MLP G5 Discussion and Speculation Thread

Background Pony #D8B2
@Background Pony #35C2
Did she not make the crystals to make the ponies “behave”? If anything she just made everything worse. Back then when the tribes started to fight then they should have feared the windigos and freeze to death. Now if they fight again then they should fear falling into an endless void. They fixed nothing.
She may not have been given other choices, the Mane 6 knows that what they are doing is wrong, forcing the ponies - but in the first place they need to bring the uncontrolled pony magic under control. Even Discord could not resist this. They were forced. The non-ponies may have reacted strongly negatively, and the Ponykind was in great danger. Equestria risks falling apart, including the whole world. For Twilight, the “Friendship is Magic” ideology has been put back, and her politics and world influence were based on this.
They took all the individual focal points where the magic came to the ponies, and may have already discovered the emotional impact that came in return. We saw this in the MYM special. It may have made them realize where the problem lay, and that it can not be solved without changing the very essence of the ponies. So they united all the focal points into one - “Unity” - hence this word. Harmony is replaced by Unity through this intervention of the Mane 6, social welfare and balance were not enough in the long run.
It must have been very painful for the Mane 6 who undoubtedly understood what it means, as Sunny and Zipp had done in MYT, that one is forced to like what the other wants. Sunny in her response shows that she is somewhat naive, but this may change in the subsequent comics when she wants to learn more about the past and the reason why Discord made his choice.
If the ponies are to have individual freedom within magic, something must be done about the huge problem with the kirin / nirik behavior of the pony magic, it is not possible to just ignore it and patch it up every time it is needed. They did not have this problem in pre-Equestrian times when the ponies could live separately from each other and have open hostility towards each other, they just coexist.
Twilight is not a tyrant, it is the magic that is the real tyrant.
Non-Fungible Trixie -
Twinkling Balloon - Took part in the 2021 community collab.
Ten years of changes - Celebrated the 10th anniversary of MLP:FiM!
My Little Pony - 1992 Edition
Economist -

Smiling Panzerfuchs 2.0
Well, I’m totally with you on the dangerousness of unstable emotionality. But I see it less as a Romulan rip-off and more as a small but friendly middle finger to the fans. Without being offended. Parts of the fandom can be quite toxic. Why should the ponies behave differently? After all, we as fans indirectly influence the mood and attitude of the writers. Maybe not by everyone, and maybe not particularly strongly. But I haven’t had the impression in the last 10 years that the writers are NOT aware of what makes the fandom tick ;-)
To cut a long story short: Yes, Sunny has a problem. And yes, surely the renewed contact with the other species will be anything but peaceful. As for the mutation of the animal world, well, difficult to say when that arose. It may have happened in the time between Twilight’s ascension to the throne and the creation of the Unity Crystals. And yes, probably through unstable pony magic.
Without knowing anything about the fate of the princesses, a lot is still left to speculation. But it’s still nice that we, as fans, can think about it again. So today is a good day (at least for me). ;-)
Background Pony #D8B2
Couple of stray thoughts/theories:
  • Storing the magic within the crystals seems like a good idea. It seems like it would make draining the magic ala Tirek or Cozy Glow more difficult. The tradeoff is that the crystals can be stolen or separated.
  • I’m wondering if the Windigoes were also sealed within the crystals.
  • Maybe the crystals cracking isn’t just damage. Maybe it’s something escaping.
  • Sunny’s alicorn magic could be an unintended byproduct of the three crystals suddenly activating. Or, the crystals could contain fragments of alicorn magic so that a newly-rebooted Equestria would also get an alicorn.
  1. Uncertain; especially with Cozy Glow and the mysterious dimension that has never been explained, only that Tirek had an important role as an advisor on how to steal magic. Which may have been a specialty only for magically active centaurs in environments with weak magic.
  2. Twilight destroyed the windigos, but we know almost nothing about how they originated, where they came from, and what their motives for a total extinction of the ponies are. Only that these are “ice spirits” who seem to be able to assimilate and process pony magic, and are covered by the pony magic. Griffons and other magically active people in Equus were not exposed to these creatures.
