Wrestling General

Background Pony #90E6
Obviously it’s very clear that CM Punk vs Seth Rollins is happening at WrestleMania 41, hopefully the Build for it will be as Enjoyable as it can be eeyup! :)
Background Pony #90E6
AEW Dynamite tonight, it should be a Fine to maybe a Good Show at best overall this week! (For something named/titled as Title Tuesday, there’s only 1 Title Match on this Show from what I see LOL)
Hologram vs Komander on Dynamite?! Good f#cking Celestia this is Ridiculous, again Tony Khan’s Mindset is just not what the Product needs to be. Who will give any F#cks about Mercedes Mone vs Emi Sakura? Man oh man no wonder most People don’t give a Shit about the AEW Product these Days.(except the Cultists/Die-Hards of course) :o
#AEWDynamite #AEWonTBS #DoBetterTonyKhan
Background Pony #90E6
Of course Meltzer with his Bullshit trying to crap on the f#cking Awesome/Nice/Great/Excellent Punk/McIntyre Hell in a Cell Match, calling it having “Too much Blood” & it was “Too Slow”. Yeah go F#ck yourself biased AEW Shill & Apologist LMFAO! :D
#FuckOuttaHereMeltzer #PUNKvsMcINTYRE
Background Pony #90E6
AEW Dynamite was a Fine Show at best overall this week! (Yeah if this type of Show Quality goes on like that going forward, the Product will never get Better as long TK has his Mindset thinking “Everything’s Great!”, by the way this Where the Best Wrestle Moniker/Slogan is so f#cking Annoying man oh man…)
The only things I somewhat cared about was the Moxley Video Promo, the Danielson Backstage Promo, seeing Jamie Hayter perform, seeing “Switchblade” Jay White on my Screen & the Ospreay, Callis, Takeshita, Fletcher & Ricochet Segment! :)
#AEWDynamite #AEWonTBS #GetYourShitTogetherTonyKhan
Background Pony #90E6
It absolutely needs to be stated once again that not having CM Punk in AEW anymore is a massive Black Hole for that Company, Tony Khan absolutely screwed the Pooch on that One with how he (Not) handled Things eeyup…
#CMPunk #AEW #TellMeWhenImTellingLies
Background Pony #90E6
Bruh… NXT did 874k Viewers this week & Dynamite did only f#cking 329.000 Viewers overall.
Even if the Show started one Hour later(9pm instead of 8pm), that’s a f#cking Horrendous Number seriously! :o
Background Pony #90E6
Jim Cornette’s Thoughts on the f#cking Awesome CM Punk vs Drew McIntyre Hell in a Cell Match at Bad Blood was a Nice Listen! :)
#JimCornette #LikeMussolini #PUNKvsMcINTYRE
Background Pony #90E6
ROH Wrestling was pretty Solid overall this week! (Last week it was Joe/Kobashi & now this week airing the Bryan/KENTA Match from Glory by Honor back in 2006, showing these Gems from the Past makes it just more Depressing & Sad how the Current ROH Shows come off in Comparison)
Gabe Kidd vs Anthony Henry was pretty Decent(Gabe is one of my Favorites in the Current Bullet Club), Katsuyori Shibata had a Solid Showing, Billie Starkz had a pretty Solid Showing, Lee Moriarty & Shane Taylor vs The Infantry was Solid, Red Velvet vs Diamante was pretty Solid until the DQ, Lance Archer had a Solid Showing & Mark Briscoe vs Josh Woods was Decent! :)
#WatchROH #RingOfHonor #WheresTheOldROH?
