Don't blame me, I voted for the other guy. (Politics General)


Time to get spooky
After learning that Axie Infinity losing all it’s money through a code exploit cause it’s market value to increase due to NFT bros refusing to like NFTs die, I’m not so sure. I can easily see a dip causing people to panic and do more harm than good at the thought of losing their investment.


high altitude cloud pone
Deletion reason: Rule #6 - please do not blind link in this thread.


Ahahaha) Freudian slip))
And the Russian pranksters Vovan and Lexus staged a prank over Bush and personally talked to him, and Bush thought all this time that he was talking to Zelensky.
Vovan and Lexus were banned on YouTube without explanation, by the way.

Ahahaha) Freudian slip))
And the Russian pranksters Vovan and Lexus staged a prank over Bush and personally talked to him, and Bush thought all this time that he was talking to Zelensky.
Vovan and Lexus were banned on YouTube without explanation, by the way.
Background Pony #ECD1
I think you should pick up a contract and head over to be another daily +1))
I think you should pick up a contract and head over to be another daily +1))


high altitude cloud pone
Posting the link but this time with context so its not blind
Sorry for the blind link before but in all honesty my jaw was on the floor. For years we where in Iraq over the WMD lie.


George W. Bush called the invasion of Iraq completely unjustified and cruel. But he realized that he had said “something wrong” and corrected himself - “that is, the invasion of Ukraine.”
George W. Bush called the invasion of Iraq completely unjustified and cruel. But he realized that he had said “something wrong” and corrected himself - “that is, the invasion of Ukraine.”
“The result was one man’s decision to launch a completely unjustified and brutal invasion of Iraq… that is, Ukraine.”
By the way, it was he, George W. Bush, who started the invasion of Iraq. And weapons of mass destruction, allegedly developed in Iraq as a pretext for an invasion, were never found there.
And now the question is, where are the sanctions against the United States? I do not see them.
And now the question is, where are the sanctions against the United States? I do not see them.


Bush has joked about Iraq a few times before. One time during a press dinner he took the podium and basically said “We’ll find those WMDs sooner or later amirite?”
And I’m sitting here thinking “Haha, it’s funny because the War on Terror killed thousands of American soldiers, hundreds of thousands of Middle Eastern civilians, buttfucked our economy, created a never ending cycle of feeding the Military Industrial Complex at the expense of our own social safety net programs and domestic investments, was used as a pretext to continuously strip more and more of our privacy and freedoms, and took 20 years and $2 trillion to replace the Taliban with the Taliban!”
Background Pony #ECB2
Deletion reason: Rule #0
Background Pony #E5D9
Better watch these videos if you want to know the truth about the causes of this war. There are even English subtitles, although you won’t need them
Better watch these videos if you want to know the truth about the causes of this war. There are even English subtitles, although you won’t need them


In Vino Veritas
After almost a decade of conservative rule, the liberal Labor Party is set to take at least a minority (or possibly full majority) rule in Australia.
Seems Morrison shit in more than a Mcdonalds this time, as even the soon to be former primer himself admitted that he was a drag on his party’s chances. Morrison is historically unpopular; and as most exit polls show his lax stances on climate action, and penchant for austerity measures helped bring him down.
Background Pony #1F81
The Far-Right are now trying to spread a new conspiracy theory that Bill Gates and Joe Biden are responsible for creating the monkeypox virus and spreading it around.
Nothing ever happens naturally according to these people, it’s always gotta be the work of some super secret Liberal Elite group (that just so happens to include the current punching bags/trending people)


In Vino Veritas
It’s pretty hilarious that Putin is pulling a Hitler in terms of battlefield leadership.
US and British intel suggests that Putin, a man with no military experience and who was a glorified clerk in the KGB, is making high level battlefield decisions on everything from battle lines to troop movements. Supposedly overruling or ignoring advice from officials, and firing commanders and generals who bring him bad news.


The GQP needs to contract their witnesses better. During a hearing on abortion one of their star witnesses claimed that DC burns fetuses to power their electricity.
NGL, that’d make an awesome metal album cover.


Time to get spooky
I know it can be burn, but is it flammable enough to be an effective energy source?
I know it can be burn, but is it flammable enough to be an effective energy source?


Constant Lurker
Not saying fetuses are comparable to garbage, but they should burn about the same. Garbage burning has seen results in places like Sweden, so yeah burning fetuses could provide effective energy. Dustcan’s article even had a bit that an Oregon company stopped burning medical waste for energy over concerns it might be burning fetuses.
Not saying fetuses are comparable to garbage, but they should burn about the same. Garbage burning has seen results in places like Sweden, so yeah burning fetuses could provide effective energy. Dustcan’s article even had a bit that an Oregon company stopped burning medical waste for energy over concerns it might be burning fetuses.
Background Pony #EC7E
I know it can be burn, but is it flammable enough to be an effective energy source?
Not really. In the one very specific example I can think of where this was actually kind of a thing, they made it very clear that most of the energy came from the fuel they were using to burn the corpse.

In retrospect Bush’s legacy is just as terrible as Trump’s. The main difference being that the Bush administration mostly fucked up the Middle East, whereas the Trump administration mostly fucked up its own population. Either way they were wake-up calls to the rest of the world that the US as a nation was truly evil and beyond redemption.
In retrospect Bush’s legacy is just as terrible as Trump’s. The main difference being that the Bush administration mostly fucked up the Middle East, whereas the Trump administration mostly fucked up its own population. Either way they were wake-up calls to the rest of the world that the US as a nation was truly evil and beyond redemption.


Evil? Yes. Beyond redemption? Eh, I’m not quite blackpilled into agreeing with that just yet.
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