
In Vino Veritas
A 24yo right wing extremist in Arizona threatened, on video, to hunt and kill LGBT people and to attack a Target store (of all places).
That’s cool and all, yet i see no source there either. So still just hearsay. And sure, people retweeting something for political motives without checking whether its true or even relevant is bad, but that’s not the thing i have addressed.
Why not just prohibit selling semi-automatic handguns and rifles? Then would-be killers wouldn’t have the ability to kill so many innocents.
A 24yo right wing extremist in Arizona threatened, on video, to hunt and kill LGBT people and to attack a Target store (of all places).
@The Smiling Pony
I am not even on 4chan, besides reading a couple message on an odd linked thread once every couple months. What i am doing is questioning a claim that had no source and from the looks of it seems baseless if you can’t even provide any evidence.Besides your quantifying 4chan as one entity. Its like me saying, because of your baseless claim being like “Derpibooru did as Derpibooru does accusing 4chan of something they have no evidence of”.
4chan is not a hivemind!
Who cares about the last part? Ashli Babbitt wasn’t a victim, but an aggressor.
At this point the US has become worse than Nazi Germany. Change my mind.
Jesus said “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” Let’s pray together.
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