Background Pony #90E6
Ricky Starks pretty much exposed Tony Khan in saying that it isn’t his Call, translation TK is icing Ricky purposefully just being a Petty Bitchass eeyup…
Background Pony #90E6
AEW Rampage tonight, should be a Decent Show at best overall this week! :) (Again if it’s really the Case that Rampage is going to be Cancelled soon, no Emotional Reaction & Care from me whatsoever XD)
#AEWRampage #AEWonTNT #AllEliteWrestling
Apparently Rey Fenix’s Contract is being extended because TK wants to “Prove a Point”, what Point? Being like Vince McCuntCancer in screwing with Talent when they did nothing Wrong at all? Again this does only Tony Khan make look like a Petty Bitch nothing more. :o
#ReyFenix #TonyKhanIsAPettyBitch
Background Pony #90E6
AEW Rampage was a Solid Show at best overall this week! (This was one of the Worst Episodes in Rampage History, knowing how Irrelevant/Meaningless this Show has been mostly for the past two plus Years that says something LOL)
Kyle O’Reilly & Orange Cassidy vs The Kingdom was Decent, the Backstage Interview by Renee Paquette with Mercedes Mone was Solid, the Segment with Acclaimed & MxM Collection was Okay(don’t give a Single Shit about this XD), the Backstage Interview by Renee Paquette with Rocky Romero(w/O’Reilly & Pockets) was Okay, Kris Statlander had a Solid Showing(LOL at the Video Vignette trying for an Excuse of why Statlander turned back Babyface XD F#cking ridiculous), the Backstage Interview by Renee Paquette with “Bullshit Artist” Chris Jericho was Meh, Beast Mortos vs Butcher was Solid to Decent(that Finish looked a bit Odd), the Backstage Interview by Renee Paquette with Harley Cameron was Eh/Okay, Lance Archer had a Solid Showing, the Backstage Interview by Renee Paquette with Anna Jay was Solid & Rocky Romero vs Bryan Keith was Solid! :)
#AEWRampage #AEWonTNT #PleaseCancelRampage
Background Pony #90E6
Motor City Machine Guns(Alex Shelley & Chris Sabin) gonna make their WWE Debut on SmackDown next week. :)
#MCMG #AlexShelley #ChrisSabin
Background Pony #90E6
AEW WrestleDream 2024 tonight, it should be a Good/Enjoyable Show overall! (Honestly, it’s one of the weaker looking Cards in recent AEW PPV History, besides a few Matches most of it I honestly don’t give a flying Fuck about XD By the way, for a Event that’s honoring Antonio Inoki supposingly, having Okada not on this PPV tonight is certainly a Choice)
Here are my Predictions:
Darby Allin vs Brody King
Prediction: Darby Allin
Hologram vs Beast Mortos
Prediction: Hologram (for f#ck sakes this Hologram Experiment by Tony Khan is ridiculous, couldn’t give two Shits about this, but hey TK & the AEW Cultists will jack off to this whatever LOL)
Jungle Jackoff(c) vs Katsuyori Shibata
Prediction: Jungle Jackoff (based of a recent Backstage Segment, looks like a Jungle Jackoff vs Daniel Garcia Program is happening, oh my Excitement for that is gonna be massive…sarcasm)
The Buckaroos(c) vs Private Party
Prediction: the Buckaroos (hilarious that this Match only happens because “OH IT’s BEEN 5 YEARS SINCE THAT WIN BY PP ON DYNAMITE, SO PUT IT ON THIS SHOW HAHA”, sorry for not having any Emotional Care/Interest in this)
Mark Briscoe(c) vs “Bullshit Artist” Chris Jericho
Prediction: Mark Briscoe (having f#cking Jericho & not someone like Hook, Okada etc. on this Show is Pathetic)
“Switchblade” Jay White vs Adam Page
Prediction: Adam Page (personally rather want Switchblade winning this, but hey atleast him being on the PPV Main Card in a Singles Match is better than nothing right now I guess)
Will Ospreay(c) vs Ricochet vs Konosuke Takeshita
Prediction: Will Ospreay (but I wouldn’t be surprised if Takeshita gets the International Title, should be MOTN very likely)
Mariah May(c) vs Willow Nightingale
Prediction: Mariah May (honestly I’m waiting for the Mariah/Mina & Mariah/Hayter Programs, those would make me care certainly)
Bryan Danielson(c) vs Jon Moxley
Prediction: Jon Moxley (obviously the only Thing that matters surrounding this Match is, will Shane McMahon appear?)
Oh and of course I expect Bobby Lashley to make his AEW Debut in the Swerve Strickland Segment
#AEWWrestleDream #WrestleDream #AllEliteWrestling
Background Pony #90E6
It’s quite Humerous & Delightful to say that CM Punk had arguably the Best Feud of 2024 with McIntyre, then you look at what the Buckaroos & Jungle Jackoff with that Elite Angle what started in April turned out, a complete Failure/Bust LOL! :D
#PunkWins #TellMeWhenImTellingLies
Background Pony #90E6
AEW WrestleDream 2024 was a Enjoyable Show overall!