  3. We know little about the Unity Crystals yet, but there are many indications that these are a “door” between the ponies’ dimension and a second dimension from which the magic came. It may be the elsewhere - about which we know almost nothing.
  4. We do not know. But all indications are that the Unity Crystals had chosen Sunny, not to give her alicorn powers as a side effect.
In the G4 it has been shown that the ponies cannot create magic, only use it, the talent magic and “the pool size” that can hold magic (some call it mana) decide how it should be. The magic in turn is transformed or given a new character by the ponies’ manipulation. Almost only ponies had “cutie marks” which are really an expression of talent and personal as a magical orientation, and then it meant that these in contrast to the rest of Equus had immersed themselves in magic more than anything else.
From S10 if one disregards the madness of “the harmony knights” it has been shown that all different cultures are divided into two; non-chimeric and chimeric, are magically active to varying degrees, and all of this seemed to have a background in the early civilizations that were first out with the use of magic. From S8 we know that the chimeric creatures do not have a natural background as when Twilight could take magic from monsters that were composed of several animals. Which meant that the chimeric civilized beings may have been created.
And for the sake of the ponies, it seems that this led to a division of the original pony into several sub-breeds in the air, on earth and at sea - with three “basic tribes” in the core, the unicorns, the pegasi and the earth ponies. This shows that the ponies had come much further in the exploration of magic than the rest of the world, and thus took a lead that can only have been challenged a few times. The unicorns were the most learned in magical knowledge worldwide, the pegasi were the fastest, most capable and flexible of all flying creatures and the earth ponies were the most pervasive in landscape manipulation, which was central in ancient times.
But this may have required a price, which may have led to the situation in the G5 where magic has now become a serious problem that in the long run can not be solved. It is possible that the pony magic gets bigger and bigger with time, and the Mane 6 may have built a dam with the Unity Crystals in without wanting to, this makes the near-disaster in MYM possible, as magical response to emotional instability becomes much more powerful.
For the pony magic and the ponies had been inextricably linked over the centuries, if not millennia - and when Twilight wanted to solve this problem, she and her friends discovered that it could touch the very essence of Ponykind. And the book that was used when the spell was created shows a connection with the alicorn magic. For the cutie marks of all four alicorns - Celestia, Luna, Cadence and Twilight, are on the book.
Maybe it shows that the alicorns and the pony magic are very closely related? And that may be why Sunny has alicorn powers and is going to be a permanent alicorn.
Background Pony #D8B2
Well, I’m totally with you on the dangerousness of unstable emotionality. But I see it less as a Romulan rip-off and more as a small but friendly middle finger to the fans. Without being offended. Parts of the fandom can be quite toxic. Why should the ponies behave differently? After all, we as fans indirectly influence the mood and attitude of the writers. Maybe not by everyone, and maybe not particularly strongly. But I haven’t had the impression in the last 10 years that the writers are NOT aware of what makes the fandom tick ;-)
To cut a long story short: Yes, Sunny has a problem. And yes, surely the renewed contact with the other species will be anything but peaceful. As for the mutation of the animal world, well, difficult to say when that arose. It may have happened in the time between Twilight’s ascension to the throne and the creation of the Unity Crystals. And yes, probably through unstable pony magic.
Without knowing anything about the fate of the princesses, a lot is still left to speculation. But it’s still nice that we, as fans, can think about it again. So today is a good day (at least for me). ;-)
Well; Discord put it bluntly; “no more mutants”. This may be a hint of what happened to large parts of the animal world in Equestria - as we have seen three different types of rabbit, a normal rabbit, a rabbit with a magic horn and these strange rabbits from the G5 movie. So far.
And he suggests this is due to the pony magic. The case of the chimeric civilized creatures and monsters in the G4 as well as “additions” such as bird wings on ponies made clear all this could only have been artificially created through magical manipulation. We know that Grogar had created the chimeric monsters as “the father of the monsters”, and there is much to suggest that intelligent chimeric people were created as slaves or subjects.
