Wrestling General

Background Pony #90E6
Tony Khan/AEW is absolutely running the Casino Gauntlet Concept into the Ground, doing it 4 Times in the past 4 & a half Months is way too much. It only should be happening Twice a year tops. :o
Motor City Machine Guns(Alex Shelley & Chris Sabin) are indeed WWE Bound. :)
#MCMG #AlexShelley #ChrisSabin
Background Pony #90E6
@Background Pony #342D
LOL yeah Tony Khan better not do more then 1 Blood & Guts like Vince did with Hell in a Cell!(remember when Vince 3 HIAC Matches on the PPVs? LMFAO)
Very likely MCMG will be in NXT first(just like Ricky Starks & the Lucha Bros will), but honestly after having Matches with Frazer/Axium, they should be going to the Main Roster ASAP, because they certainly need a f#cking Boost eeyup. :)
Background Pony #90E6
AEW Rampage tonight, should be a Decent Show at best overall this week!
Konosuke Takeshita vs Action Andretti should be Fine!(Takeshita again put on Rampage ugh… I think Takeshita/Okada should happen at WrestleDream & maybe have them compete in the Continental Classic aswell) :)
#AEWRampage #AEWonTNT #TakeshitaDeservesBetter
Background Pony #90E6
@Background Pony #342D
Personally I say if Ricky is going to NXT first, he should be there for six Months or if you’re streching it towards a Year tops.
I really am intrigued to see him compete on the Main Roster against the likes of LA Knight, Chad Gable, Drew McIntyre & recandle Programs with CM Punk and work with Cody mhm! :)
Background Pony #90E6
AEW Rampage was a Decent Show overall this week!
Mark Briscoe, Kyle O’Reilly & Orange Cassidy vs Dark Order was Decent, the Backstage Segment with Dustin Rhodes, Guevara & The Kingdom was Solid(Dustin was the only Decent Part), Kamille had a Solid Showing, Roderick Strong had a Decent Showing, the Backstage Promo by The Righteous was pretty Solid, Saraya & Harley Cameron vs Allysin Kay & Marti Belle was Okay & Konosuke Takeshita vs Action Andretti was Fine!(don’t f#cking put Takeshita on Rampage ever again, this is Ridiculous…) :)
#AEWRampage #AEWonTNT #TakeshitaDeservesBetter
Background Pony #90E6
I say Cody/Roman vs Fatu/Sikoa should open Bad Blood & Punk/McIntyre should close the PPV eeyup! :)
Background Pony #90E6
I really hope the Rumors of Def Rebel being done with WWE come 2025 is f#cking True, most of their produced Music is absolutely Generic & Terrible!
Only some Exceptions produced by them were Fine/Good like Io Shirai’s Theme as example. :o
Background Pony #90E6
AEW Collision tonight, should be a Fine Show at best overall this week! :) (Man oh man, looking at the Line-up most of it I couldn’t give a single Shit about, seems to be a common Thing with Collision these Days…)
#AEWCollision #AEWonTNT #PunksCollisionWasTheBest
Background Pony #90E6
AEW Collision was a Decent to Fine Show at best overall this week! (Love to say it again… Shut the F#ck Up Schiavone! His Commentary is truly sounding like Nails on a Chalkboard good lord…)
What can I say? Mostly as usual nothing emotionally investing happening on these Shows, can’t be said enough that CM Punk & his Influence made Collision mean something period! :o
#AEWCollision #AEWonTNT #PunksCollisionWasTheBest #TellMeWhenImTellingLies
Background Pony #90E6
Typical AEW Cultists/Die-Hards with their Bullshit nonsense, crapping on Motor City Machine Guns choosing/going to WWE instead of AEW. Oh yeah the Tag & Trios Division in AEW aren’t a complete Mess or anything no…
Background Pony #90E6
