New Lunar Republic

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Rainbow Rocks 10th Anniversary: Sonata Dusk - Celebrated the 10th anniversary of EQG Rainbow Rocks!
Celestial Glory - Helped others get their OC into the 2024 Derpibooru Collab.
Nightmare in the Moon - Had their OC in the 2024 Derpibooru Collab.
Pixel Perfection - I still call her Lightning Bolt
Silly Pony - Celebrated the 13th anniversary of MLP:FIM, and 40 years of MLP!
Shimmering Smile - Celebrated the 10th anniversary of Equestria Girls!
Lunar Guardian - Earned a place among the ranks of the most loyal New Lunar Republic soldiers (April Fools 2023).
Crystal Roseluck - Had their OC in the 2023 Derpibooru Collab.

Senior Moderator
If nothing else, I’ve read that you can grab some moss off of your lawn and blend it briefly in some buttermilk and pour that onto a flat of dirt, and it supposedly will regrow as a solid mat of moss.
I’ve never gotten that to work, and after a few days it smells … just … wow. But, that might be a way to get a large mat of moss.
I’ve also had REALLY good results with Moss Acres - I don’t know if they can ship internationally … but if they can, they’re a great source for a whole lot of different kinds of mosses.
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Cutest Little Devil - Celebrated the 14th anniversary of MLP:FIM!
PonyCon Holland -
Rainbow Rocks 10th Anniversary: Adagio Dazzle - Celebrated the 10th anniversary of EQG Rainbow Rocks!
Nightmare in the Moon - Had their OC in the 2024 Derpibooru Collab.
Celestial Glory - Helped others get their OC into the 2024 Derpibooru Collab.
Pixel Perfection - I still call her Lightning Bolt
Silly Pony - Celebrated the 13th anniversary of MLP:FIM, and 40 years of MLP!
Shimmering Smile - Celebrated the 10th anniversary of Equestria Girls!
Lunar Champion - Led the charge of major battles for the New Lunar Republic, bringing swift and crushing defeat to the forces of the Solar Empire (April Fools 2023).
Flower Trio - Helped others get their OC into the 2023 Derpibooru Collab.

honestly that blend it and butter milk method sounds.. ehm like a 5 minute craft XD…. I am not supprised that you never got that to work.
I also cant just take any thing form outside something about insects and things that might get my other plants and gecko sick. as not every thing is suitable for my gecko that grows outside so for me that would be too risky. dont want the little guy to sick of something.
it does seem like moss acers might ship to my country as it kinda directly poped up with it and if they do that might be a great option ! thank you ^^
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ラ・ゼッタ - For supporting the site
Cutest Little Devil - Celebrated the 14th anniversary of MLP:FIM!
Rainbow Rocks 10th Anniversary: Sonata Dusk - Celebrated the 10th anniversary of EQG Rainbow Rocks!
Celestial Glory - Helped others get their OC into the 2024 Derpibooru Collab.
Nightmare in the Moon - Had their OC in the 2024 Derpibooru Collab.
Pixel Perfection - I still call her Lightning Bolt
Silly Pony - Celebrated the 13th anniversary of MLP:FIM, and 40 years of MLP!
Shimmering Smile - Celebrated the 10th anniversary of Equestria Girls!
Lunar Guardian - Earned a place among the ranks of the most loyal New Lunar Republic soldiers (April Fools 2023).
Crystal Roseluck - Had their OC in the 2023 Derpibooru Collab.

Senior Moderator
I also cant just take any thing form outside
Oh, yeah - I’ve tried that myself and ended up with snail eggs in my fish tank. Those things are everywhere. I got some fish that LOVED snails, and they kind of kept the tank at a constant level of ‘not quite all snailed up’, but the tank was half fish, half plants, and half snails ever after.
And, my lovely spouse is a veterinarian, and yeah - geckos are both marvels of adaptability, and incredibly sensitive to changes in their environment.
I hope Moss Acres works for you. I’ve had really good luck with them :)
Please consider sharing a pic when you’re further with the tank :)
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Cutest Little Devil - Celebrated the 14th anniversary of MLP:FIM!
PonyCon Holland -
Rainbow Rocks 10th Anniversary: Adagio Dazzle - Celebrated the 10th anniversary of EQG Rainbow Rocks!
Nightmare in the Moon - Had their OC in the 2024 Derpibooru Collab.
Celestial Glory - Helped others get their OC into the 2024 Derpibooru Collab.
Pixel Perfection - I still call her Lightning Bolt
Silly Pony - Celebrated the 13th anniversary of MLP:FIM, and 40 years of MLP!
Shimmering Smile - Celebrated the 10th anniversary of Equestria Girls!
Lunar Champion - Led the charge of major battles for the New Lunar Republic, bringing swift and crushing defeat to the forces of the Solar Empire (April Fools 2023).
Flower Trio - Helped others get their OC into the 2023 Derpibooru Collab.

