Wrestling General

Background Pony #90E6
AEW Rampage was a Fine Show at best overall this week! (certainly wasn’t the Worst Rampage I’ve seen for its Standards these Days XD)
House of Black(Malakai Black & Buddy Matthews) vs Lio Rush & Action Andretti was Decent(House of Black deserve better than being on Rampage period!), the Backstage Interview by Lexy Nair with Anna Jay was Solid, Anna Jay vs Robyn Renegade was Solid, Konosuke Takeshita vs Angelico was Fine(don’t wanna see Takeshita being featured on f#cking Rampage anymore, by the way is Okada/Takeshita happening at WrestleDream?), The Acclaimed had a Okay Showing & Willow Nightingale vs Taya Valkyrie was pretty Decent! :)
#AEWRampage #AEWonTNT #TakeshitaDeservesBetter #HOBDeservesBetter
Background Pony #90E6
Apparently time to Rey Fenix’s Contract got extended because of his Injuries. (so in Translation no Lucha Bros in WWE for now)
Good to know that Tony Khan is no better than Vince McCuntCancer in being a Petty Bitch…sighs
Background Pony #90E6
LOL Dynamite Grand Slam only did around 700k Viewers(for their so called “Biggest Dynamite of the Year” XD), man that’s way lower than what last years Grand Slam did, don’t see next weeks 5 Year Anniversary Dynamite doing that much better, TK’s Mindset in thinking Ospreay/Ricochet is going to do Blow away Numbers I see as being Foolish. :o
I can say that Tony Khan is certainly turning into Vince Junior with the Moves he has done XD
Background Pony #90E6
Fun Fact: It’s been 83 weeks since the last time Dynamite got a Million Viewers overall XD
Another Fact: It’s been 24 weeks since Dynamite drew 800k plus Viewers(the last time it being the CM Punk Backstage Footage Episode LOL) :D
Background Pony #90E6
AEW Collision tonight, should be a Fine Show at best overall this week!
Honestly most of the Stuff on Paper looks Uninteresting to me, but again not surprising with how this Show has been mostly coming off since CM Punk hasn’t been there anymore. :o
#AEWCollision #AEWonTNT #PunksCollisionWasTheBest
Background Pony #90E6
AEW Collision was a Fine Show overall this week! (seeing that Stupid/Idiotic Fashion Segment just makes me think how Collision has been changed for the Worse since Punk isn’t affiliated with it eeyup…)
The only Things that I personally cared for was seeing Jamie Hayter winning(hopefully her Booking isn’t going to be Dogshit & she will have a Program with Mariah May in a few Months), Brody King in Action & Kazuchika Okada wrestle!(thank goodness Guevara didn’t win, would’ve been f#cking Ridiculous for Okada’s first Loss since he joined AEW to be against Sammy, the only Ones that should beat Okada first are Omega, Takeshita, Ospreay or Switchblade) :)
#AEWCollision #AEWonTNT #PunksCollisionWasTheBest
Background Pony #90E6
The Vince McCuntCancer Documentary certainly showed once again how much of a Vince Ball Licker Bruce Pritchard is damn XD :D
Background Pony #90E6
The Rita Chatterton Comments by Vince absolutely validate once again what a complete Piece of f#cking Garbage he is! :o
#FuckVince #VinceScrewedVince
Background Pony #90E6
Man that Shockwave Show on FS1 is certainly going to draw big time Ratings for AEW/TK…sarcasm
Background Pony #90E6
Man the Vince-isms by Tony Khan are certainly a Thing(Creative Aspect, doing Petty Things, Hypocritical Maneuvers etc.), again AEW is not truly the Alternative anymore at this current Stage mhm… :o
Background Pony #90E6
The Picture of CM Punk, Larry the Dog, Paul Levesque & Bianca was wholesome! :)
#CMPunk #LarryTheDog #LarryFuckingRules
Background Pony #90E6
If there’s a CM Punk & Drew McIntyre Promo Segment on tonights Go-Home Edition of Raw before Bad Blood this Saturday, it should be really Good yeah! :)
Background Pony #90E6
Gotta have to say again that having Cult of Personality(Living Colour), This Fire Burns(Killswitch Engage) & Miseria Cantare(AFI) as Theme Songs throughout your Career, that’s a f#cking Great Triple right there hehe! ;)
#CMPunk #BestInTheWorld #sXe #CultOfPersonality #ThisFireBurns #MiseriaCantare
Background Pony #90E6
The CM Punk & Drew McIntyre Promo Segment on the Go-Home Raw was really Good, I can’t wait for the Hell in a Cell Match at Bad Blood this Saturday hehe! :D
#CMPunk #BestInTheWorld #sXe #PUNKvsMcINTYRE #BadBlood
Background Pony #90E6
Ilja Dragunov apparently is Out with a Torn ACL for 6-9 Months, that obviously Sucks, get well Ilja! :o
Background Pony #90E6
LMFAO Tony Khan just like that doing Bryan/Okada 3 on Dynamite based of a Social Media Post by Danielson on Facebook, oh man Tony…sighs
#AEW #LOLTonyKhan #WhatIsThisBooking?
