It’s not Classics Reimagined this time. It’s not g5 either since y’all don’t care about that.
It’s a very important reveal that could indicate that IDW may have been given a new contract for future publications with one-shot issues and arc issues that could be based on G4, G5 - and perhaps G1, where they create new things without influence the existing lore in “leaps” outside the main lines. Since Bellow is out of the dance - Mdah has “executed” her with his leak about her “bible” dated from June 2021 - this could be a tribute/apology by basing the comic on her novel about how Cadance became an alicorn.
What we do know is that she was an orphan, discovered by earth ponies who took her in and raised her in their village, where as a young filly she was very well liked with her personality and ability to spread joy and love around her. No one knows where she came from, she was a pegasus filly, but there is plenty of evidence that she has a connection with the Crystal Empire which at this point had been lost for several centuries. Especially when she got her cutie mark which symbolizes a connection with the Crystal Heart. But as she grew up, she discovered that love has a counterpart, jealousy.
Earth ponies can use magic, even if it was indirect, and one witch, Prismia, was so jealous that she chose to become evil, to steal someone else’s love with the help of a necklace. Cadence confronted her, and in the end won - and reformed the witch who then promised to become a better pony. We don’t know much about the circumstances of this, but this followed her ascending to the mysterious dimension where she met Celestia and became an alicorn.
There could be a lot of new things in the upcoming comic, even if the plot were to be based on the novel.