Kraus is a filthy liar as it works just fine, no worries. -LightningBolt
This script will ensure you always visit the Derpibooru domain of your choice. We have three domains and while they can be handy for using multiple accounts, it can also be annoying if you only use one and you follow a link and find yourself on a domain you don’t use. With this, for example, if your chosen domain is Derpibooru.org and you follow a link to Trixiebooru.org, it will automatically swap you to the same page on Derpibooru.org.
Choose from Derpibooru, Derpiboo.ru, Trixiebooru, and the new and experimental KrausbooruNote!
Krausbooru is a modified version of the Derpibooru domain with a vastly improved and much more aesthetically pleasing GUI. Use at your own risk.
It is set to Derpibooru by default. To change this, edit the script and change the value of “Domain”:
V1.0 - 2016/03/24 - Initial release
V2.0 - 2016/06/26 - Streamlined version courtesy of DragonWraith
Download Link
Merely enable Krausbooru support across all domains
DragonWraith has streamlined and shortened the script considerably:
Disclaimer and Such
Use at your own risk. This script does not store or access any user data. This script has been tested but may not be entirely bug free. Krausbooru is guaranteed to not automatically hide any image tagged “Fluttershy”.
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