The Sports Thread

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Not a Llama - Happy April Fools Day!
Thread Starter - The Sports Thread - "Did it for Tebow"

I didn’t see any sports threads in here, so I thought I’d start one.  
As always, be nice, but friendly sports banter is fine. It’s about half of the sports experience to make fun of each other, right?
Thread Starter - Pokemon General Thread

why am i into football (gridiron football for all you non-Americans)
As far as I go, I could care less about the players (there are exceptions such as Ben Roethlisberger), I’m not into the Fantasy sports side of things. I like the teams, that’s all I need to be invested.
For football, I have four teams I root for: the Chicago Bears, the Arizona Cardinals, the Pittsburgh Steelers, and whoever’s against the Packers
For any other sport, it’s the Chicago team. Occasionally I’ll care about an Arizona team if they do well. College sports don’t interest me much, except slightly college football.

That’s my background anyways
Lunar Supporter - Helped forge New Lunar Republic's freedom in the face of the Solar Empire's oppressive tyrannical regime (April Fools 2023).
Thread Starter - Splatoon thread

Monado User
Go Arizona.
I hate Seattle.
As a 49er fan my teams are well 49ers,Giants, and the Suns(yes I’m a Suns fan).
But between both teams I like Arizona more.
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