I’m really curious at when point Dynamite actually touches the April 10th Punk Backstage Footage Viewership again, if the 5th Year Anniversary of Dynamite doesn’t do it then I’m gonna laugh really Hard XD :D
Background Pony #90E6
Can’t wait for CM Punk’s Segment on Raw tonight, should be Good/Enjoyable Stuff yeah! :)
#CMPunk #BestInTheWorld #sXe #SecondCitySaint
Background Pony #90E6
Botchamania 499 was Fine overall, honestly enjoyed the Ending Bit with the Sid Vicious being upset over Goldberg destroying his Car in N64 No Mercy Style the most XD :)
#FackingBullshit #IAmTheTable #ItsTaz #RIPSidVicious #RIPSychoSid
Background Pony #90E6
CM Punk’s Promo Segment on this weeks Raw was pretty damn Good Stuff heh! :D
#CMPunk #BestInTheWorld #sXe-4-Life #SecondCitySaint
Background Pony #90E6
The CM Punk Segment on NXT tonight should be Good! Some are speculating that Punk could announce that he’s going to be the Special Guest Referee for Roxanne Perez vs Giulia at the First CW NXT Show on October 1st. :)
#CMPunk #BITW #sXe
Background Pony #90E6
So CM Punk will be the Special Guest Referee for the Ethan Page vs Trick Williams NXT Title Match for the NXT CW Debut Show on October 1st! Punk being in a Segment with Roxanne Perez(and Giulia) made sense because of former Interaction between Him & Perez a few Months ago. :)
#CMPunk #BITW #sXe-4-Life
Background Pony #90E6
CM Punk’s Promo on this weeks Raw absolutely validated for why Punk/McIntyre should close out Bad Blood inside Hell in a Cell mhm! :)
Background Pony #90E6
AEW Dynamite tonight, it should be a Fine Show overall this week!
Orange Cassidy vs “Bullshit Artist” Chris Jericho should be “Okay/Solid”(don’t give a single Shit about this, definition of a Channel Changer in my Book XD), Mariah May & Serena Deeb vs Yuka Sakazaki & Queen Aminata should be Decent & Will Ospreay, Konosuke Takeshita & Kyle Fletcher vs Kazuchika Okada & the Buckaroos should be a Good Six Man Tag Match! :)
#AEWDynamite #AEWonTBS #AllEliteWrestling
Background Pony #90E6
AEW Dynamite was a Fine Show overall this week! (Again the definition of “Wishy-washy” in my honest Opinion)
Orange Cassidy vs “Bullshit Artist” Chris Jericho was “Decent”(again don’t give a Shit about this whatsoever), the Backstage Interview by Alex Marvez with Wheeler Yuta was Okay, Hook had a Solid Showing(like I already stated, Hook absolutely needs to leave AEW & go to WWE/NXT growing further), the Backstage Interview by Alex Marvez with Private Party was Solid, the Backstage Interview by Renee Paquette with Christian Cage(w/Nick Wayne, Luchasaurus & Mother Wayne) was Fine, Mariah May & Serena Deeb vs Yuka Sakazaki & Queen Aminata was Solid, the Video Promo by Mina Shirakawa was pretty Decent, the Segment with BCC, Darby Allin, Private Party & Komander was Decent(the Private Party & Komander Stuff was Eh but the Darby Part at the end was Decent/Fine atleast), Ricochet vs Beast Mortos was pretty Fine(some slight Botches were there), the Segment with Adam Page & Jeff Jarrett was Decent, the Backstage Segment with Will Ospreay & Ricochet was Decent(…yeah Tony Khan blowing his Load early, Ospreay/Ricochet happening on the Dynamite 5 Year Anniversary is too Soon in my Opinion) & Will Ospreay, Konosuke Takeshita & Kyle Fletcher vs Kazuchika Okada & the Buckaroos was really Fine!(don’t think the Ratings will be anything Special for this) :)
#AEWDynamite #AEWonTBS #AllEliteWrestling
Background Pony #90E6
JDfromNY’s Rant on AEW, Tony Khan, the Creative etc. on his Dynamite Review was f#cking Nice Stuff! :)
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