Wrestling General

Background Pony #90E6
Always enjoyable listening to Jim Cornette’s “State of AEW” Videos haha! :D
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Background Pony #90E6
Once again, the comical defending Behavior by Meltzer for Tony Khan knows no Bounds, now stating that “Booking doesn’t matter” is so amusingly Hilarious that I got a heartful Laugh out of it XD :D
#LOLMeltzer #CutTheBullshit
Posted Report
Background Pony #90E6
I said it a few times in recent Months, but again Tony Khan absolutely comes off as Vince McMahon 2.0 with the way he behaves, does whatever he wants/likes & not giving a Single Shit what People think about the AEW Product etc. :o
Background Pony #90E6
AEW Collision tonight, should be a Solid to Decent Show at best overall this week! (Oh boy that f#cking 12 Man Tag Match, rightfully most People shitted on TK for this Move XD)
#AEWCollision #AEWonTNT #PunksCollisionWasTheBest
Background Pony #90E6
In recent Interviews Jeff Hardy has said he would like to face CM Punk one more Time & wants to be the One to retire Punk, for me personally I’m not completely against a Match between them after 15 plus Years based of their History that played out back in 2009, but obviously there are more interesting Programs/Feuds for Punk to do in the next upcoming Years like with Reigns, Owens, Cody, MJF(when he joins WWE in the Future) etc. :)
Background Pony #90E6
AEW Collision was a Solid to Decent Show at best overall this week! (Definetly once again proved why Punk’s Collision is being missed Big Time, what this Show has become is absolutely Frustating… Oh & as I love to say Shut the F#ck up Schiavone!)
#AEWCollision #AEWonTNT #PunksCollisionWasTheBest
Background Pony #90E6
It’s truly a Delight that most People with common Sense realize that Punk was in the Right all along & that the Children & certain “Journalists/Dirtsheets” wanted to f#ck with him putting his Name into the Mud.
CM Punk absolutely looks like the Winner in the End & AEW/TK look completly Lost and are f#cking Ice Cold XD
#PunkWasRight #NeverDoubtPunk
Background Pony #90E6
“She’s a Racist!” Oh boy… yeah this Tessa Blanchard Stuff is definetly going to be a Difficult Situation for TNA to deal with XD
Background Pony #90E6
Joe Hendry had to win the TNA World Title in his third f#cking Attempt(honestly he should’ve won the Title months ago & the Reaction would’ve been even better no question), expect him definetly making a Cameo in the Rumble.
Background Pony #90E6
Possibility, but I think he shows up in NXT first when he joins WWE(what is my Prediction eeyup) & absolutely could see a Reunion with Alexander & Ethan Page and are The North again, they were a pretty Good Tag Team. :)
Background Pony #90E6
Apparently Britt Baker is Done/Finished with AEW & will never be seen on AEW TV again because of Tony Khan being “Fed up” with her.
Background Pony #90E6
I watched/listened to the CM Punk Interview conducted by Ariel Helwani from April 1st 2024 atleast 10 Times now, again truly the Best Pro Wrestling Interview of the Decade & definetly one of the Greatest Pro Wrestling Interviews in General! :D
#CMPunk #BestInTheWorld #sXe-4-Life #SecondCitySaint
Background Pony #90E6
If CM Punk has a Segment on Raw tonight, it should be Good overall heh! :)
#CMPunk #BITW #sXe #SecondCitySaint
Background Pony #90E6
The CM Punk Interview conducted by Jackie Redmond was really Good Stuff! :) (LOL the Dig at Hogan was Delightful haha)
#CMPunk #BestInTheWorld #sXe #SecondCitySaint
Background Pony #90E6
The CM Punk Interview conducted by Jackie Redmond was really Good Stuff! :) (LOL the Dig at Hogan was Delightful haha)
#CMPunk #BestInTheWorld #sXe #SecondCitySaint
Punk burying Hogan on Raw this week was truly Good Shit XD :D
#CMPunk #BITW #FuckHogan
Background Pony #90E6
Pentagon Jr after two weeks so far in WWE has been Good Stuff, second Week not fully as Enjoyable as a Whole than the first Week, but still Good enough.(the adjustment in Penta’s Entrance with the twirling Effects was quite Neat) :)
#PentagonJr #CeroMiedo
Background Pony #90E6
Apparently Chris Bey is still in the Hospital if RVD is to be believed, again get well soon Chris Bey. :o
Background Pony #90E6
Is there a Chance that AJ Lee could make a Cameo in the Womens Rumble this Year? A slight Chance/Possibility for sure, mentioned it in the Past already, but AJ would get a pretty Nice Reaction without any Doubt in my Mind! :)
Background Pony #90E6
The Royal Rumble Line-up so far is pretty Strong, it could very likely be the most stacked since the 1992 Rumble, let’s see who else might be in it. :)
Background Pony #90E6
Ricky Starks got his Request for a AEW Release denied by Tony Khan, of course…sighs in Disgust
#RickyStarks #FreeRickyStarks #TonyKhanIsAClown
Background Pony #90E6
AEW Dynamite tonight, it should be a Fine to pretty Fine Show overall this week! :) (Again the AEW Product is just Ice f#cking Cold, but TK doesn’t seem to see it that way & wants to admit it)
#AEWDynamite #AEWonTBS #AllEliteWrestling
Background Pony #90E6
Botchamania 505 was pretty Fine overall, the Awful Jericho/Harwood Match from Collision had to be in this(again Jericho needs to be off my f#cking Screen!), the “She’s a Racist” Chants towards Tessa on TNA were Something & the Hercules BM Ending with Hades trying to get the Titans(or rather Wrestlers like Ricky Starks, Rey Fenix, Malakai Black, Wardlow etc.) out of AEW Prison was Hilarious! :)
#FackingBullshit #YouTalkTooMuch #ItsTaz #FuckJericho
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