Okay, I finally saw Make Your Mark on Saturday as a blind reaction with my friend and honestly, I’m mixed on it.
Let’s get the criticisms out of the way: The story was serviceable for a special, but I didn’t like how Zipp’s friends, especially Sunny, were dismissive of Zipp’s concerns about the sudden magic failings and were more focused on the festival. I can buy Pipp or even Izzy being dismissive, but it was a bit infuriating that Sunny of all characters wasn’t listening to Zipp’s concerns, especially since she herself was having problems with her alicorn powers. I would also imagine Hitch also getting on Zipp’s defense. Even without taking into account that it’s around 40 minutes long, the resolution was too short and everything got fixed quickly with little payoff. Posey was just a bland and dull antagonist, her racism felt shallow and even pitiful for the reasons why she wants magic gone. I didn’t like how all the earth ponies just start getting their prejudices back at the drop of a hat, it took me out of the film. Finally, the animation was a weird one. I knew from the very beginning that it wasn’t going to be at the same level as the movie (which I wasn’t expecting it too frankly), but I was just surprised at how low quality it looked. The lighting felt off, the movements felt too quick and sporadic especially when the characters turned, the expressions felt stiff and the water physics were bad. I’ve seen GMod animations that looked better than the movie. I don’t want to haggle the animators for it since I’m sure they tried the best they could with the short timespan after the movie, but I feel like they could’ve tried a bit more.
My praises for the movie: The characterizations were mostly the same with a little bit of exaggerations, some of the jokes were funny and did make me laugh, Zipp being an investigator was an interesting idea that I welcome, I loved Pipp and Izzy’s interactions with one another (I may ship them soon…), the running gag of Hitch finding excuses to get out of his tasks was funny so was Queen Haven acting like a boomer and not understanding modern technology, the little dragon that Hitch has to take care of was really adorable and that surprise villain at the end caught me off guard and looked interesting, like she was a cross of Nightmare Moon and Tempest Shadow.
With that, I think the special is okay, not too great and not too terrible. Even though I generally keep my expectations at neutral, I was expecting more out of it. However, I am still looking forward to the series itself even if this special turned out weak. It was alright, nothing much else.
Final Ranking: C-