“Switchblade” Jay White vs Adam Page was Good/Enjoyable(glad Jay actually won here, for f#ck sakes TK push this Man in the World Title Picture!), Mariah May vs Willow Nightingale was really Decent to Fine, Jungle Jackoff vs Katsuyori Shibata was “Solid” plus the Post-Match Angle with MJF, Daniel Garcia & Adam Cole was Enjoyable(hopefully Cole doesn’t get f#cking Injured again this time around…), Will Ospreay vs Ricochet vs Konosuke Takeshita was pretty Enjoyable(as expected MOTN duh, but I said that it wouldn’t be surprising if Takeshita wins, let’s see if his Run with the International Title turns out well, looking at you TK), the Swerve Strickland, Prince Nana, MVP & Shelton Benjamin Segment was Fine to Good(Lashley surprisingly didn’t made his Debut on this Show, so I guess he appears on a upcoming Dynamite then), Darby Allin vs Brody King was pretty Fine, the Buckaroos vs Private Party was “Fine”(sorry but I didn’t honestly care, the over the Top Matches with the Buckaroos is Nauseating & of course Private Party didn’t win color me shocked), Mark Briscoe vs “Bullshit Artist” Chris Jericho was “Decent”(again can we get f#cking Jericho off the Screen for 6 Months to a Year please?) & Bryan Danielson vs Jon Moxley was pretty Good!(TK obviously going with a overdramatic Ending here, little bit too over the Top with how the Commentary sold it in my Opinion XD By the way, I want Jay White or Darby Allin to take the Belt from Moxley hopefully soon, don’t wanna see him as World Champion for too Long) :)
#AEWWrestleDream #AllEliteWrestling
Background Pony #90E6
Yeah even coming out of WrestleDream the Logic Gaps/Holes are still a lot with the AEW Product, I just can’t trust the Creative with the Current Mindset anymore, again as long the Mindset of Tony Khan isn’t changing the Product ain’t going to get better. :o
Background Pony #90E6
Can’t wait to hear Jim Cornette’s Reaction to this past weeks Dynamite Ratings hehe! ;)
#JimCornette #LikeMussolini
Background Pony #90E6
NJPW King of Pro-Wrestling 2024 tonight, it should be a pretty Good Show overall!
I absolutely expect Zack Sabre Jr to win the IWGP World Heavyweight Title! :)
#njpw #KingOfSports
Background Pony #90E6
Jim Cornette’s Reaction & Thoughts on last weeks Dynamite Ratings(329k) was a pretty Good Listen! :)
#JimCornette #LikeMussolini
Background Pony #90E6
It’s been Six Months since the Dynamite Episode was aired with the CM Punk Backstage Footage & the Ratings of that Show hasn’t been reached since, that absolutely damaged AEW’s Image a lot & made Tony Khan look like a Clown big time! :o
#AEW #PunkWasRight #TellMeWhenImTellingLies
Background Pony #90E6
Yeah that Victory Lap by the Buckaroos back in September of last Year(the Collision in Chicago where Tony Khan told that Punk got “Fired/Terminated” & got Booed massively as a Reaction besides the AEW Cultists who are worshipping this Guy & thinking he can do no wrong LOL) aged certainly well haha… ;)
#PunkWins #PunkIsTheBiggestDrawInAEWHistory #ScrewTheChildishBullshit
Background Pony #90E6
NJPW King of Pro-Wrestling 2024 was a Good/Enjoyable Show overall!
Hiroshi Tanahashi announced that he will Retire at Wrestle Kingdom in 2026.
Zack Sabre Jr won the IWGP World Heavyweight Title, let’s see how this Run will turn out! :)
#njpw #njkopw #KingOfSports
Background Pony #90E6
I’m sure when Dynamite tomorrow will be likely back in the 600k Range, the AEW Cultists/Die-Hards pretend that’s a Good Number LOL :D
Background Pony #90E6
It’s still so f#cking Frustating how Tony Khan/AEW screwed up with Talents like Wardlow creatively. :o
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