: Yes, we have maintained the status quo. But the problems, especially within the Pony community are actually the same as (sorry, this is where it gets a little “meta”) those of our human society.
Yes, society and/or MLP fandom has come miles and evolved. Especially if you look at the last 10 years. But we are still far from perfect. Better said: Some things have even gotten worse. So are the ponies. Feel free to laugh at me for that, but hey. I am very far from dropping MLP. I see it more as: we’re going to the next level/generation. And if I have my way, MLP will be with us for decades to come. But that, with all due respect, is just my personal opinion. I accept everyone who has a different point of view ;-)
What I’m saying is that as long as we don’t evolve and learn, MLP (in this case G5) will reflect what we don’t like and would like to be different, but which are still our problems as well. Like trusting our leaders or how shitty it is to have to be a leader out of a sense of duty and because we don’t want to learn to work all together as a team. And actually developing our differences into a strength than constantly harping on how different we actually are.
Small note: There is a unicorn, a pegasus and a born earth pony in this picture. Think about it ;-)
Edit: I could add a few more much darker thoughts here. But I’ll leave that alone. Not because I wouldn’t like to discuss the fact that G5 is already much further along than some of us would admit, but because I don’t want to break any hearts here either. I’ll keep the RL shit to myself and instead amuse myself with how MLP G5 is already bringing to light things that we, as Pony Lovers, are actually way too stupid to do in our entirety. Not because we really are too stupid. But because we are still confronted with the same fears and the same problems, which seem to be repeated since a felt eternity. But hey. Always we have a pony filter and hope for better. Maybe. So to say. Probably not. But I refuse to let gloom get the upper hand. ;-D