Video Game General 2: Definitive/Remastered Edition


Nitro Cat still livin’
Trust me, it ain’t that bad. Not even that female Latino protag bit doesn’t bother me.
Trust me, it ain’t that bad. Not even that female Latino protag bit doesn’t bother me.


Since Nintendo made Art Academy games based on Pokémon and Disney, they should’ve made one for Zelda.

Icicle Niceicle 1517 

Oh I’ve seen the usual suspects ts crying over the fact you can play as a woman in the next game
Oh I’ve seen the usual suspects ts crying over the fact you can play as a woman in the next game


Time to get spooky
Got to love it when corporations are too rich and lazy to care about plagiarize when it’s their employees doing it.
I never played any of the GTA games, though a female main character does sound neat (assuming they don’t mess it up).
I never played any of the GTA games, though a female main character does sound neat (assuming they don’t mess it up).


Pone of Astronomy
@icicle wicicle 1517
Most people aren’t actually mad about that, they’re worried that the series won’t be as satirical and parodying of western culture as previous games.
Most people aren’t actually mad about that, they’re worried that the series won’t be as satirical and parodying of western culture as previous games.

Lord WyrmSpawN 

Put Out to Pasture
Effectively taking the opposite of the Saint’s Row trajectory and turning into something more like the second Watchdogs.
Effectively taking the opposite of the Saint’s Row trajectory and turning into something more like the second Watchdogs.


Time to get spooky
I don’t think that’s currently possible. The USA has already turn into a parody of itself.
I don’t think that’s currently possible. The USA has already turn into a parody of itself.


Pone of Astronomy
@Lord WyrmSpawN
We’ll see, I mean the old writer and people left, so I could see GTA 6 being, as Wyrmspawn put it, like Watchdogs, with almost no tongue in cheek humor or satire of any kind.
We’ll see, I mean the old writer and people left, so I could see GTA 6 being, as Wyrmspawn put it, like Watchdogs, with almost no tongue in cheek humor or satire of any kind.

Icicle Niceicle 1517 

No I have seen plenty of people online complaining about the inclusion of a female protag
No I have seen plenty of people online complaining about the inclusion of a female protag
I know people have concerns over the second part abd I can understand that, but there have been people acting like one of the playable characters being a woman means the game is automatically bad/“woke” , which is really dumb


Pone of Astronomy
@icicle wicicle 1517
I’m pretty sure you’re seeing really vocal people. One of the best characters in the series was a Latina.
I’m pretty sure you’re seeing really vocal people. One of the best characters in the series was a Latina.


Chippin’ In
As much fun as I’m having with Xenoblade 3, I do have a major grievance with it: the targeting system. In the last games, when you targeted an enemy, you could lock the camera so that it was always focused on the enemy you targeted, but as far as I can tell, there doesn’t seem to be a way to do that with this game. There’s been more than one instance where in the middle of a hectic battle with a bunch of enemies, I’ve just been standing around like a dumbass because I ended up targeting an enemy that I was nowhere near, but didn’t realize it because the camera didn’t automatically swing over to focus on them.

Penguin Dragneel 

The Lady Lightbringer
@icicle wicicle 1517
The worst part about the controversy is that I’m pretty sure the series already had a female protagonist before, during the early PS1 games. So either (once again) none of them remembers the first 2 games, or they’re deliberately spreading misinformation to stir up anger.
The worst part about the controversy is that I’m pretty sure the series already had a female protagonist before, during the early PS1 games. So either (once again) none of them remembers the first 2 games, or they’re deliberately spreading misinformation to stir up anger.


Pone of Astronomy
Catalina? She was hot-headed, intelligent and just memorable.
Catalina? She was hot-headed, intelligent and just memorable.

Is it weird that I didn’t know about the biggest twist in “The Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening” until the Nintendo Switch remake? (specifically about the island being a dream that gets erased from existence after the Wind Fish wakes up although Marin becomes the sole survivor aside from Link and the fish itself should you beat the game without dying even once)


Time to get spooky
Apparently people review bombed Digimon Survive because they were shocked a game they were told was going to be very much like a visual novel was very much like a visual novel.

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