Background Pony #90E6
The Go-Home Promo Segment with CM Punk & Drew McIntyre on Raw again proved of why the Hell in a Cell Match between them needs to Main Event the Bad Blood PPV this Saturday yeah! :)
Background Pony #90E6
Definetly think the first NXT on CW Show tonight should be Good overall, looking forward to the Stuff Punk will do & of course how Giulia/Perez will be and what Surprises will be happening mhm! :)
Background Pony #90E6
The first NXT on CW definetly wasn’t Bad, but of course it doesn’t touch what Black & Gold was.(those Times are likely never coming back…)
Roxanne Perez vs Giulia was Good(it’s reasonable not to give Giulia the Womens Title from the get Go & have her chase it for a bit, her having a Program with Cora Jade I guess isn’t too Bad), the CM Punk & Lexis King(Brian Pillman Jr) Backstage Segment was pretty Fine, Wes Lee vs Zachary Wentz was a really Fine Street Fight(except that one Table Botch XD) & Ethan Page vs Trick Williams with CM Punk as the Special Guest Referee was Fine to Good! :)
#CMPunk #BITW #SecondCitySaint #KingOfChicago
Background Pony #90E6
Yeah I understand why People criticized the Ending of Perez/Giulia, obviously Shawn ain’t going the “Asuka Route” with Giulia(meaning being Undefeated & Dominant for a long Time), hopefully her Booking will turn out Fine enough in the long-term. :o
Background Pony #90E6
By the way, yeah there were no actual Surprises on the first CW NXT Show(Bianca/Jade don’t count seriously XD), meaning no Motor City Machine Guns(maybe Shelley & Sabin make their Debut next week?) or something else.
Background Pony #90E6
CM Punk handing out Free Pizza to the People that were there at the All-State Arena was a Nice Gesture!(remember when Punk gave out Free Ice Cream Bars back at the United Center when The First Dance happened in August of 2021? Man those were Amazing Days for AEW back then…) :)
#CMPunk #BITW #sXe #SecondCitySaint
Background Pony #90E6
So the TV Media Rights Deal was announced for AEW & it will be 150 Million Dollars for the next few Years with WBD.
For the Wrestling Business a Positive with the Promotion being around for years to come no question period, but this still obviously doesn’t change the Fact that the Product has a lot of Issues/Problems that won’t be fixed unless TK changes his f#cking Mentality eeyup. :o
Background Pony #90E6
The first NXT on CW did 895.000 Viewers, not bad knowing that something Politics related happened at the same Time the Show was going on.
By the way I don’t see the Dynamite 5th Aniversary tonight getting close to that Number.
Background Pony #90E6
AEW Dynamite: 5 Year Anniversary tonight, it should be a Good/Enjoyable Show overall this week! (The In-Ring Workrate certainly should be carrying the Load for this Dynamite with Ospreay/Ricochet & Bryan/Okada, but yeah of course Workrate alone isn’t getting the Ratings for the Show, but this is how TK likes it)
Will Ospreay vs Ricochet should be absolutely Good(it better doesn’t have a Finish here, knowing f#cking Tony this Match will be going 30 plus Minutes if not trying to go towards 60 Minutes XD), Adam Page vs Juice Robinson should be Fine, Britt Baker vs Serena Deeb should be Decent(Britt is only featured on this Show because it’s in Pittsburgh lets be honest here) & Bryan Danielson vs Kazuchika Okada should be Enjoyable!(again, it’s f#cking ridiculous how this Match came to be based of a Post on Facebook, this should’ve been build on the Show not on Social Media seriously) :)
#AEWDynamite #AEWonTBS #AllEliteWrestling
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