I got snails in my terrarium right now…. -_- no clue where they came from tbh. but besides eating my pothos but thats kinda okay as it grows way way to fast. and every once in a while I do clean up and put the snails outide for the birds to get. the guarden could use some snails to eat every thing xD…. (its a bit of a mess right now XD)
yea geckos are great like that most of them super hardy untill they are not xD I am glad I started with a gecko as I really really wanted a chameleon but decided you know what they arent so hardy this is also my first reptile I would never forgive my self if it gets too warm and the chameleon cant handle it and I am like panicing. so lets get something that requires a lot less precision first.
I love to send some pictures (of my old terrarium too) I just keep forgetting to do it as I kinda need to do it in the day. the lamps at night just do not make for any sort of good picture xD…. “ah yes I see thats a plant” will basicly be the result of those pictures xD
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ラ・ゼッタ - For supporting the site
Cutest Little Devil - Celebrated the 14th anniversary of MLP:FIM!
Rainbow Rocks 10th Anniversary: Sonata Dusk - Celebrated the 10th anniversary of EQG Rainbow Rocks!
Celestial Glory - Helped others get their OC into the 2024 Derpibooru Collab.
Nightmare in the Moon - Had their OC in the 2024 Derpibooru Collab.
Pixel Perfection - I still call her Lightning Bolt
Silly Pony - Celebrated the 13th anniversary of MLP:FIM, and 40 years of MLP!
Shimmering Smile - Celebrated the 10th anniversary of Equestria Girls!
Lunar Guardian - Earned a place among the ranks of the most loyal New Lunar Republic soldiers (April Fools 2023).
Crystal Roseluck - Had their OC in the 2023 Derpibooru Collab.

Senior Moderator
Oh! Oh oh oh … check out this:
They dim WAY down and you can adjust the height of them, and what they’re aimed at, very easily to keep them from being too hot or too bright on the plants. You can also move them easily to make sure your plants don’t start to “lean” toward them.
They are a weird bluer kind of light, but they really do a good job of giving plants exactly what they need, and don’t get very hot at all.
I’ve had really good luck with them with low light plants, and actually look nice if you can get them adjusted so you’re not looking straight at the bulb.
I don’t know what your budget is, or how big your tank is, but this same manufacturer makes a boat load of similar lamps in a wide range of sizes and prices.
I’ll send a pic of my own terrarium once I get it ready for the fall :)
… right now it’s a sadrarium. I need to make it a happyrarium.
Posted Report
Cutest Little Devil - Celebrated the 14th anniversary of MLP:FIM!
PonyCon Holland -
Rainbow Rocks 10th Anniversary: Adagio Dazzle - Celebrated the 10th anniversary of EQG Rainbow Rocks!
Nightmare in the Moon - Had their OC in the 2024 Derpibooru Collab.
Celestial Glory - Helped others get their OC into the 2024 Derpibooru Collab.
Pixel Perfection - I still call her Lightning Bolt
Silly Pony - Celebrated the 13th anniversary of MLP:FIM, and 40 years of MLP!
Shimmering Smile - Celebrated the 10th anniversary of Equestria Girls!
Lunar Champion - Led the charge of major battles for the New Lunar Republic, bringing swift and crushing defeat to the forces of the Solar Empire (April Fools 2023).
Flower Trio - Helped others get their OC into the 2023 Derpibooru Collab.

ooo plant light lamp! yea I got one of those ontop of my terrarium for the plants its a little bright and got no settings but thats okay I checked with the plants that I want and brightness. (I got an arcadia jungle dawn ledbard has worked fantastic for me and my curent plants)
I more ment our hous lights at night just dont make good pictures ^^’ want to make a picture of the cat grain, cool pokemon card grain. so I just wait for day light to make pictures of that kind of stuff. we can see every thing fine in the house with the lights we have phone camaras just dont like it.
my terrarium is fully on a timer for daylight stuff so it went out like a few hours ago (its now 00:00 XD)
so my gekco is waddling around being cute but the terrarium is mostly dark.
tought I do might want to get some extra lights for the winter and the plants I will have left over.
the budget is ehm… existant XD…. luckly I dont need to buy new electronics and stuff as we are all just moving that to the new terrarium (heat lamps can be expencive XD)
ooo I love to see pictures as well when your ready? just a terrarium for plants or planning on getting a reptile? or frogs? or keeps going for 5 more hours
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ラ・ゼッタ - For supporting the site
Cutest Little Devil - Celebrated the 14th anniversary of MLP:FIM!
Rainbow Rocks 10th Anniversary: Sonata Dusk - Celebrated the 10th anniversary of EQG Rainbow Rocks!
Celestial Glory - Helped others get their OC into the 2024 Derpibooru Collab.
Nightmare in the Moon - Had their OC in the 2024 Derpibooru Collab.
Pixel Perfection - I still call her Lightning Bolt
Silly Pony - Celebrated the 13th anniversary of MLP:FIM, and 40 years of MLP!
Shimmering Smile - Celebrated the 10th anniversary of Equestria Girls!
Lunar Guardian - Earned a place among the ranks of the most loyal New Lunar Republic soldiers (April Fools 2023).
Crystal Roseluck - Had their OC in the 2023 Derpibooru Collab.

Senior Moderator
its now 00:00 XD
lols - sounds familiar :)
My terrarium is just a small but big glass jar with mosses in it, and sometimes a small diorama with rocks and pieces of driftwood from trips.
I’ve had fish most of my life (although not right now) and lived with a pet Prairie Skink when I was in college. His name was Hairy and he was great help when studying ^_^
He was always super busy all the time. Helped me stay focused.
Work is done and I’m logging out for my commute - I’ll talk to you later :) And please do share a pic of your terrarium if you get a chance :)
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