
Goodbye guys ;)
Just a wondering question…do you guys think there will ever be a feature that allows you to search posts/comments by the reason keyword, as opposed to the comment/post text? 🤔☺️
Oh! Ok, thanks - I recognize what you mean now.I’m sure that’s in the database, but it’s probably not indexed so finding things there might be super slow. But, I’m sure you could add a search for it (like, write the feature on GITHUB) - there’s not a lot of standardized ways those are entered though, so it might be hard to find what you’re looking for.
Allow linking parent/child images like on e6. Further, allow collapsing of linked images into one entry in search results.
tags having both the proper ordering and excluding edits+fanart of the comiccollapsing images in search is an implementation rabbit hole.
Is there a way to get notifications when someone @s me?
Oh, thank you. Yeah, something like how it works on Discord, an option to enable to get notified if someone pings you.
Obvious solution: only one notification per post (or thread)
People try to do that already. It kind of ends up like pic related.When we see that we usually ask people to cut it out, and if they don’t, or especially if they’re abusing PMs like
@Background Pony #0F89 described, then we start banning them.
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