“But only you get to decide what to replace it with, not anyone else. Not some people that you don’t know in a discussion that you weren’t a part of.”
Not just me, but everyone. I don’t want to see gore, so because it no longer can be hidden (you said:
“And I’d rather that filters were removed entirely”), I’d love to have it deleted. Those who don’t like R34 want all porn be gone. Anti-shippers (whether they’re serious, or just want attention like the DA stamp maker) want shipping gone. What about the mods? Do you think TSP really likes everything he has to wade through daily? And so on. Without filters, either there’d be very little content left (because so much would be banned), or Derpi would slowly become the marriage of /b/ and /mlp/: a cesspool where everything goes. Even 4Chan has spoilering.
Of course nobody coming here has the right to demand that content they don’t like have to be removed. But the filters give them that power: the power to make unwanted content go away. That’s where the defaults come into play: they are quite sensible. Outright violence and porn is hidden and questionable/suggestive are spoilered and they tell new visitors “yeah, we’ve got that too, but as you can see, you don’t have to look at it”. Spoilering memes/etc. tells them “yeah, we got some of this too, but we’ve spoilered it because it’s not always very high-quality”.
“Hiding something is never the right choice.”
Only a Sith deals with absolutes.
Sorry about that. Now, would you show Saving Private Ryan to your (hypothetical) four-year old kid? Or Anal Orgies 5? Would you let him play, say, Brutal Doom?
Generalization is bad, but I’m going to do it anyway and say again that most people don’t want to see violence. I am fine with violence if I’m expecting it. I am fine with gore (up to a point) if I’m expecting it. I’m sure those applies to almost everyone. I am not expecting violence or gore when I watch ponies. Cartoon violence is okay because it’s done for laughs (and this is a kid’s cartoon we’re talking about, not a cynical anime). The comics have it. Fan works have it (despite of them being usually very serious). Certain fan works, like Cupcakes (ugh) is not cartoon violence anymore, it is gore.
Hiding certain things by default is okay, because you can make them visible. But if all content is visible by default, then those who don’t want to see certain things aren’t going to stick around to hide them, they go elsewhere. And I’m not on a high horse here: I don’t hide everytihng Derpi hides by default; I’ve unhidden some things (like explicit) because I have no problem with them. I have grimdark visible, because I noticed most images tagged “grimdark” aren’t neither grim nor dark. But gore (grotesque) stays hidden. If the filters didn’t exist, I wouldn’t be here right now.
And this is were I’m goinh to stop writing. I’m tired and I don’t know how else Icould explain this to you. If you still don’t get it, that’s too bad.