@Just Wayne
No one, let’s just use the devil himself. If the writters used different mythologies already like greek, aztec, some asian here and there and a lot of others, then I just want to use the christian one. And no, no Tirek, it’s too easy of a comparisson.
Windigos seem to be just a force of nature rather than actually sentient so no, just a bunch of brainless destroyers.
Pinkie only works in rule of funny and often is just as hidrance to herself and others.
Grogar simply has no role whatsoever currently.
Only Discord would work as satan, but only if you use the jewish satan instead of the christian satan (as an ambiguous force who either pushes people’s faith either for mere enjoyment but unlike the christian one without actually aiming for permanent damage, or an actual agent of god who tries to test the people’s faith in a very feather-rubbing way by bringing hardships, as a “devil’s advocate” kind of way as redundant as it sounds. It’s actually very ambiguous though and is not even clear if they believe in satan as an actual being though as it’s more like the definition of struggle or opposition, the torah does mention a being comparable to satan but that’s it really).