But what seems to have happened in G4 / G5 is more about projecting the ponies’ internal ambitions and feelings into the wildlife rather than deliberate actions. And this may have happened without the ponies wanting it. So there is definitely a lot of new out there in the G5 that has not yet been discovered.
Non-Fungible Trixie -
Twinkling Balloon - Took part in the 2021 community collab.
Ten years of changes - Celebrated the 10th anniversary of MLP:FiM!
My Little Pony - 1992 Edition
Economist -

Smiling Panzerfuchs 2.0
So there is definitely a lot of new out there in the G5 that has not yet been discovered.
I think, and I don’t want to take the wind out of your sails right now, but this statement of yours actually sums it up quite well. I mean, I love the way you think and also most of what you say seems relatively coherent to me. The only thing is that I actually (still) lack the knowledge about Season 10 to be able to answer here accordingly.
Well, the following points seems quite the canon timeline.
  • Age of the Ancients (Grogar, Gusty the Great, Stars Swirl, Rise of the Two Sisters, Discord, Lord Tirek)
  • Age of Equestria (Planting of the Tree of Harmony, Disappearance of the Pillars of Harmony, Nightmare Moon Incident, Celestia reigns for 1000+ moons)
  • G4
  • Age of Twilight (Twilight’s Ascent to the Throne, Creation of Unity Crystals, Breakup of the Three Tribes)
  • G5
Am I miss anything?
Of course, this is only a very rough list. Very, very rough. But if you think about it, MLP G4 actually has quite an interesting lore. And certainly a lot of interesting species and locations. It’s just too bad that no one really takes the trouble to write everything down and tries to connect everything that is not retcon. That would be a rulebook that I would buy immediately. ;-)
Background Pony #35C2
Before becoming an alicorn the shadowy unicorn says “It’s morbing time!”
Sky Spark - For Patreon supporters
Pone of Astronomy - For Patreon supporters
Nightmare in the Moon - Had their OC in the 2024 Derpibooru Collab.
Solar Supporter - Fought against the New Lunar Republic rebellion on the side of the Solar Deity (April Fools 2023).
Roseluck - Had their OC in the 2023 Derpibooru Collab.
Elements of Harmony - Had an OC in the 2022 Community Collab
Non-Fungible Trixie -
Verified Pegasus - Show us your gorgeous wings!
Preenhub - We all know what you were up to this evening~
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Pone of Astronomy
I really hate the whole putting the magic into the 3 crystals because it’s soooo out of character for Twi to do something like that, and just seems like a way of justifying them in G5, and makes it seem like everything went to shit when Twi took the throne.
Background Pony #35C2
How exactly is out of character? Are you sure you aren’t just a little bit mad because you don’t have control over her character?
Magnificent Metadata Maniac - #1 Assistant
Magical Inkwell - Wrote MLP fanfiction consisting of at least around 1.5k words, and has a verified link to the platform of their choice
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Hungarian G1 pony fan
It is so stupid. “If u do not do what i say then u will lose your magic because i made these crystals!” This is the same bullshit what Sombra did, using the ponies’ fear to control them. The comic writers truly do not give a shit about anything.
Background Pony #35C2
Bag things happen all the time. This would happen even without Twi taking the throne. The problem isn’t that unicorn.
Background Pony #35C2
You are overanalyzing it. Sombra is a tyrant. Twilight isn’t one. Please don’t make it sound like Twilight said those things.
Magnificent Metadata Maniac - #1 Assistant
Magical Inkwell - Wrote MLP fanfiction consisting of at least around 1.5k words, and has a verified link to the platform of their choice
Artist -

Hungarian G1 pony fan
@Background Pony #35C2
Just because she did not say that it is still the same course of action. Her actions pretty seem like a tyrant would do. Pointing out plot holes and criticizing stupidity are not “overanalyzing”. How could making the risk of falling into eternal nothingness fix anything? Were the windigos and death by freezing not enough?
Background Pony #D8B2
So there is definitely a lot of new out there in the G5 that has not yet been discovered.
I think, and I don’t want to take the wind out of your sails right now, but this statement of yours actually sums it up quite well. I mean, I love the way you think and also most of what you say seems relatively coherent to me. The only thing is that I actually (still) lack the knowledge about Season 10 to be able to answer here accordingly.
