Wrestling General

Background Pony #90E6
AEW Collision was a Fine Show at best overall this week! (As I like to say… Shut the F#ck up Schiavone!)
The only Stuff I somewhat cared about was seeing Mariah May on my Screen, Serena Deeb wrestle & the Nigel McGuiness Segment!(even with the obvious Logic Gaps/Holes in that Situation) :)
#AEWCollision #AEWonTNT #PunksCollisionWasTheBest
Background Pony #90E6
I will stand my Ground that CM Punk should’ve held the WWE Championship Belt from MITB 2011(that Del Dipshit/Johnboy hotpotatoing Shit should’ve never happened) until WM 29 atleast mhm! :D
#CMPunk #BestInTheWorld #sXe #SecondCitySaint #GreatestWWEChampionOfTheModernEra
Background Pony #90E6
@Background Pony #88A2
I heard there’s a Possibility that Raw on Netflix could have some Flexibility in that the Show doesn’t need to go the full Three Hours, so let’s say it can go 2 Hours & 40 Minutes or 2 Hours & 25 Minutes as examples.
I wouldn’t mind that Potential Scenario at all eeyup. :)
Background Pony #90E6
It needs to be f#cking said that Tony Khan is absolutely Awful & Awkward in Interviews, never says anything Appealing & always does the Phony Promotion for his weekly Shows, it’s just f#cking Lame period! :o
Background Pony #90E6
The Drew McIntyre Segment on Raw tonight should be damn Fine! :)
Background Pony #90E6
Dynamite did 687k & NXT(with technically two Punk Segments, but obviously still a Brand/Show with mostly Talent that’s not established yet) did 677k last week, so only a 10.000 Viewers difference Folks… ;)
Background Pony #90E6
Dynamite did 687k & NXT(with technically two Punk Segments, but obviously still a Brand/Show with mostly Talent that’s not established yet) did 677k last week, so only a 10.000 Viewers difference Folks… ;)
By the way, if it wasn’t for the Cheap Lead-in the Punk/Roxanne/Giulia Segment alone would’ve had more Viewers than all of Dynamite last week XD :)
Background Pony #90E6
Apparently there’s a Rumor/Report that Cody/Roman vs Sikoa/Fatu is set to close Bad Blood & not Punk/McIntyre, in my Mind it should still be CM Punk vs Drew McIntyre inside Hell in a Cell that Main Events the PPV yeah. :o
Background Pony #90E6
Apparently Punk was Backstage on Raw with his wonderful Dog Larry, quite surprising because of what happened in the infamous 2022 All Out Backstage/Locker Room Situation, it was thought that Larry would likely never appear on Wrestling Events again XD :D
#CMPunk #LarryTheDog #LarryFuckingRules
Background Pony #90E6
Drew McIntyre’s Promo on Raw this week was pretty Fine! :) (Will there be a Final Face to Face on the Go-Home Raw Edition or likely just at the Bad Blood Kickoff on Friday a Day before the Bad Blood PPV?)
Background Pony #90E6
Apparently there’s a Rumor/Report that Cody/Roman vs Sikoa/Fatu is set to close Bad Blood & not Punk/McIntyre, in my Mind it should still be CM Punk vs Drew McIntyre inside Hell in a Cell that Main Events the PPV yeah. :o
Update: According to PWInsider, the Decision for what will Main Event Bad Blood hasn’t been decided yet, but it’s leaning towards Punk/McIntyre.(what hopefully is the Case heh)
Background Pony #90E6
I think it’s fair to say that most People will watch & check out the Vince McCuntCancer Documentary than watch AEW Grand Slam tomorrow LOL! :D
#FuckVince #VinceScrewedVince
Background Pony #90E6
Looks like the Lucha Bros did their Farewell from a Post of Rey Fenix’s Social Media, again they’re headed to WWE no f#cking Question about it.
