
Even with this quote in mind, how exactly does it prove my original argument was wrong? The US routinely massacres men, women and children just as the Nazis did. Most Americans do nothing about the death and suffering, just as all the “good” Germans remained complacent during the Holocaust. Additional reasons as to why I felt the US is worse than Nazi Germany were because 1) US industry was the one which enabled the rise of the Third Reich prior to 1941 (See Henry Ford and IBM for more context) and 2) even before the US entered its mass shooting phase it had already passed the moral event horizon on many occasions (genocide of Native Americans, lynching, internment of Japanese Americans, atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Vietnam war, etc.). Debate me all you want, but those are the facts of the matter and it would be foolish to try and deny or downplay any of it.
The Nazis industrialized murder.
Like, the US has it’s own track record of human rights violations (mostly abroad, but we’re definitely flirting with the concept domestically as of late), but we still have yet to reach a point where we start making supply lines providing a constant supply of condemned or have entire factories dedicated to death.
I can’t wait to hear about “that time 4chan did good” by finding info on some pedo… 12 years ago, or other feel-good stories, while completely ignoring the constant deluge of hatred, vileness, vitriol, calls to violence, etc. that have a direct connection with real world acts of violence, vandalism, murder, and other real consequences.
While not completely fitting, this vid broaches how good PR lets bad people/groups off the hook.