The search by score system is neat but imo it’s so arbitrary that it doesn’t serve much of a purpose. Negative tags work way better, but filters are even cooler. I tend to do a lot of searches where I’ll have -[tag], -[tag], -[tag] (etc.)
but it lets me see a lot of things I’d miss out normally on.
I personally don’t understand searching for downvotes or upvotes though - but I’m incredibly self-critical and depressive. The highest scoring things on the site are either porn or things waaaay beyond my powers to replicate… and more often than not are also art that doesn’t really appeal to me, because it’s sometimes generic. I suppose that’s a positive if not the point to it?
If anyone can explain a use for the score system and how looking up images via score > images via specific tags, I’m all ears, but otherwise I can only imagine it’s helpful if you’re like “idfc about what I want to see specifically”.