#PentagonJr #ReyFenix #LuchaBros
Background Pony #90E6
AEW Dynamite: Grand Slam tonight, it should be a Good Show overall this week! (Again, I think most People care more about watching & checking out the Vince Netflix Documentary today/tonight than watch AEW Dynamite XD)
The Buckaroos vs Will Ospreay & Kyle Fletcher should be a “Enjoyable” Tag Match(expect a Post-Match Angle including Don Callis in Ospreay getting attacked), Hook vs Roderick Strong should be really Solid(again I don’t f#cking understand why the FTW Title is still a Thing on AEW Programming), Mariah May vs Yuka Sakazaki should be Decent(only care about seeing Mina hopefully after the Match heh), Bryan Danielson vs Nigel McGuinness should be Good(if it happens of course, what it will), Adam Page vs Jeff Jarrett should be Decent & Darby Allin vs Jon Moxley should be Enjoyable!(don’t see Darby not being featured at WrestleDream in a Major Way based of the Event happening in Washington) :)
#AEWDynamite #AEWGrandSlam #AEWonTBS
Background Pony #90E6
Should be interesting what JDfromNY & Solomonster have to say about the Vince McCuntCancer Documentary & what their Thoughts are going to be! :)
#OffTheScript #SolomonsterSoundsOff #FuckVince #VinceScrewedVince
Background Pony #90E6
AEW Dynamite: Grand Slam was a Good Show overall this week!
Bryan Danielson vs Nigel McGuinness was pretty Good(definetly wasn’t Omega/Danielson from three Years ago & the Magic surrounding thst, but for a Match that included someone who hasn’t wrestled a Singles Match in 13 Years it was Enjoyable no question), Hook vs Roderick Strong was Decent(thank goodness the FTW Title is finally Retired & back in Taz’s Home, it was Overdue XD), the Buckaroos vs Will Ospreay & Kyle Fletcher was a “Enjoyable” Tag Match(not even doing a Post-Match Angle here was Eh, just a Match for the f#cking Buckaroos to look “Great” & Meltzer to jack off to ugh…), the Backstage Interview by Renee Paquette with The Conglomeration was Solid, the Segment with Prince Nana & MVP was Fine Stuff(so Lashley & Benjamin incoming soon, pretty much looks like the Hurt Syndicate is indeed happening), Mariah May vs Yuka Sakazaki was Solid(definetly some Sloppy Botches were in this XD atleast Mina appeared for a short Moment after the Match) & Darby Allin vs Jon Moxley was Good!(…so Darby won’t even be featured? TK saying F#ck Darby I guess) :)
#AEWDynamite #AEWGrandSlam #AEWonTBS
Background Pony #90E6
As expected Grand Slam this year had the Lowest Attendance with it being 7k to 8k overall, again comparing it to three Years ago(when there were around 20.000 People in Arthur Ashe Stadium) the Trajectory the Product is going ain’t Good man. :o
Background Pony #90E6
It looks like when Powerhouse Hobbs is cleared he will be a part of the Hurt Syndicate(because there’s a Backstage Picture of him watching the MVP/Nana Segment closely), shall see what happens.
Background Pony #90E6
Apparently AJ Styles’ Contract with WWE is up at the End of this Year into next Year, it’s not 100% impossible to believe that Styles could go back to TNA or join AEW to end his Career the way he wants to, who Knows? :o
Background Pony #90E6
ROH Wrestling was Solid overall this week!
Action Andretti vs Tony Deppen was really Solid, Abadon had a Solid Showing, Brian Cage had a pretty Solid Showing, Athena & Billie Starkz had a pretty Solid Showing & Lee Moriarty vs Preston Vance was Okay!(WTF was that Time Clock Production Botch?!(it out of all Sudden jumped XD) By the way, nobody gives a Single Shit about the Pure Title & its Concept besides that, Tony Khan’s Booking doesn’t help matters) :)
#WatchROH #RingOfHonor
Background Pony #90E6
AEW Rampage tonight, should be a Decent to Fine Show overall this week! :) (seeing House of Black & Konosuke Takeshita being featured on f#cking Rampage is just Ridiculous man…sighs)
#AEWRampage #AEWonTNT #TakeshitaDeservesBetter #HOBDeservesBetter
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