**Not a Llama**: April Fools' Day 2017 - Found the hidden link to activate the badge.
>>1697139s >>1697145s
**Equality** and **Condensed Milk**: April Fools' Day 2018 - Supported or opposed the communist takeover.
>>2082568s >>2082569s
**Investor** and **Economist**: April Fools' Day 2019 - Spent or hoarded Derpibucks.
>>2312328s >>2312040s
**My Little Pony** and **Best Art Program Ever**: April Fools' Day 2020 - Commented on or drew art for Nostalgia Booru.
>>2838305s >>2838304s
**Verified Pegasus** and **Preenhub**: April Fools' Day 2021 - Criteria?
**Non-Fungible Trixie**: April Fools' Day 2022 - Minted your very own Derpthereum-based NFT at OpenBooru.