Well, the following points seems quite the canon timeline.
  • Age of the Ancients (Grogar, Gusty the Great, Stars Swirl, Rise of the Two Sisters, Discord, Lord Tirek)
  • Age of Equestria (Planting of the Tree of Harmony, Disappearance of the Pillars of Harmony, Nightmare Moon Incident, Celestia reigns for 1000+ moons)
  • G4
  • Age of Twilight (Twilight’s Ascent to the Throne, Creation of Unity Crystals, Breakup of the Three Tribes)
  • G5
Am I miss anything?
Of course, this is only a very rough list. Very, very rough. But if you think about it, MLP G4 actually has quite an interesting lore. And certainly a lot of interesting species and locations. It’s just too bad that no one really takes the trouble to write everything down and tries to connect everything that is not retcon. That would be a rulebook that I would buy immediately. ;-)
I would happily make such a rulebook, but there will be too much speculation on my part. And it is true that we need an encyclopedia of the lore of MLP that all future authors and producers can use for future publications. Not least to avoid misery as the “harmony knights” in the S10 who took their damage from this, as a writer went far beyond his ability in drafting the plot.
We know very little about Age of the Ancients which is partly based on G1, and which stretched over several millennia, and partly about Age of Equestria which is probably around 1,500 years - and it’s just a guessing game about how long Age of Twilight lasts, probably 800 years as a minimum. From G4 it is clear that the period of time for the pony civilization that came into contact with other civilizations already probably in the beginning, is very long.
No one knows when the manipulation of magic that exists in the background started, or who was the first to use magic. But there are many indications that the first established magical civilization was the predecessor of the ponies in their lost homeland, not least because these are immersed in magic to a greater extent than the rest of the world. We only know that ponies lived in small flocks scattered around probably in northeastern Equestria and the neighboring continent that may have interconnected once in the past - and that was where they gradually but surely begin to form societies and then civilization.
Much of the knowledge about the Age of the Ancients was lost during the flight from the cold about 1,500 years ago. And it seems that only Sunny and her father have preserved the few intact G4 books that the IDW comics suggest. Twilight was not so lucky, which is why she constantly searches libraries in hopes of finding preserved historical documents. Discord’s chaos when he was king - and ironically united Equestria even more - did not make it better.
Perhaps the hypothesis that there is an older threat than Equestria is correct - just not what one thought. For all have a price, and when the windigos went on the attack, it may have been just as the ponies began to pay the price for their overuse of magic. What happened then has not been repaired, despite the fact that the Mane 6 may have done anyone they could.
The ponies - and in sight alicorns - were the most powerful magical people in all of Equus, and this has become the background for what is now happening in the G5, where the ponies had fallen into a dark age with the disappearance of magic.
The non-ponies will not attack the ponies when they were without magic, possibly because the mysterious alicorn will stand in the way - and there is a strong possibility that the alicorn magic is not so weakened. But now that the ponies have regained their magic, they will choose isolation from Equestria to keep the threat away.
Background Pony #35C2
Twilight wasn’t some tyrant. She didn’t take magic away from all creatures. They still had magic. Please stop acting like she was an evil queen or that she acted like King Sombra. Sombra would have brainwashed every creature. The problem is much bigger than Twilight or that unicorn and you just saw some of the story. There is still more to come. Have some patience. This isn’t Twilight’s fault. Twilight isn’t a monster. Yes, perhaps it was a bad idea linking the Unity Crystals to Equestria’s magic. But the Mane Six didn’t decide out of malice. I am liking the comics so far because it shows that there aren’t really happy endings and that there will always be more to do. This is fascinating to me. It shows that the Mane Six weren’t perfect and didn’t always make the best decisions. It makes them feel more real. I am tired of kid media always making flawless characters who only smiles and nods. I approve of a more realistic approach to it.
Background Pony #E026
The comic that came out today is bad?
Who could have predicted that besides EVERYONE?
Background Pony #1A6D
Somehow, I figured this would happen.
The negative reaction to the recent comic.
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