Video Game General 2: Definitive/Remastered Edition


I plan to make my wallet last long by only allowing myself to get one trophy a day for my PlayStation 3 and 4 games. The reason I do this is because otherwise I would clear them all in a few days and I would rather take it slow and I should wait a long period before buying another game from the secondhand store (which is where my PS3 games are coming from).


I love spy missions because it’s the one mission where I can blitz thru them without killing a single enemy, with the only frame I will ever play with; WISP.
I love spy missions because it’s the one mission where I can blitz thru them without killing a single enemy, with the only frame I will ever play with; WISP.
Wisp’s passive makes her practically invisible when she’s airborne and she doesn’t immediately break invis if she lands–there is about a full second of invis after soft landing so you can immediately jump back up and continue being invisible.
hard landing, melee slam attack, and shooting primary and secondary weapon do break invis tho.
point is, with bunny hopping and decent parkour skill you can breeze thru the enemies without getting spotted.
her 2nd ability makes laser traps irrelevant and acts as some kind of “teleport here” ability.


The worst part about all that?! Wisp is not even a stealth frame like Ivara Loki or Ash are, which have true invisibility skills, unlike Wisp’ sorta-kinda-invis passive ability.
Wisp is officially classified as a SUPPORT frame!
Wisp is a support frame that can heal, buff dps, crowd control and stealth. Slap a helminth armor stripping ability like Hildryn’s or Nekros’ to Wisp and she becomes an all-purpose frame, fit for pretty much all mission types.
That’s why I only play Wisp.
Actually the only reason I play Wisp is because her butt is hypnotic. The fact that she’s an A Tier Warframe is a bonus.


You know,I had been thinking a lot about the comparison in designs between MK9, MK11 and MK1. Generally, when it comes to outfits I think the newer designs look better as there is variety and look like something a fighter would wear. While a lot of people say that MK9 had a more sexy appeal, I think more recent designs manage to keep it as well.
Still MKX has top tier designs.


Time to get spooky
I decided to start Dark Fall: The Journal. Creepy so far, though I’m sure some would want me crucified for using a walkthrough.


9 had some meh designs, particularly among the females. I know that’s a bit of a franchise standard, but even then that was typically restricted to the Outworld members. And yet we went from kunoichi in leotards to them as belly dancers.
1 looks good and the most practical of the series, but as a consequence kharacters blend together visually to much.
X and 11 by far has the best designs in the series. Great and diverse looks, everyone casts distinctive silhouettes the whole shebang.

Icicle Niceicle 1517 

Im convinced someone on the design team has a foot fetish
Do all the females in 1 need to be wearing open toe high heel boots though?
Do all the females in 1 need to be wearing open toe high heel boots though?
It’s one of those things that once you noticed you just can’t stop thinking about.


I agree. MK1 designs manage to keep the sex appeal.
I agree. MK1 designs manage to keep the sex appeal.
Except they mostly go to the male kombatants.


I just unlocked the Insomniac Museum in “Ratchet & Clank: A Crack in Time”.
I’m intimidated by how much work goes into making a video game. 😨

Icicle Niceicle 1517 

Ed Boon said in a recent interview that he really wanted to have Keanu Reeves in MK 1, either as the voice for Kenshi or as John Wick for DLC, but it got scrapped due to budget and personal reasons from Keanu (Keanu said he likes the MK series, but he feels uncomfortable seeing his likeness being graphically killed)
I understand the reasoning but im sad we don’t get more Keanu in video games

Apparently “Punch-Out!!” on Wii originally had Princess Peach as a guest fighter before she was replaced by Donkey Kong due to concerns about violence against women.
Frankly, the fact that they even considered her in the first place is what concerns me more.
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