I added one small @^@ button around top search field. I still didn't explain, what exactly it does:
That one
First of all, if you hover search bar you will notice that dropdown menus. It's affects at vanilla search too, you may search by score without opening separate search page.
Before we use that @^@ button, there is also one thing at tags.
@Set query@ option +replaces+tag value atin search bar with tag value. @[+]@ +appends+ tag value to the end.
Clicking @Set query@ under @Rainbow dash@ tag and @[+]@ under @safe@ leads to this.
We browsed "that image":/1075846?q=artist%3Afoxinshadow&sd=desc&sf=created_at. After we clicked @^@, image is still "the same":/1075846?q=rainbow+dash%2Csafe&sd=desc&sf=created_at, but with different search value, and now we navigate through different stream of pictures. Or we may try to find position in different case.
That one
First of all, if you hover search bar you will notice that dropdown menus. It's affects at vanilla search too, you may search by score without opening separate search page.
Before we use that @^@ button, there is also one thing at tags.
@Set query@ option +replaces+
Clicking @Set query@ under @Rainbow dash@ tag and @[+]@ under @safe@ leads to this.
We browsed "that image":/1075846?q=artist%3Afoxinshadow&sd=desc&sf=created_at. After we clicked @^@, image is still "the same":/1075846?q=rainbow+dash%2Csafe&sd=desc&sf=created_at, but with different search value, and now we navigate through different stream of pictures. Or we may try to find position in different case.