What… excuse me… what?
Now instead of downvoting based on an obvious lack of quality or relevancy based on thumbnail caching, the entire image has to be loaded (often times GIF images). I would have thought this would be obvious - but evidently not to you.
If you had read the thread carefully you may have noticed that one of the reasons behind taking away the “neigh” button was to avoid mass downvotes some people tend to do on a disturbing basis. Also, to avoid people from downvoting just because of personal reasons, making them invest some time to actually open the pic, look at it carefully and then voting. It makes people stop being lazy.
Had you read my post with anything more than a skim you would realize I’m refusing to believe the intention, due to the obvious fact the reality does not match the intention. Enacting rules for minority consequence, and punishing the majority for that minority, is not good policy. It’s American Politics quality policy.
Essentially, this plan is failure from its inception because it “fixes” something that isn’t an issue under the guise of a legitimate reason (which has an entirely different fix) for private reasons of special interests.
Those special interests, by the way, I happen to have talked to quite a bit on IRC. They’ve been plotting to remove downvotes for a very long time - big surprise they aren’t being honest about their intentions.
You want artists to improve, right? Right. So, leaving a positive score makes them feel good, but it doesn’t help them improve their art. Nice. So, why do you care so much about scores if what matters is leaving actual feedback in the comments section so the artist improves his/her art? You are complaining about something “insignificant” as a score when what truly matters is the actual written feedback?
I can’t believe this needs explaining. Votes != comments, yes. They’re DIFFERENT types of feedback, as one allows quantitative feedback and the other allows qualitative feedback (in theory). What you want to do is remove the quantitative feedback, thus eliminating a bigger view of viewership. Why do you think almost every media content host in existence has votes? Do I really need to explain this shit? Jesus Christ.
And do I even need to bring up image sorting by votes? Which, by the way, is an important feature this is breaking?