Viewing last 25 versions of post by Background Pony #ED09 in topic Concerned Users of Derpibooru

Background Pony #ED09
"[@Derpy Whooves":](/forums/meta/topics/concerned-users-of-derpibooru?post_id=4834394#post_4834394
) Whooves"] 

" [@SomeDerpibooruUser":](/forums/meta/topics/concerned-users-of-derpibooru?post_id=4834373#post_4834373
> >
This seems ridiculous. How anyone can justify banning Nazi imagery while leaving communist[/bq]

If you see any images that you believe that promote hateful ideologies report it. We have been very clear and very consistent about that. BTW - you have never ever reported a single image - ever. So please report whichever images you are referring to. [/bq]

Sure.":[This one promotes the elimination of an entire species](/images/2068154?q=striped%2C+artist%3Asugarlesspaints)
No reason given
Edited by Background Pony #ED09