A lot of cool stuff in the latest direct:
Splatoon 3 Expansion Pass looks sweet.
Nice to see the return of Mario Vs. Donkey Kong.
That Spy×Anya game paints a completely different picture then what the anime is actually like.
Oh my god, Princess Peach Showtime looks so adorable!
Can’t wait for the Lara Croft collection.
It’s hilarious seeing Trombone Champ added to Switch (since it already looked like a Nintendo exclusive game to begin with), ever since I watched Gura Gawr’s let’s play I’ve been so fascinated by it.
A Nintendo museum? Sounds intriguing.
Hooray, Sora is finally getting his Amiibo! And here I thought they were just gonna leave him out.
F-Zero 99, good lord.
Diddy Kong and Funky Kong finally for Mario Kart, not surprised by Pauline’s inclusion but was not expecting Peachette.
After all these years, we finally get to replay the Thousand-Year Door!